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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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14 hours ago, The Golden God said:

 So you a random guy on a forum can decide whether or not he was racially profiled but he himself can't?

No, it's a matter of opinion whether that policy was wrong, not a matter of fact.  It's a fact a disproportionately high level of crime was being committed by young black males, for economic rather than racial reasons before anyone freaks out, so it was good use of resources and good policing.  It was also very effective.  They do it right now at airports too.  Nothing racist about it it's simple common sense.

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1 hour ago, Peppino Impastato said:

No, it's a matter of opinion whether that policy was wrong, not a matter of fact.  It's a fact a disproportionately high level of crime was being committed by young black males, for economic rather than racial reasons before anyone freaks out, so it was good use of resources and good policing.  It was also very effective.  They do it right now at airports too.  Nothing racist about it it's simple common sense.

I think you've come down with a dose of British Nationalism there mate. Better take it easy for a bit.

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10 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I think you've come down with a dose of British Nationalism there mate. Better take it easy for a bit.

That's just typical hysterical nonsense on your part.  I said nothing remotely racist at all, my fiance is half native American as it happens, but as soon as you mention race at all some people like you go wahhhhhhhhh racist.  I mentioned a policing tool widely used and very effective which is in use today.  The downside of it is some people are inconvenienced.  Anecdotal evidence like above is irrelevant when trying to police a city of 9 million people.

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Most folk on here seem to agree that our society is blighted by sectarianism. When there are community divisions elsewhere in the world then the foundation for addressing them is usually through integrated schooling.

Why does nobody ever question the existence/ appropriateness of segregated schooling?

People regularly question it

But closing schools is even more politically toxic than closing hospital wards no matter how rational it may be in the big picture
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People regularly question it


But closing schools is even more politically toxic than closing hospital wards no matter how rational it may be in the big picture

I never see it mentioned. The societal implication seems to be that if you are opposed to segregated schooling then you are an anti- catholic bigot. Whereas in any other part of the world it would be the bigots who would wish to maintain the division of kids along ethnic or religious lines.

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6 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

That's just typical hysterical nonsense on your part.  I said nothing remotely racist at all, my fiance is half native American as it happens, but as soon as you mention race at all some people like you go wahhhhhhhhh racist.  I mentioned a policing tool widely used and very effective which is in use today.  The downside of it is some people are inconvenienced.  Anecdotal evidence like above is irrelevant when trying to police a city of 9 million people.

Away stick your union jack up your arse.

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People regularly question it


But closing schools is even more politically toxic than closing hospital wards no matter how rational it may be in the big picture



This is one of the main reasons the OBFA is just posturing. Football fans are a very easy target. Showing a bit more moral fortitude and tackling an issue that would upset an influential body is far more difficult so politicians take the safe and easy way out.

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2 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Good to add “it’s totally fine for the police to racially profile” to the growing list of mental shit the forum’s perfect distillation of the mental wing of Scottish nationalism believes.

I didn't say that either, but it goes on to this day.  Whether it's 'fine' or not doesn't mean anything, it's the most economical use of resources and simple common sense.  Has been proven to be very effective and is used the world over.  This is something the police in every country in the world do every day, it's you that has a difficult argument to make in opposing it.


If, for example, you are looking for Islamic fundamentalists in an airport, does it make sense to target one particular group?  Answer that without tacitly supporting racial profiling and you're a fkn liar.   This is standard practice.

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Most folk on here seem to agree that our society is blighted by sectarianism. When there are community divisions elsewhere in the world then the foundation for addressing them is usually through integrated schooling.

Why does nobody ever question the existence/ appropriateness of segregated schooling?

People do, all the time. Usually those who went to non-denominational schools I should add.

Anybody can go to a Catholic school, I left school under a decade ago and I had class mates of all backgrounds, we were taught about all religions and the vast majority of people didn't give a toss about Catholicism and would go home at night and talk to their pals from the local non-denom school.

The idea of schools being segregated and a cause of sectarianism is absolute rubbish.

Modern day Scotland isn't 1970s Northern Ireland with walls dividing areas by religion
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People do, all the time. Usually those who went to non-denominational schools I should add.

Anybody can go to a Catholic school, I left school under a decade ago and I had class mates of all backgrounds, we were taught about all religions and the vast majority of people didn't give a toss about Catholicism and would go home at night and talk to their pals from the local non-denom school.

The idea of schools being segregated and a cause of sectarianism is absolute rubbish.

Modern day Scotland isn't 1970s Northern Ireland with walls dividing areas by religion

Pity they ain’t so “inclusive” when it comes to recruitment or promotion of teachers.
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