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Sunday weigh in club.

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I'm 6-3 and weigh a smidgen under 230lbs

I'd like to get down to 210 by June time and well under 200 by the end of summer.

Heavy drinking is my weakness though. I tend to eat pretty healthily but 1-2 nights out a week can double your calorie intake for that day.

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5' 10", 12 1/2 stone. Down 3lbs since the beginning of the month with a target of losing another 11.


If I was a muscular dude, I wouldn't worry too much about the numbers but I'm a weedy looking guy with a gut that's grown alarmingly over the last few years. (Sorry ladies, I'm taken.) Too much alcohol, snacking and sitting around on my duff. Still...new year, new me etc. Just starting a wee bit later.

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It doesn't matter how you are Glenn, Nothing's gonna change my love for you.

Oh Philpy! You had to be 1st.

Glen, here's a tip that's worked for me in the past, when you order your pizza on Saturday night, get them to cut it in to 6 rather than 8, that way after a year you've had over 100 less pieces of pizza.



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At 6"5 you should be a centre half for your club, you freak.

I was going to say I'm hopeless at defending, but on second thought that would hardly preclude me from playing for Killie.

I'm no expert on defending, but pretty sure a six and a half inch tall centre half would have a pretty short life expectancy.

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In January last year I decided to lose weight and get fitter as I was a big balloon tbh. I weighed in at just over 20 stone.

In my 15th months of healthy eating and fairly regular excersise I'm now at 12 stone 12. Might maintain my weight when I get to 12 stone.

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In January last year I decided to lose weight and get fitter as I was a big balloon tbh. I weighed in at just over 20 stone.

In my 15th months of healthy eating and fairly regular excersise I'm now at 12 stone 12. Might maintain my weight when I get to 12 stone.


Before and after pics, or GTFO :)

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I weighed myself last night - I'm bang on 19 stone. I am a fat b*****d but I'm 6'3" and have a "heavy frame" so even at my peak with a six pack etc I was 16.5 stone.


I want to be 17.5 for starters.


Luckily I spent most of this morning spewing up all the food I consumed yesterday after a slip of the toothbrush (insert Ken Williams gif) and am likely well on the way to my target.


I gave up all sport over the years of my 4 kids popping out (no fucking time man) and got myself a desk job which involves 2 hours a day (absolute minimum) in the car and 9.5 hours at a desk with a subsidized canteen of a very dece standard so here we are. Last thing I want to do after getting out of bed at 4:45AM start getting home to run kids around to various clubs etc is go to the gym but looks like it's my only option.

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I thoroughly enjoy a PB weight loss thread. Good luck PB, I believe in you.


I'm 6 foot 2 and about 13 and a half stone (190 pound roughly for PB's benefit). Muscular legs from years of football and cycling, but biceps like knots in a midges cock. Started working on doing upper body stuff in the gym recently (as well as the usual cardio) though, gain some muscle, which will increase my weight.

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6 foot 3 and about 16 and a half stone. I suppose getting down to 15 stone would be good. 


I used to cycle to work every day but changed jobs and now it's not practical.  Weight has been steadily creeping up ever since I stopped cycling.

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I don't actually own a set of scales so I've been going purely on how much of a pie I look in the mirror.

About two months ago I realised that none of my clothes fitted me and it was too much of a riddy going out to buy new ones.

Started going swimming and/or cycling several times a week and keeping an eye on my calorie intake. Nothing too drastic but I can see it starting to shed off already.

The first week or so of giving up the chocolate biscuits was a bit like the cold turkey scene from Trainspotting mind you.

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Dancing loses calories, here is a little tune for you all.  Not too energetic, I'll start off slow and drop a tune every day to build you all up.


Now get off your fat arses and dance.


  Edited by SlipperyP
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