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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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It’s weird that a support traditionally associated with Irish Catholicism get particularly angry about songs discussing being up to their knees in ****** blood.

It sort of harms your position when you are singing songs equally as offensive. Get angry about the Billy Boys by all means, it's a horrific bigoted song, but don't then go sing your own version and get angry about the fact the government are trying to criminalise both.
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33 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


It sort of harms your position when you are singing songs equally as offensive. Get angry about the Billy Boys by all means, it's a horrific bigoted song, but don't then go sing your own version and get angry about the fact the government are trying to criminalise both.


Which bigoted songs are sung at Celtic games?

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Too many people backing the repeal of this act are deliberately forgetting how bad the situation was in days gone by. I've been in buses that were left with NO windows after being pelted with bricks, had to run down the terrace at Hampden after a drunken arsehole started sharpening a bayonet then brandishing it at anyone who looked at him, and was on the end of football violence that ended up with me getting a broken foot and was lucky not to be killed. Good luck with your repeal ya bunch of bigots, the ulsterisation and unionisation of Scotland continues by tories of every colour, including that pishbag Harvie, just to put the SNP back in their box. Hurrah!!!!!

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Too many people backing the repeal of this act are deliberately forgetting how bad the situation was in days gone by. I've been in buses that were left with NO windows after being pelted with bricks, had to run down the terrace at Hampden after a drunken arsehole started sharpening a bayonet then brandishing it at anyone who looked at him, and was on the end of football violence that ended up with me getting a broken foot and was lucky not to be killed. Good luck with your repeal ya bunch of bigots, the ulsterisation and unionisation of Scotland continues by tories of every colour, including that pishbag Harvie, just to put the SNP back in their box. Hurrah!!!!!

That still happens tbf and calling Harvie a Tory is good craic lol.
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It sort of harms your position when you are singing songs equally as offensive. Get angry about the Billy Boys by all means, it's a horrific bigoted song, but don't then go sing your own version and get angry about the fact the government are trying to criminalise both.

Fair enough chief I don’t really disagree I was just having a joke.
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1 hour ago, bob the tank said:

Too many people backing the repeal of this act are deliberately forgetting how bad the situation was in days gone by. I've been in buses that were left with NO windows after being pelted with bricks, had to run down the terrace at Hampden after a drunken arsehole started sharpening a bayonet then brandishing it at anyone who looked at him, and was on the end of football violence that ended up with me getting a broken foot and was lucky not to be killed. Good luck with your repeal ya bunch of bigots, the ulsterisation and unionisation of Scotland continues by tories of every colour, including that pishbag Harvie, just to put the SNP back in their box. Hurrah!!!!!

Did that all stop in 2011 or whenever it was OBAF came into force?

It was rushed, horrendously written and abysmally enforced. It was also nothing but a shite attempt at pretending they were doing something about some of the major issues in Scottish society. It is right that it is being repealed and it will hopefully result in a serious and meaningful discussion on the issues at hand, with something that is actually useful done instead.

In the meantime, anyone singing songs in order to offend or get it right up someone else can be charged under other, already existing laws, as they could have been before hand.

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27 minutes ago, Ross. said:

Did that all stop in 2011 or whenever it was OBAF came into force?

It was rushed, horrendously written and abysmally enforced. It was also nothing but a shite attempt at pretending they were doing something about some of the major issues in Scottish society. It is right that it is being repealed and it will hopefully result in a serious and meaningful discussion on the issues at hand, with something that is actually useful done instead.

In the meantime, anyone singing songs in order to offend or get it right up someone else can be charged under other, already existing laws, as they could have been before hand.

I'd be happy if that turns out to be the case but I doubt Labour or the Tories will have any appetite for doing anything that will antagonise the support they've tried to garner since the referendum.

Neither party has made any suggestions of substance I can remember in the whole time this has dragged on for an alternative to the act.

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1 minute ago, Rodhull said:

I'd be happy if that turns out to be the case but I doubt Labour or the Tories will have any appetite for doing anything that will antagonise the support they've tried to garner since the referendum.

Neither party has made any suggestions of substance I can remember in the whole time this has dragged on for an alternative to the act.

I share your scepticism on their appetite for doing anything meaningful. The tribalism involved suits both parties as it gives them a relatively reliable base vote that may go elsewhere if pissed off enough. The only reason the majority of them supported the repeal was that it represented the chance to give the SNP a bloody nose.

The SNP deserve all the criticism they get for this, Christine Grahame in particular. The whole thing was ill conceived, ill thought out and ill equipped to deal with the issues it was pretending to deal with.

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Did that all stop in 2011 or whenever it was OBAF came into force?
It was rushed, horrendously written and abysmally enforced. It was also nothing but a shite attempt at pretending they were doing something about some of the major issues in Scottish society. It is right that it is being repealed and it will hopefully result in a serious and meaningful discussion on the issues at hand, with something that is actually useful done instead.
In the meantime, anyone singing songs in order to offend or get it right up someone else can be charged under other, already existing laws, as they could have been before hand.
Amazingly the offenses against the person's act of 1871 hasn't eradicated assaults and murders.

We should scrap this failed legislation immediately.

Also, it's not true to say that all offenses covered by OBFA are covered by other legislation. There are significant gaps left in the prosecution of offensive communications/online offenses. Shite like that stuff aimed at Jai Beatty.
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1 minute ago, Baxter Parp said:

Yeah, most opponents to the bill say something like that but they push for repeal rather than amendment.  I think that shows their agenda isn't dealing with bigotry or sectarianism, it's something else.

Has anyone on any side ever pushed for amendment? I know some within the SNP who were happy to see it voted through on the understanding that amendments would be made soon afterwards but this was swept under the carpet as soon as it was in place. Indeed, one of the people I know has since left the SNP as a result of their attitude towards it, and he was extremely involved and active within the party beforehand. It is only since it looked like there was a decent chance of it being repealed that supporters of the act have started suggesting amendments. The act was never about dealing with bigotry and sectarianism anyway, in Christine Grahames own words it was about "Evening up the numbers" rather than dealing with the issues.

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