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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Why didn't the SNP amend it when they had a majority?

I don’t know i’m not in the parliamentary party. Maybe they saw what the motive behind Labours complaint was and didnt think anyone was stupid enough to take it seriously.

Turned out to be a mistake. The SNP should be more proactive in general and has been playing it safe for too long.

Edited by Rodhull
Jumped the gun
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Why are SNP supporters defending this shite and ill considered piece of legislation? I'm a paid member btw.

Because it can never ever be considered that the SNP might have put a foot wrong. Absolutely outrageous to even imply it's a worthless piece of ill considered knee jerk legislation. See the "Dangerous Dogs Act" for similar pointless "something must be done" claptrap.
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Why didn't the SNP amend it when they had a majority?

Because the act was being implemented smoothly until the unionist block in Holyrood decided they could club together again to get an SNPbad out of it. Simple as that. They don't give a shit about the act, it's the outcome smearing the SNP as being against the "working man, football fan" that is everything. The good thing is that the greens showed their true colours and have basically lost a lot of second SNP votes in future, and consigned themselves to oblivion
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2 minutes ago, bob the tank said:


Because the act was being implemented smoothly until the unionist block in Holyrood decided they could club together again to get an SNPbad out of it.

Stopped right here. That's just rank fucking arrogance and if that's the level that you're going to then there's really no point bothering.

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5 minutes ago, bob the tank said:


Because the act was being implemented smoothly until the unionist block in Holyrood decided they could club together again to get an SNPbad out of it. Simple as that. They don't give a shit about the act, it's the outcome smearing the SNP as being against the "working man, football fan" that is everything. The good thing is that the greens showed their true colours and have basically lost a lot of second SNP votes in future, and consigned themselves to oblivion


Do you honestly think it was a good and effective piece of legislation that could not have been improved?

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15 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

The man who uses perceived childhood slights to doubt the procurator fiscal ability to interpret the law as an adult.

Oh Fuzzy.

Edited by welshbairn
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Do you honestly think it was a good and effective piece of legislation that could not have been improved?

Every piece of legislation can be tweaked or augmented if it's found to be wanting, but just a vote to repeal it with no sensible suggestions or meaningful input from the rainbow Tory party, just smacks of anti SNP pettyness as usual.
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24 minutes ago, bob the tank said:

Every piece of legislation can be tweaked or augmented if it's found to be wanting, but just a vote to repeal it with no sensible suggestions or meaningful input from the rainbow Tory party, just smacks of anti SNP pettyness as usual.

Again, the SNP did f**k all to sort it when they had the power to do so. 

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Again, the SNP did f**k all to sort it when they had the power to do so. 

The SNP were only in a position of power to do so after the 2007 Holyrood elections. 

Are you seriously suggesting that there was no problem before that date?
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8 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Again, the SNP did f**k all to sort it when they had the power to do so. 

I have as much a problem with the above as I do with how badly drawn up and implemented the act was. The SNP missed a huge opportunity to show some mature, level headed governance and instead gift wrapped the opposition a free shot which was happily taken by them.

6 hours ago, lichtgilphead said:
The SNP were only in a position of power to do so after the 2007 Holyrood elections. 

Are you seriously suggesting that there was no problem before that date?

The SNP implemented it and had a few years of complaints and criticism over it before James Kelly tabled his motion. They had ample time to suggest their own amendments in order to fend off the critics and fix the most obvious issues surrounding the act. I know a few people who were very active within the SNP for a while who have left the party over this, having been told to shut up about it when they were making suggestions to others regarding the act. They shot themselves in the foot with this because they thought they could ignore the opposition and that they would shut up and go away. Arrogance left it wide open to petty politics and this is the result.

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I don't have particularly strong feelings either way regards OBFA, but I would prefer if its parliamentary opponents donated half as much time to detailing a serious plan for tackling sectarianism and bigotry in Scotland as they do grandstanding on the airwaves and social media about opposing the Act. 

What evidence is there that sectarianism is a big societal issue?
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Too many people backing the repeal of this act are deliberately forgetting how bad the situation was in days gone by. I've been in buses that were left with NO windows after being pelted with bricks, had to run down the terrace at Hampden after a drunken arsehole started sharpening a bayonet then brandishing it at anyone who looked at him, and was on the end of football violence that ended up with me getting a broken foot and was lucky not to be killed. Good luck with your repeal ya bunch of bigots, the ulsterisation and unionisation of Scotland continues by tories of every colour, including that pishbag Harvie, just to put the SNP back in their box. Hurrah!!!!!

Pretty sure they’ve no made smashing windows or running about with offensive weapons legal ya rocket...
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Scottish government research into Sectarianism.


88% think it’s a major issue but only around 1/10 have ever experienced any of it ever!


Most associate it with football- so really people singing songs (clearly with little carry over into real life) is what defines a supposedly major societal ill?


Racism is a far far bigger issue and far far more prevalent in Scottish society, as is homophobia. But sectarianism is an easy target and sexy topic that’s blame can be easily apportioned.





So according to COPFS figures - 1 in 7,500 Scots (probably 1/15000 as at least half are thought to be police officers being called “orange/****** Bs” whilst arresting someone) subject to a religiously aggravated hate crime last year.


How many of these crimes were a post on social media? How many a shout at a football match? Is it really an epidemic requiring so much media attention?

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Scottish government research into Sectarianism.
88% think it’s a major issue but only around 1/10 have ever experienced any of it ever!
Most associate it with football- so really people singing songs (clearly with little carry over into real life) is what defines a supposedly major societal ill?
Racism is a far far bigger issue and far far more prevalent in Scottish society, as is homophobia. But sectarianism is an easy target and sexy topic that’s blame can be easily apportioned.
So according to COPFS figures - 1 in 7,500 Scots (probably 1/15000 as at least half are thought to be police officers being called “orange/****** Bs” whilst arresting someone) subject to a religiously aggravated hate crime last year.
How many of these crimes were a post on social media? How many a shout at a football match? Is it really an epidemic requiring so much media attention?
Said the racist
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