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Sunday weigh in club.

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I lost a pound this week (two the week before). A little disappointing as I'd been hoping to lose more but not totally unexpected as the self-discipline kind of went out the window a wee bit. Still, a few more weeks 'till swimsuit season so I'll keep at it.

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A three pound loss in a week which I think is good start,I hope it continues.

Started the week by cutting out bread and carbs but I only lasted to Thursday when I got terrible cravings for them but I have kept my intake of them low.I'm going to cut out the beer next.

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I'm going to do my first weigh in next Monday as I don't have a set of scales at home so will use the ones at work. Off work til Thurs though and as I've been out a lot this week and two more drinking days ahead, I'll be happy with level weight the first fortnight. No more shenanigans scheduled for the weeks ahead so will hopefully be more focused after this Tues.

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back to work tomorrow , now weigh 13 stone , heaviest ever so diet starts the morra.Determined to lose a stone By July and part of my plan is to give up the bevvy while im at it.Away to rattle some minstrels and a packet of Spicy Wotsits as a last day treat

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I remember on the get fit thread a poster getting in an argument with Billy Dynamite and to win he posted a picture of his naked torso. I think we should all do that for sure.

That was my best achievement on here mrcat1990. Haven't had anything close to a reaction like that in a long time.

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That was my best achievement on here mrcat1990. Haven't had anything close to a reaction like that in a long time.

If you play your cards right I'll send you soft porn pics of myself.

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Went out running up the hills on 2 occasions last week and added a 40km bike ride to that yesterday evening.


Had a Chinese on Friday night after a few beers, a home made curry on Saturday, was at a BBQ yesterday afternoon and had a steak for dinner today.


Will weigh myself at some point in the future and decide if my current haphazard approach to dieting and fitness is helping me lose the desired weight.

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Seems pretty reasonable to me if you're just taking a casual interest in getting healthier/looking better.


Wouldn't bother with scales personally unless you're training in a sport that relies on making a certain weight they can be very misleading and ultimately discouraging.

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Seems pretty reasonable to me if you're just taking a casual interest in getting healthier/looking better.


Wouldn't bother with scales personally unless you're training in a sport that relies on making a certain weight they can be very misleading and ultimately discouraging.


I reckon I need to lose between half a stone and a stone, mostly to take a bit of pressure off my back when out jogging. Only started back at it recently and my back has been getting pretty sore when going up the hills. The only time that happened previously was when I first started running, and it disappeared as my weight came down. I'm content to let that happen gradually again. Essentially my diet will remain about identical, but I will substantially increase my cardio, so it should slowly drop off again.

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Have a look at some videos detailing running form, probably something really straightforward that you need to change and it's good to get an idea of the relationship between body position and physics of what exercise/sport you want to do.  Some light strength training (to begin with) won't do any harm either. Can practise the basics like squat, deadlift, bench press, shoulder press and barbell row.

Edited by Pete Rockwell
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Same weight today as I was 16 days ago, no surprise really as I haven't kept up my initial good intentions. Target for the end of July remains the same but would like to be 16 stone or under for the end of this month.

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