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Granny Danger

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The Government are using the fingers in the ear going lalalalala technique of investigation.

From the Guardian:

'Committee members said they could not definitively conclude whether the Kremlin had or had not successfully interfered in the Brexit vote because no effort had been made to find out.'

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1 hour ago, MixuFruit said:

Just had a wee look at the twitter feeds of the fleggiest of fleggy anonymous unionist twitter accounts and they're not really going that nuts for the news, oddly.

Russia stuff is more the preserve of lunatic libs like Carole Cadwalladr

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1 hour ago, Ross. said:

Probably why Unionist social media isn't going too OTT on the Scottish referendum stuff.

Stewart Hosie clarified the Indyref stuff (After Torcuil Crighton raised in the Q&A).

Apparently the interference was after the referendum had taken place.

The aim being for Russia to discredit the actual result (and therefore UK Gov) Primarily to its own domestic audience via its various news channels.

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31 minutes ago, Richie said:

Stewart Hosie clarified the Indyref stuff (After Torcuil Crighton raised in the Q&A).

Apparently the interference was after the referendum had taken place.

The aim being for Russia to discredit the actual result (and therefore UK Gov) Primarily to its own domestic audience via its various news channels.

Hosie came through that conference with a lot of credit. Spoke cogently and coherently.  

A future SNP leader at Westminster?

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28 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Hosie came through that conference with a lot of credit. Spoke cogently and coherently.  

A future SNP leader at Westminster?

it was looking that way till the affair/whatever nonsense got in the way. I would dearly love to see Blackford replaced asap

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8 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

@renton haha



Various papers including the Metro are reporting that  "there had been ‘credible open source commentary’ suggesting Russian tried to influence the Scottish independence referendum in 2014" 

"Open source commentary" is material which has been published in the media or academia. Stuff that is as available to you or I as it is to the intelligence services. It's hardly top secret.

Here's some credible open source commentary regarding Putin & Cameron in 2014


12th January 2014
Cameron's plea to Putin: help me stop Salmond

By David Leask  @leaskyHT
Chief Reporter, The Herald

DAVID Cameron's Government wants the backing of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the battle against Scottish independence, the former USSR's leading news agency has reported...


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Revealed: the Foreign Office Devo unit's drive to kill off independence


It is understood the FCO has contacted the governments of China, Russia, the US, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the 28 EU nations about the Scottish referendum in a global search for allies who might oppose independence.


Russian donors have given £3.5 million to the Conservative party

Well-connected Russian oligarchs and companies heavily involved in lobbying for Russian interests have stepped up their funding of the Conservative party in recent months.

Some things to think about.

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39 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Revealed: the Foreign Office Devo unit's drive to kill off independence


It is understood the FCO has contacted the governments of China, Russia, the US, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the 28 EU nations about the Scottish referendum in a global search for allies who might oppose independence.


Russian donors have given £3.5 million to the Conservative party

Well-connected Russian oligarchs and companies heavily involved in lobbying for Russian interests have stepped up their funding of the Conservative party in recent months.

Some things to think about.

This was a link from the ferret story, a bit meaty considering it's from Reuters.


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Hosie was in the Morrison' car park in Arbroath at about half 9 at night about 2 weeks ago looking shady as f**k. Just standing by the trolleys on his own. I nipped in, got my stuff, came back out and he was still standing there.

Not that this has any relevance to anything. Just felt like sharing.

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My understanding, arising partly from personal experience with the
‘Trump-Russia dossier’, is that this government perhaps more than its
predecessors is reluctant to see (or act upon) intelligence on Russian
activities when this presents difficult wider political implications.
Examples of this include reporting on the Kremlin’s likely hold over
president Trump and his family/administration and indications of
Russian interference in and clandestine funding of the Brexit
referendum. In the case of the so-called ‘dossier’, this was initially
handled appropriately by senior British intelligence professionals but, on
reaching top political decision makers, a blanket appeared to be thrown
over it and those who had produced or were associated with it
. No
enquiries were made or actions taken thereafter on the substance of the
intelligence in the dossier by HMG. In this case, political considerations
seemed to outweigh national security interests. If so, in my view, HMG
made a serious mistake in balancing matters of strategic importance to
our country. A prospective trade deal should never be allowed to eclipse
considerations of national security. 

Evidence given to the Intel committee by Christopher Steel of Orbis.


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18 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Hosie was in the Morrison' car park in Arbroath at about half 9 at night about 2 weeks ago looking shady as f**k. Just standing by the trolleys on his own. I nipped in, got my stuff, came back out and he was still standing there.

Not that this has any relevance to anything. Just felt like sharing.

Sturgeon must condemn.

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21 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Hosie was in the Morrison' car park in Arbroath at about half 9 at night about 2 weeks ago looking shady as f**k. Just standing by the trolleys on his own. I nipped in, got my stuff, came back out and he was still standing there.

Not that this has any relevance to anything. Just felt like sharing.

I assume that Police Scotland's "Salmond Squad" are on the case?

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Inheritance got a Charlton Hestonesque 'you'll take it out my cold dead hands' from a surprising few people on here the last time it came up but this report is pretty chilling.

If this happens you are talking about American levels of inequality here that will reshape society. 


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