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Those were the days............


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You've literally never beaten me at 5 aside indoor you utter lying wee shite! I still have the fukcer so you can come up for beers and prepare to lose. Again.


Haha I knew you'd respond like that! 'Literally' never beaten you at 5 a side indoors? Nonsense. I frequently won. I think you might have won once when I unfairly had 3 players sent off.

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I mind getting a PS1. It was glorious. Had a big yellow memory card from Electronics Boutique that you had 2 ‘sides’ (you had to press select to swap over ‘sides’). The agony when you ran out of space on memory cards and had to select what to delete was like a crisis. Life changing decisions had to be made.

I once swapped the frankly dreadful game Revolt for Gran Turismo with a lad at school who was nicknamed ‘Retard Ronnie’. Gran Turismo was of course a fantastic game with an immense soundtrack.

Loved the multi tap to enable 3 or 4 player games. Me and some friends used to play Smackdown 2 loads. Shite single player though if you play career mode. I used to make my own PPVs. Still my favourite wrestling game.

Another game we played a lot was Crash Team Racing, a Mario Kart rip off but a very, very good one. Love that game. Absolutely superb. And I was ace at it. Still am I imagine. Crash was the best character to go obviously.

We also played Wu-Tang: Taste The Pain, a beat em up featuring the Wu Tang Clan and their music. It was awesome. But exceptionally difficult.

Quake 2 was our FPS of choice. Great single player but the multiplayer was exceptional. So much fun, so fast, loads of secrets (there’s a level where you jump in to some toxic sludge to get the rail gun, although you lose health as you do), great power ups and great weapons. It’s so good that I would compare it to Halo multiplayer.

We also played Command and Conquer: Red Alert using a link cable so we could play against each other. As there were usually 3 of us one had to sit out each game so usually ended up going to each room and telling the two playing where the enemy was and what they were up to. Getting a nuke on your carefully gathered forces was heartbreaking.

Tony Hawk’s 2 has to be one of my favourite games ever. Still never managed to get all the achievements, although I did unlock all the levels. Best soundtrack to a game ever. I could (and did) play this for hours. And hours.

Spent hours on Metal Gear Solid. So much fun. Such a good game. So many class moments like having to spot who the bird was by looking who’s arse was moving around, having to unplug the controller when fighting that Mantis dude, the reveal that Miller was Liquid, the classic cries when Snake died (Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAKKKKEEEEE!!!!!) etc.

FIFA 98: RTWC is still my favourite FIFA game, mainly due to the indoor 5 a side mode. Was it L1 or R1 that was the hack button? The horror when you accidentally pressed it when the opposition keeper had the ball was awful, as you knew a red card was coming. I remember that you could dive (L1, R1 and R2 at the same time) but you almost always got booked for it. I used to thrash my former flatmate at indoor mode, despite what he’ll claim when he reads this, the big fanny. Another time me and a different friend decided to play a 90 minute game. We gave up at half time with the score something like 54-49.

Hogs of War was another favourite. Absolutely brilliant Worms rip off, but probably better than any Worms game ever released. The later levels in campaign mode were absolutely solid. I think it took me about 5 go’s to complete the final level.

Resident Evil 2 is still the best Resident Evil game I’ve played. So, so good. The first was awesome as well, but the second is far better. Loved getting the upgrades for the guns and shooting some face.

Before my one of my Standard Grade exams me and a friend played Time Crisis (we had the guns) to prepare, i.e. weren’t studying and played games instead. Great fun.

Used to rock GTA2 on the PS1. Some of the missions, especially when you had to break out of prison, were incredibly difficult (mainly because the shooting, and avoiding being shot, were mental).

Notable shouts to Die Hard Trilogy (although only the one where you ran around and shot folk whilst having to find a diffuse a bomb on each level was any good), Dino Crisis, Destruction Derby, ISS Pro Evolution, Adidas Power Soccer (speed burst! SPEED BURST!), TOCA Touring Cars, Spider Man, Colin McRae Rally, Tomb Raider, Little Big Adventure, Cool Boarders 2, WCW Backstage Assault, Rainbow 6, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Are you an alias of me? I agree with pretty much all of these.

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Haha I knew you'd respond like that! 'Literally' never beaten you at 5 a side indoors? Nonsense. I frequently won. I think you might have won once when I unfairly had 3 players sent off.

Unfairly? "oh i pressed hack by mistake. Piss of flangenuts, you were Moffating in front of goal constantly and soundly beaten. I'll acknowledge your slightly superior TH2 skills if you admit defeat in public.

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Unfairly? "oh i pressed hack by mistake. Piss of flangenuts, you were Moffating in front of goal constantly and soundly beaten. I'll acknowledge your slightly superior TH2 skills if you admit defeat in public.


'of'? Poor from you. You should acknowledge my superior skills at all games. I will admit in public that you once beat me, and won't even mention the unfair circumstances (because we both know the truth).

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I blame IT problems for my poor spelling, which is still bettet than your 5 aside efforts. Once? Snort :lol::lol: :lol: my ability at 98 is a wet dream to you son.


Pipe doon p***k. 'IT issues' is a poor excuse for being a cretin.


And yes, once. I admit you are pretty decent at the game, but not on my level.

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And now we come to PC gaming.



I recall buying Championship Manager 2 for £10 from Our Price in Dunfermline (in the Kingsgate; it’s some clothes shop now). Glorious game. For some reason David Bingham could always be sold for £3m and Ivo Den Bieman for at least £1m. Loved taking the Pars from the 1st Division to Champions League glory. The Ukrainian Viktor Leonenko was always my first signing as he was fucking immense. Also I discovered that you could edit the text files so that what flashed up during games could be customised. Instead of something like “But he skies it!” I changed it to “Whaaaeeey! What a dick!”. Very juvenile stuff. Very enjoyable stuff.



Command and Conquer, the original, was one of the first games I recall playing. Such an immense game. Great soundtrack too. GDF were decent but NOD had the better units and buildings (Hand of NOD!). Kane was a big baldy p***k though. The commando missions were solid and took ages to complete. It was getting out of the blast when you put a bomb on a SAM site that fucked your health.


Dune 2 was the game that inspired C&C and all those that came after it. A lovely game, but very difficult. You couldn’t select multiple troops at once!


One of my favourite ever games is Heroes of Might and Magic 2. Just brilliant. I mind having a demo of it then realising I had to have the full version. So much fun. Wizard or Knight were the ones to go, although Necromincer (our juvenile name for the Necromancer) was good for being able to resurrect some of your fallen foes and recruit them as skeletons in your army. Loved the big maps. Always take experience over gold when you find a chest. The campaign was pretty solid and I could never complete it without cheating. Building your own map was pretty fun as well. Love the attack noises the creatures make. Hated when a wee pussy attacked you with a shit army, cast Armageddon, then fled, resulting in your army being massacred for very little cost to the enemy. Shitebag behaviour from the computer. HOMAM 3 is also brilliant.


Little Big Adventure 2 is another of my all time favourite games. So, so good. Everything about it is so much fun. This again was a demo I had which I soon after knew I had to get the full version of. Think I spent £30 on it (and this was when it came in a box with the disc and manual inside). It’s a huge game with a great, open world you get to run around in. Loved it and still play it every so often. It was way ahead of it’s time as well. Think it was 1996 or so it came out. The aggressive walk was always amusing and the noise the ball made when Twinsen threw it is fantastic.


Duke Nukem 3D has to get a mention, because it’s fucking ace. The humour, the weapons (RPG, destroyer, the trusty shotgun), Duke; all immense. The videos that you got after beating the 3 stage bosses were brilliant (Duke coming through on his promise to shit down the boss’ neck!). “Your face your ass; what’s the difference?!” “Nobody steals our chicks…AND LIVES!”. So many great lines. Such a shame that they’ve never made another good Duke game.


The first 2 Monkey Island games remain two of the best games ever made. “How appropriate; you fight like a cow!”. You can actually buy ‘I Beat The Swordmaster and all I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt’ t-shirts now. Also, “Tell me about LOOM.” Just outstanding.


Keeping in the same vein, Day of The Tentacle and Sam and Max were also glorious puzzle games. There was a bit in Sam and Max I was stuck on for about a year. Raging.


Theme Park and Theme Hospital were cracking games. Hated in Theme Hospital when your hospital got overcrowded and folk were spewing everywhere but you couldn’t employ enough janitors to clean it.


Sank loads of time in to Age of Empires 2. Have the expansion pack, The Conquerors, as well. Great games. The Joan of Arc missions were fun, but I liked the Vikings ones the best (especially the one where you start in Scandanavia and have to get to the ‘New World’ but can’t cross parts of the ocean because it melts your ships).


Doom was a revelation. Just awesome. Fast, scary and fucking incredible. Great visuals and sounds. And the weapons were ace as well.




Honourable shouts to Hexen 2, KKND, Tracksuit Manager 2, Raptor, Rise of The Triad, Duke Nukem 2, Magic Carpet, PGA 96, Hover, X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, GTA, Quake, Carmageddon, Zedd, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Outlaws, Prince of Persia, Total Annihilation, Worms, Lemmings and fucking loads more I’ve missed out.


Have to mention the demo discs you used to get. I recall having a load of them at one point (and I can’t even remember where I got them, as I didn’t buy the magazines). Found loads of great games from them and used to sink loads of time in to the individual missions they had (such as in KKND Krossfire).

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20 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

Total Annihilation is a great shout.

Loved the first one. Kingdoms wasn't as good.

Agreed, fantastically addictive game. Had it for about 5 years playing skirmish missions before realising there was a second disk with campaign mode ha.

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On ‎11‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 21:08, Stouffer said:

Anyone else ever play the arcade game The Lost Castle of Darkmist?


Loved it back in the day.

Looks like a rip off of Gauntlet

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  • 4 years later...
On 06/05/2016 at 22:53, mizfit said:

Putting in GTA3 and thinking there was no way graphics could improve further.

I have memories of doing this with a few games. there are some you look at now and they are unplayable despite you thinking they were the balls back in the day.

Even the Monkey Island remakes cos you could switch back to the old style I mind thinking "how did I ever play this?"

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