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The Conservative and Unionist Party.


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Ant and Haiku went to the same spelling bee.and both agree that Hackney is a tawdry turn of phrase rather than a London borough.

Same question. Is this forum where those who couldn't cut it on The Big Thread absconded to?

The grammar and spelling police are the scourge of the internet. Equal to traffic wardens and PPI cold callers.

There's a rogue full-stop in your post, by the way. People in glass houses etc...

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The grammar and spelling police are the scourge of the internet. Equal to traffic wardens and PPI cold callers.

There's a rogue full-stop in your post, by the way. People in glass houses etc...

So have you anything to say to back up your wee Hibee pal re. racism and Rangers or will you just hang him out to dry?

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Ant and Haiku went to the same spelling bee.and both agree that Hackney is a tawdry turn of phrase rather than a London borough.

Same question. Is this forum where those who couldn't cut it on The Big Thread absconded to?

There are no spelling mistakes in either post quoted in your own mangled one.

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So have you anything to say to back up your wee Hibee pal re. racism and Rangers or will you just hang him out to dry?


I don't choose my pals, my political leanings, my religious outlook or my position on the monarchy by the team I support.

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There are no spelling mistakes in either post quoted in your own mangled one.

Delighted you made that post, Anty.  Took you a while.  Now talk me through, either, "Regionalists are de facto Tories" or, "Rangers and racism".


I don't mind which tawdry old phrase you care to start with.  Seems like you and the wee Hibee are joined at the hip.

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So have you anything to say to back up your wee Hibee pal re. racism and Rangers or will you just hang him out to dry?


Fine. You had prominent Conservative politicians in Scotland clearly playing the bigot card to boost their vote - Murdo Fraser and Adam Tomkins in particular. You can say that is all in good fun. Fine, let's say that it was a bit of banter and not a calculated move to shore up an element of the Rangers support that like nothing more than singing the sash. Perhaps it is a bit of banter much like your name. I mean, who doesn't like a good laugh about intercommunal violence in Northern Ireland?


Except David Cameron himself argued that Rangers should be allowed to sing about being up to their knees in Catholic blood. A statement that coincided with a Zac Goldsmith campaign that was pretty openly racist or at least islamophobic, from a party that gets virtually no Black and Minority Ethnic votes in England.


Even in this forum the vast majority of Tories on here are Rangers fans, except the 'Chlamydia Kid' who supports 'Airdrie' and I'mRoger who lies about his football club. Why does he do that exactly?


Maybe I have you down wrongly, I don't care. The idea that Tories do not take advantage of working-class racism is clearly wrong. Now, you could say that their attempts to pander to Rangers fans never worked, was just a jest, or nothing worse than Labour handing out leaflets at Celtic Park. But, who the f**k cares? They got their 22% of the vote they wanted.

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Fine. You had prominent Conservative politicians in Scotland clearly playing the bigot card to boost their vote - Murdo Fraser and Adam Tomkins in particular. You can say that is all in good fun. Fine, let's say that it was a bit of banter and not a calculated move to shore up an element of the Rangers support that like nothing more than singing the sash. Perhaps it is a bit of banter much like your name. I mean, who doesn't like a good laugh about intercommunal violence in Northern Ireland?

Except David Cameron himself argued that Rangers should be allowed to sing about being up to their knees in Catholic blood. A statement that coincided with a Zac Goldsmith campaign that was pretty openly racist or at least islamophobic, from a party that gets virtually no Black and Minority Ethnic votes in England.

Even in this forum, the vast majority of Tories on here are Rangers fans, except the 'Chlamydia Kid' who supports 'Airdrie' and I'mRoger who lies about his football club. Why does he do that exactly?

Maybe I have you down wrongly, I don't care. The idea that Tories do not take advantage of working-class racism is clearly wrong. Now, you could say that their attempts to pander to Rangers fans never worked, was just a jest, or nothing worse than Labour handing out leaflets at Celtic Park. But, meh, who the f**k cares? They got their 22% of the vote they wanted.

I said this earlier on but deleted it as I couldn't be arsed arguing but that is spot on. It's just a shame UKIP never ran in a lot of places to split the Tory vote between snoots and Rool bruttanya types.

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Well thanks for taking an hour to respond.  I got it wrong.  This isn't a thread for refugees from The Big Thread.  It's a thread for those whose idiocy would've been laughed out of court.


So, Haiku, anything to say to back up your 'racist' claim about me or shall I simply sign you off as another idiot?

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Well thanks for taking an hour to respond. I got it wrong. This isn't a thread for refugees from The Big Thread. It's a thread for those whose idiocy would've been laughed out of court.

So, Haiku, anything to say to back up your 'racist' claim about me or shall I simply sign you off as another idiot?

Feel free to go and leave us idiots to it.

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What is?

Tories playing the bigot Rool Bruttanya card to get guys like forever blue voting for them. There'll be wee schemey neds voting Tory because they've sold themselves as the Yoonyunist party.

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Well thanks for taking an hour to respond.  I got it wrong.  This isn't a thread for refugees from The Big Thread.  It's a thread for those whose idiocy would've been laughed out of court.


So, Haiku, anything to say to back up your 'racist' claim about me or shall I simply sign you off as another idiot?


I never called you racist. In fact, I said Rangers and racists, which would imply they are not the same. I called you a bigot. As I said, maybe that's wrong - I don't care.

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I never called you racist. In fact, I said Rangers and racists, which would imply they are not the same. I called you a bigot.

Oh how happy I am!!  We all know that when folk say "Rangers and Racists" they mean "Rangers NOT Racists".  This is a characteristic of English.


Now talk me through how I'm a bigot, chappy.

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I wonder if Ruth will put herself forward as the 'unionist alternative' in the formal vote for first minster, like what she done when Nicola Sturgeon was seeked a formal vote from her colleagues in 2014.


If that is to be the case, no doubt the Labour & Lib Dems MSPs willl abstain - I can't imagine that a choice between Ruth & Nicola Sturgeon would be exciting for them to ponder over..

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Oh how happy I am!!  Now talk me through this yin, chappy.


As I said, you call yourself 'Mr Orange' and have a Britannia avatar. You say it's all just banter. But to the vast majority of people that would be tired bigoted banter.

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As I said, you call yourself 'Mr Orange' and have a Britannia avatar. You say it's all just banter. But to the vast majority of people that would be tired bigoted banter.

So having a cute 'Britannia' avatar and quoting a diddy's ignorance makes me a bigot?  Is this how hard you've tried? 


Pretty pathetic stuff, chap.

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Imagine voting tory, what they did to Scotland. How servile

I can understand the snobs. All the working class types though, brutal. Not a single f**k given by the Elitists in London for them but what do they care.

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