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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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Get it right fucking up yous 8)
Not a clue about what the act was about, how innefective it was or the abhorrent way police abused its powers and harrased people ruining lives. 
Just keep swallowing the bullshit, SNP fed propoganda from them and utter weapons like Wings Over Scotland about it being an anti sectarian law that tackled bigotry, facts are is wasnt and it didnt.
Sectarianism is a historic societal problem in Scotland that wasnt going to be solved or even helped by this brutal legislation. 
Fact is, and it is FACT, the Scottish government railroaded this horrendous bill through in 2011 on the back of the bullets and bombs being sent to Neil Lennon to make it LOOK to the non football attending public they were tough on 'Scotlands Shame', and many of your type, those who hate Celtic and Rangers supported it purely as it was seen as one in the eye for the Old Firm.
Thankfully it has been voted out and will shortly be consigned to the history books. 
Oh and p.s, if I havent already mentioned it.
Get it fucking round you :whistle

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The easiest way to stop sectarian singing at football is for the clubs to be hammered financially by The SFA. First offence, next game behind closed doors. Second offence- 2 games etc. Unfortunately this is Scotland, so we can’t upset the bigot brothers- tiny minority, clubs doing all they can etc. Pathetic indictment on 21st century Scottish football.

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5 minutes ago, CambieBud said:

The easiest way to stop sectarian singing at football is for the clubs to be hammered financially by The SFA. First offence, next game behind closed doors. Second offence- 2 games etc. Unfortunately this is Scotland, so we can’t upset the bigot brothers- tiny minority, clubs doing all they can etc. Pathetic indictment on 21st century Scottish football.

Yup.  If there was the will from the authorities they could deal with it no problem.  But the old firm feed on bigotry and the authorities would never do anything to upset them.  That's what made obfa necessary.

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Poor show from Labour all this. Smacks of them trying to appease old firm fans and try to act like they are doing this on behalf of the poor discriminated bigots. How dare the nasty Nats criminalise football fans for criminal behaviour at a football game, shocking.

This is cynical by Scottish Labour, a party who are supposedly anti-prejudice and anti-bigotry. No surprise that the biggest cheerleaders for this appears to be the Celtic fans who seem to believe singing about the IRA is perfectly acceptable, but singing anti-Catholic shite isn't. The ones who don't seem to get that both are wrong and shouldn't have a place in our game.

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Just now, Jmothecat2 said:

Poor show from Labour all this. Smacks of them trying to appease old firm fans and try to act like they are doing this on behalf of the poor discriminated bigots. How dare the nasty Nats criminalise football fans for criminal behaviour at a football game, shocking.

This is cynical by Scottish Labour, a party who are supposedly anti-prejudice and anti-bigotry. No surprise that the biggest cheerleaders for this appears to be the Celtic fans who seem to believe singing about the IRA is perfectly acceptable, but singing anti-Catholic shite isn't. The ones who don't seem to get that both are wrong and shouldn't have a place in our game.

Yeah it's almost as if labour are a shower of utter cretins who don't give a fk about Scotland.  Who knew.

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19 minutes ago, CambieBud said:

The easiest way to stop sectarian singing at football is for the clubs to be hammered financially by The SFA. First offence, next game behind closed doors. Second offence- 2 games etc. Unfortunately this is Scotland, so we can’t upset the bigot brothers- tiny minority, clubs doing all they can etc. Pathetic indictment on 21st century Scottish football.

As has been said, a fine won't hurt them. (Well, not Celtic.) Warning for the first offence, five point deduction for the second. 

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Get it right fucking up yous 8)
Not a clue about what the act was about, how innefective it was or the abhorrent way police abused its powers and harrased people ruining lives. 
Just keep swallowing the bullshit, SNP fed propoganda from them and utter weapons like Wings Over Scotland about it being an anti sectarian law that tackled bigotry, facts are is wasnt and it didnt.
Sectarianism is a historic societal problem in Scotland that wasnt going to be solved or even helped by this brutal legislation. 
Fact is, and it is FACT, the Scottish government railroaded this horrendous bill through in 2011 on the back of the bullets and bombs being sent to Neil Lennon to make it LOOK to the non football attending public they were tough on 'Scotlands Shame', and many of your type, those who hate Celtic and Rangers supported it purely as it was seen as one in the eye for the Old Firm.
Thankfully it has been voted out and will shortly be consigned to the history books. 
Oh and p.s, if I havent already mentioned it.
Get it fucking round you :whistle

What an absolute fanny you are. So delighted to sing your songs about terrorists. No wonder you’re such a laughing stock on this site.
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1 hour ago, Flybhoy said:



Get it right fucking up yous 8)

Not a clue about what the act was about, how innefective it was or the abhorrent way police abused its powers and harrased people ruining lives. 

Just keep swallowing the bullshit, SNP fed propoganda from them and utter weapons like Wings Over Scotland about it being an anti sectarian law that tackled bigotry, facts are is wasnt and it didnt.

Sectarianism is a historic societal problem in Scotland that wasnt going to be solved or even helped by this brutal legislation. 

Fact is, and it is FACT, the Scottish government railroaded this horrendous bill through in 2011 on the back of the bullets and bombs being sent to Neil Lennon to make it LOOK to the non football attending public they were tough on 'Scotlands Shame', and many of your type, those who hate Celtic and Rangers supported it purely as it was seen as one in the eye for the Old Firm.

Thankfully it has been voted out and will shortly be consigned to the history books. 


Oh and p.s, if I havent already mentioned it.

Get it fucking round you :whistle

The short version of this is that Celtic fans want to sing IRA songs without being lifted.

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I don't have particularly strong feelings either way regards OBFA, but I would prefer if its parliamentary opponents donated half as much time to detailing a serious plan for tackling sectarianism and bigotry in Scotland as they do grandstanding on the airwaves and social media about opposing the Act. 

Well said.

I don't know enough about the act to be completely in support of it but so far I've heard a lot of bluster and absolutely no detail from its opponents.

If flybhoy could compose himself for a minute it would be lovely to hear some legitimate arguments.
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Poor show from Labour all this. Smacks of them trying to appease old firm fans and try to act like they are doing this on behalf of the poor discriminated bigots. How dare the nasty Nats criminalise football fans for criminal behaviour at a football game, shocking.

This is cynical by Scottish Labour, a party who are supposedly anti-prejudice and anti-bigotry. No surprise that the biggest cheerleaders for this appears to be the Celtic fans who seem to believe singing about the IRA is perfectly acceptable, but singing anti-Catholic shite isn't. The ones who don't seem to get that both are wrong and shouldn't have a place in our game.

I think the act could’ve been appeased.

At the end of the day they were damned if they did, and damned if they didn’t I think.

Had they continued to ignore it questions would’ve been asked.

If Rangers and Celtic were serious about being anti sectarian then they would’ve banned the GB & Union Bears. Not let them wave political banners and sing so loud that BT & Sky had to fucking apologise on numerous occasions.
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44 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Well said.

I don't know enough about the act to be completely in support of it but so far I've heard a lot of bluster and absolutely no detail from its opponents.

If flybhoy could compose himself for a minute it would be lovely to hear some legitimate arguments.

1. The very principle of something being an offence only in one particular setting for a short period of time is wrong purely by definition.

2. The common misconception that this is anti sectarian law, tough on bigotry etc is just that. There are no set parameters in this bill to describe or encapsulate what is, by definition a sectarian offence or song.

Random example, people hear 'Boys of the Old Brigade' for example and are outraged when it is neither, sectarian (makes no mention of religion, race or culture or creed) or offensive, its about the easter rising of 1916 in Dublin, an event, recognised and commemerated by the UK & Scottish governments on its recent anniversary yet, Police Scotland et al would have people lifted for singing it, the IRA mentioned in that song is the IRA of James Connolly, Padraig Pearse and co of the Easter rising, not the Provisional IRA that wreacked havoc in the 70's &80's. By the same token The Sash is neither a sectarian or offensive song yet, the Scottish Government & Police Scotland were slaughtered by lawyers and judges for trying to arrest & prosecute people for singing these.

3. The term, offensive was being pursued on the basis of people, detached from said incidents deciding what is or isnt offensive i.e Police with an agenda looking to arrest and harrass young football fans using the unprecedented powers this law enabled them. Example being, if I called you a w****r you would certainly be offended but should I be arrested for it? With the best will in the world and an objective head on for a second of course I shouldnt. As a catholic I SHOULD be offended by Rangers fans singing The Billy Boys but honestly couldnt give a toss, i've never been offended or hurt by a song in my life and have no desire to see people arrested for it. They look like inbred neandarthal morons doing so, that suffices for me, a point and laugh freak show, let the clowns sing what they want.

4. Judges, lawyers, human rights groups, football clubs, administrators, fans groups and all opposition parties have called for its repeal. Only the SNP, and those they have hoodwinked have continued to argue for it. Legal EXPERTS, and i've highlighted the word experts have slammed it as 'rubbish' , 'mince' and not fit for purpose. All the while in retort you have muppets like Annabel Ewing spouting utter garbage and downright lies such as 'women are afraid to enter Glasgow when a big game is on' in rather desperate attempts to garner last minute support.

5. There is, and always has been adequate legislation to cover hate crime both around football, online as well as in general. Numerous examples including a Rangers fan prosecuted for singing the famine song at Rugby Park in 2009, one of many many examples. 

6. Police Scotland have completely abused the powers this law has given, filming, harrasing people, arresting them on a whim and creating serious and dangerous tensions between them and fans at clubs all over Scotland, as many Motherwell and Hamilton fans have been arrested the last 18 months under this law than Celtic/Rangers. Their favourite tactic is a 7.00am dawn raid on a Friday to arrest someone with the sole intention of locking them up for a weekend out of pure spite for an alleged 'offence' filmed weeks previously. Less than 5% conviction rate yet people are banged up, named in the press and online, often jeopardizing jobs, university places etc. All for singing a song at a football match, the vast majority of the charges are subsequently thrown out of court on the monday, leading to widespread criticism of both the bill and the behaviour of the police in many instances by judges, lawyers and fiscals.

7. It was nothing more than an attention seeking attempt to gain popularity by the SNP at a time of high publicity surrounding Neil Lennon, the shame game, bombs and bullets in the post etc. We're tough on sectarianism and its causes, fact is they arent, no attempt at tackling the root causes merely a clumsy, morally wrong attempt at criminalising people for singing songs that, may be irrelevant at football yes but hardly a criminal offence. There are many views and songs that some find offensive and some dont, some mainstream, some less so. The SNP were attempting to bracket certain elements of offensiveness for kudos with the general public and subsequent votes.

8. It has achieved nothing they claim it was going too, has been slaughtered by people better qualified than you, me and even the politicians debating it. And, at the end of it all there WAS & IS legislation in place to cover extreme examples of the behaviour they seeked to highlight. A crime is no more or less a crime whether it be commited at a football match, in a pub, in the workplace or in fucking Tescos.

Edited by Flybhoy
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1 hour ago, Jmothecat2 said:

Poor show from Labour all this. Smacks of them trying to appease old firm fans and try to act like they are doing this on behalf of the poor discriminated bigots. How dare the nasty Nats criminalise football fans for criminal behaviour at a football game, shocking.

This is cynical by Scottish Labour, a party who are supposedly anti-prejudice and anti-bigotry. No surprise that the biggest cheerleaders for this appears to be the Celtic fans who seem to believe singing about the IRA is perfectly acceptable, but singing anti-Catholic shite isn't. The ones who don't seem to get that both are wrong and shouldn't have a place in our game.

Reminds me of Jim Murphy desperately offering alcohol sales at football grounds in the hope of the yob vote.

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