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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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A Rangers fan literally tried to abduct a child on that pitch today. That's not protecting "ra peepul". That's creepy and criminal.

But of course, we must *applaud* Rangers fans for the man in question was showing *remarkable restraint* under *severe provocation*.

It had to happen. I had to fully agree with you at some point.

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Do you think the signing of a song is comparable in seriousness to invading a park, attacking players, officials and fighting with opposing fans?

You mean singing sectarian songs, letting off smoke bombs, invading the park and fighting with opposition fans 

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Lol at people trying to bring up sectarian singing in an attempt to point score over The Rangers fans. Yes, it has a place, but that's relegated to an almost irrelevant side issue. When you consider what took place after full time. You have alleged assaults; damage to pitch and goals; fighting on the pitch between fans as well as the massive hold up that caused to the cup ceremony.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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Lol at people trying to bring up sectarian singing in an attempt to point score over The Rangers fans. Yes, it has a place, but that's relegated to an almost irrelevant side issue. When you consider what took place after full time. You have alleged assaults; damage to pitch and goals; fighting on the pitch between fans as well as the massive hold up that caused to the cup ceremony.

And an alleged attempted kidnap

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Damage to a pitch that's due to be relayed anyway and is several times a year does not compare to our entire country being humiliated by knuckle draggers singing songs glorifying the death of catholics and terrorist organisations on a global showcase. Its just as bad and shameful as antics on the park, you're either part of the solution or the problem.


Well said.

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Damage to a pitch that's due to be relayed anyway and is several times a year does not compare to our entire country being humiliated by knuckle draggers singing songs glorifying the death of catholics and terrorist organisations on a global showcase. Its just as bad and shameful as antics on the park, you're either part of the solution or the problem.


As much as the Rangers fans were being arseholes, no-one who isn't a Scottish football fan knows what any of those songs are about. What people will understand is a load of people running on the pitch, and some of them fighting with other fans, players and smashing the goalposts. That's what will be noticed outside of Scotland.

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As much as the Rangers fans were being arseholes, no-one who isn't a Scottish football fan knows what any of those songs are about. What people will understand is a load of people running on the pitch, and some of them fighting with other fans, players and smashing the goalposts. That's what will be noticed outside of Scotland.

I am a Scottish football fan and to be honest I struggle to keep track of which songs I should be offended by.

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Funny you say that, i spend quite alot of time in the states and they know all about it. Such is the pleasure of being scottish it particularly sticks in my mind being in turkey in a resort and in an attempt at 'banter' one of the waiters asked if i was a 'proddy or a tim' as he'd been told that was what scottish people were. lets not pretend that its our wee secret its a fucking blight on our society thats what it is. Tourists absolutely baffled and bewildered as orange and republican hate fests march through glasgow city centre, yet we market ourselves as a developed country.


Obviously many people know about the Celtic/Rangers/Catholic/Protestant thing in general. But most English people wouldn't be able to tell you what f*nian refers to. No-one who isn't actually familiar with the songs would be able to pick out the bad stuff (heaps of clubs sing songs with the same tune of the Billy Boys). Anyone outside of Scotland will (at most) see a 10 second clip of fans punching each other on the pitch.

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Is that going to be a crime now as well?

The only time I have seen a Govan Protestant Boys t-shirt was when it was adorned by a man in his fifties fighting an opposing fan on the 18 yard line on the Hampden pitch. I am sure that is a tiny unrepresentative fraction of the GPB and they are exactly the types of folk I (as a Hibs fan) would love to have a post-match pint with after a cracking Rangers-Hibs match. Working-class heros to a man, and in no way a type of organisation the police will likely monitor.

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Damage to a pitch that's due to be relayed anyway and is several times a year does not compare to our entire country being humiliated by knuckle draggers singing songs glorifying the death of catholics and terrorist organisations on a global showcase. Its just as bad and shameful as antics on the park, you're either part of the solution or the problem.


You seriously think the rest of the world cares about the Scottish Cup final and was paying the slightest bit of attention to what was being sung? Think of it in these terms. How often do you watch the Romanian cup final and if you did how much attention would you be paying if there were anti-Romani chants from Steaua Bucharest fans towards their Rapid Bucharest counterparts? 

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