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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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Good to add “it’s totally fine for the police to racially profile” to the growing list of mental shit the forum’s perfect distillation of the mental wing of Scottish nationalism believes.

What factors should the police be able to profile people on? In the interests of equality should they search as many old people as young?

I’m not sticking up for racial profiling by the way or offering an opinion- just wondering where you draw the line about what it is and what isn’t acceptable grounds for profiling people on.
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Aye right over my head- there’s no flys on you Wee man... [emoji102]????

Aside from the cheap personal jibe

You do realise that the editorial you linked to was from the Scottish Catholic Observer.

They’re hardly likely to say anything else. If you see the opposition of the organ of the Catholic Church as an insurmountable obstacle then probably this cause isn’t one for you regardless of what attracts you to it.
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3 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

What factors should the police be able to profile people on? In the interests of equality should they search as many old people as young?

I’m not sticking up for racial profiling by the way or offering an opinion- just wondering where you draw the line about what it is and what isn’t acceptable grounds for profiling people on.

This is what Fuzzy is trying to justify.

19 hours ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

Growing up as a mixed raced teenager in London, I used to regularly get stopped and searched by the police for literally nothing (I was once with a group of 8 friends, all of whom were white, and I was the only one that was searched).

I have a HUGE problem with giving the police massive, sweeping, poorly defined powers, and then just relying on their good faith.



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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

This is what Fuzzy is trying to justify.


I'm not trying to justify that at all that is clearly an abuse of discretion.  I said it's not a valid reason to oppose obfa in another country twenty years later and not necessarily representative of a wider policy.


Typical hysterical attempt to try to misrepresent my words though.

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I’m perfectly aware of the how it has worked out.. Just asking what observable characteristics should and what should not be taken into considerations by the police is determining subjects for searching.


It seems to me that it’s usually the educated elite types who always cite adherence to evidence based practice and the rejection of principle based practice. But on this issue they aren’t so keen on the evidence base.


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2 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

I'm not trying to justify that at all that is clearly an abuse of discretion.  I said it's not a valid reason to oppose obfa in another country twenty years later and not necessarily representative of a wider policy.


Typical hysterical attempt to try to misrepresent my words though.


2 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:

No, it's a matter of opinion whether that policy was wrong, not a matter of fact.  It's a fact a disproportionately high level of crime was being committed by young black males, for economic rather than racial reasons before anyone freaks out, so it was good use of resources and good policing.  It was also very effective.  They do it right now at airports too.  Nothing racist about it it's simple common sense.


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Most folk on here seem to agree that our society is blighted by sectarianism. When there are community divisions elsewhere in the world then the foundation for addressing them is usually through integrated schooling.

Why does nobody ever question the existence/ appropriateness of segregated schooling?

I do, no place for it in modern society. As, also there is no place for any religious ceremony in schools, education, yes, ceremony, no. Keep that out of schools.
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What factors should the police be able to profile people on? In the interests of equality should they search as many old people as young?

I’m not sticking up for racial profiling by the way or offering an opinion- just wondering where you draw the line about what it is and what isn’t acceptable grounds for profiling people on.

Here’s an example: I think the massive gulf in resources devoted to stopping and searching predominantly young black people around Brixton for marijuana possession compared to, say, the amount devoted to catching middle class predominantly white people in Canary Wharf who are hoovering up cocaine by the ounce on a weekly basis is perpetuating a racist system of profiling.

Closer to home I can think of me and my white mates having the freedom to carry as many pills about without really worrying while my Muslim mate gets “randomly” stopped all the time despite being teetotal, middle class and privately educated whereas all the rest of us are white trash from schemes.

I don’t think the police should have the powers to stop and search to the level they do anyway tbh. It’s widely abused by a self-acknowledged racist institution.
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He blates doesn’t though since he’s parroting stuff that plenty of nationalists bang on about and he had people backing him up on here.
I can't remember any normal people backing him up at all. Just because he's a yes voter doesn't mean he's not an arsehole.
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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Nice to see Nationalists from opposite sides on the same page.

Says the guy who has his nationality in his username.  A Scottish nationalist is simply someone who believes Scotland should be an independent country.  An entirely valid viewpoint which I would defend in any setting.


If you can find one post from me demonstrating the ugly kind of nationalism you claim I espouse I will resign from this forum today.  You're full of shit.  I'm on the tartan army forum touting an Englishman as Scotland manager ffs.  Nationalist my arse.

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4 hours ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

Most folk on here seem to agree that our society is blighted by sectarianism. When there are community divisions elsewhere in the world then the foundation for addressing them is usually through integrated schooling.

Why does nobody ever question the existence/ appropriateness of segregated schooling?

1) It is regularly mentioned in the context of this debate.

2) There are countless countries across the world that have separate schooling yet not all have the same issues as Scotland has. Separate schooling may have an impact, but it is minimal.

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The old firm are the biggest contributory factor to Scotland's sectarianism problem these days, every other section of society has moved on then they drag us all back 300 years every weekend.  Which is what obfa was an attempt to tackle.  It should have been ammended not repealed, the unionists have no interest in tackling sectarianism they are embracing, culturing, nurturing and encouraging it as a divide and rule technique to prevent independence.  

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