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Granny Danger

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This is frankly outrageous when you consider how many people commute each day as well.

But those living in another band of constituencies - including Fife, Dundee, Falkirk, Glasgow and the Borders - can claim hotel expenses for bed, breakfast and an evening meal for each night they have to stay in Edinburgh.

None of these are distances out of the ordinary.

I'm not even sure if Holyrood sits late into the evening after the last train.
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The way certain newspapers report these expense claims annoys me. They'll usually say "SNP MSP . . . " then blithely ignore any similar claims by MSPs from other parties.


This isn't a party political issue - that being said - if some have got the snout in the trough then there needs to be serious words with them by their respective party bosses.


It does the political system no favours at all when a few bad apples put in ridiculous claims.



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While I fully accept women are held to a different standard to men with costs of haircuts, clothing and cosmetics, this sounds excessive from the Provost of Glasgow.
Excessive? It's positively outrageous. I can accept some degree of expense for attire but things like haircuts and nails and items of clothing not on display should be paid for out her own pocket.

Wonder if she will offer to repay any of it?
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1 hour ago, Sunrise said:


While I fully accept women are held to a different standard to men with costs of haircuts, clothing and cosmetics, this sounds excessive from the Provost of Glasgow.

That is shocking in its own right but also hands SNP opponents a stick to beat us with.

I hope action is very quick and very effective.

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27 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
50 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:
That is shocking in its own right but also hands SNP opponents a stick to beat us with.
I hope action is very quick and very effective.

Thought you were a labour man?

I left the Labour Party 24 years ago after being a member for over 20 years and joined the SNP in 2014.

I have sympathy for many of the left-of-centre policies that Corbyn is in favour of and think it is the first time in many years that Labour has had a leader who is not a centrist.

When Scotland becomes independent I will support whatever left-of-centre party that emerges.

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The post 2014 SNP surge seems to have allowed a load of chancers an opportunity to get on the gravy train due to the SNP having to quickly expand their payroll.

Obviously there are a lot of good people like Mairi Black and Alison Thewliss but if things were less rushed the likes of Tasmin Sheik and this woman would probably have been weeded out. 

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Her predecessor didn't claim anything at all. Did she think this wouldn't come out? I agree with the above that a few troughers have jumped on the SNP expansion. They really do need weeded out. The good work of SNP MP'S donating part of their salaries to charities is completely undone by this. 

I hope she gets binned. 

Also why is Boyd Tunnock donating a Rolls Royce to an SNP lord provost? Isn't he a British nationalist?  

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3 hours ago, Sunrise said:


While I fully accept women are held to a different standard to men with costs of haircuts, clothing and cosmetics, this sounds excessive from the Provost of Glasgow.

£152 for underwear. 

What relevance does her underwear have to her public duties ?


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