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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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I don't understand the mentality of those who say they intend to boycott games, withdraw support etc. while Goodwillie is on our books. Attending games with him in the team is not an act of condonation - either of his crime or that of the board's decision to sign him. We support Clyde FC , not Goodwillie. Clyde is so much more than individuals - whether that be playing staff or the blazer clad brigade. 
As for the point about professional footballers being role models for our young people - I agree, to an extent they are. However, as human beings they are also prone to a wild array of behaviour from the admirable to disgusting and in this case - criminal. That said, I don't believe that by signing him we are in any way sending a message that his crimes are not particularly serious. I think the resounding message here is one of forgiveness and rehabilitation in light of a very serious crime having been committed. Hopefully our young people will learn that even the most talented and privileged in our society are often far from the image of perfection they would like to perpetuate. They may also see that even when such individuals conduct themselves in the most abhorrent manner, a civilised society such as this would seek to build something positive out of the disaster created.
Having said all that, I am for a multitude of reasons, actually opposed to the signing of Goodwillie. However, I am not prepared to allow one individual to fast track our relegation and, ultimately, destroy our club.

Good post. I agree with almost everything in your post. Where i do disagree with you and the board is with the rehabilitation part.

I think to be rehabilitated you must first accept guilt and what you have done as being wrong. He hasn't.

I'll also be attending the matches as I support Clyde; not the board, the stadium, Cumbernauld or individual players (some of which I detest)
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7 minutes ago, haufdaft said:

A race to the bottom by seeking to cut corporation tax, council tax freeze with all its effects on working class communities.

Social democratic, Blairite Probably.
Socialist? No.

Two things. One: the Corporation Tax policy was ditched in 2015, invoking "morals", apropos of socialist thought. Two: how central control of otherwise local decision making can really be said to weigh against the socialist mentality of a party, I don't know.

I don't call the SNP socialist in my own time; I call them left-wing and, as you say, Blairite. The idea that Blairism has any right-wing thought entailed in it is the fundamental error. It means big government; totally antithetical to genuine libertarian and conservative ideas.

That you were able to point out two things - both now expired policies - amidst a raft of things which were manifestly in the style of socialism, shows the weakness of your position, surely?

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How the f**k did this car crash of a thread go from how fuckin shite it is to support Clyde to left or right wing politics??? :lol: 

It's ridiculous, because ONE GUY has chosen to do what he has.

Fwiw looking in from the outside it doesn't feel like Goodwillie has paid for his crime at all. Back in football within 2 month. Surely people can see why some people are annoyed at Clyde and doing what Mason has?

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17 minutes ago, ScottR96 said:

That's all well and good, but can they put backspin on a ball?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this a call-back to a comment I once made about J.C. Hutchison and his - startling for a goalie in the senior leagues - inability to kick a ball over a distance with consistent accuracy? Drive-pass over medium distances and so on.

If it is, I'd just like to point out, for reasons of bitter personal vindication, that he's another player I was right about from the off; he had a lobby of apologists on here who, though they won't admit it, are now glad he's gone.

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That you were able to point out two things - both now expired policies - amidst a raft of things which were manifestly in the style of socialism, shows the weakness of your position, surely?

Two policies that the party had under self proclaimed "socialists" Salmond and Sturgeon.

If you work in the local government you will see the damage done to education and especially social work because of the council tax freeze. It's the working class and the poor that are most effected. We are all still living with consequences.

I'll let you have the last word as I'm conscious this is a football thread and I've unfortunately found myself sucked in by EPs nutter post.
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How the f**k did this car crash of a thread go from how fuckin shite it is to support Clyde to left or right wing politics??? [emoji38] 
Back to Clyde again... we really are fucked eh?! :unsure2:

Saves us talking about Clyde [emoji106]
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17 hours ago, Fat Sally said:

Can we ask him to boycott the independence movement as well?

Total embarrassment of a man.

A cynical attempt to improve his reputation after being criticised for making light of rape previously.

Just read the article on him describing them as freedom fighters.

Well, well it is always an eye-opener to see who sits amongst you @ the football. At least he hasn't brought that type of comment into the ground as far as I know.

I really do think I will go on Saturday if for no reason than for Clyde not to miss his £13. Contemptible human being.

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Just read the article on him describing them as freedom fighters.
Well, well it is always an eye-opener to see who sits amongst you @ the football. At least he hasn't brought that type of comment into the ground as far as I know.
I really do think I will go on Saturday if for no reason than for Clyde not to miss his £13. Contemptible human being.

Please keep this pish for the Follow Follow forum [emoji1360]
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We're all loving the distraction from football that politics is providing on this thread.

I didn't know that Mason had alluded to "Freedom Fighters" being in the IRA's ranks. Another mob the Blair government surrendered to, by the way.

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1 hour ago, Sao Paulo said:

We're all loving the distraction from football that politics is providing on this thread.

I didn't know that Mason had alluded to "Freedom Fighters" being in the IRA's ranks. Another mob the Blair government surrendered to, by the way.

Are we?

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Fwiw looking in from the outside it doesn't feel like Goodwillie has paid for his crime at all.

I'm pretty sure HIS stance is that a crime wasn't committed.

Regardless, he has gone from playing full time in England with Plymouth to a last roll of the dice shot from a lowland league bound shower of shit.

I'm pretty sure as he looks round the pitch at Phil johnston, scott McLaughlin, etc he will realise how far he has fallen.
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I didn't bring it up, I responded to an earlier post.


And you don't need to be a Rangers fan to be appalled by that type of view.


Thanks for the advice though. I do agree politics and football don't mix well, our city nieghbours have proven that many times.


I'm more appalled at the amount of countries that Britain has invaded over the years.[emoji1360]


Away from that I'm even more appalled at the state that our club is now in.


Anyone that was at Cowdenbeath on Saturday (apart from the board) must see that we are gambling on our very existence by continuing with two rookie managers.


If we don't get an experienced manager in now then I feel we are doomed to the Lowland league.



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