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It is clear from watching that Weir is perfectly capable of keeping the club going, he has just not got it in him to progress it any. Will that be reflected in the type of candidate, keep the costs down and the show on the road?

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15 minutes ago, ML4 said:

It is clear from watching that Weir is perfectly capable of keeping the club going, he has just not got it in him to progress it any. Will that be reflected in the type of candidate, keep the costs down and the show on the road?

I don't see why...if anything it suggests more we're looking for the opposite, someone who believes they can grow income rather than simply cut costs.

I've not had a chance to hear Weir yet but I do find the timing curious - perhaps just coincidence but straight after Russell's manoeuvres and even Dempster's availablity (pending health scares), it is quite the dinghy.

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What does moving the club forward/progression mean?

As far as on the field goes, outside of the season to season fluctuations every club deals with in a sporting competition,  how much further can we actually go? Win the league?

Off the field, are we talking about a new stadium? Commercial success?

What was the last thing that we can point to that would be considered progress/moving the club forward?

Not trying to be a dick, I'm genuinely curious as these terms have been flying around a lot.

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As I say, I think it's a good update but I had a giggle at this...

"It's time to give the fans an update."

Lads, it's 4 days shy of being a year since we announced Burrows was stepping down...:lol:

(yes I know we've released a couple of updates since then but still...this feels like the first comprehensive appraisal of where we are. As @rowsdower said, the content is the sort of common sense stuff that could have been useful ages ago or at the very least would have saved the club a fair bit of grief)

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30 minutes ago, rowsdower said:

What was the last thing that we can point to that would be considered progress/moving the club forward?

I think "the model" was quite successful during Burrows' time - we made more in transfer fees/development fees in a few years than any other time in the club's history I would guess. That probably allowed us to be more competitive/spunk more money on hordes of absolute jobbers (*delete as appropriate)

Genuinely moving the club forward is a really difficult one for any new CEO - on field (the important stuff) we are in a weaker position than we've been for a good few years as we've effectively stood still while other clubs have either had external cash pumped in and/or got access to UEFA conference money. I don't think there is any great leap forward possible there unless we somehow also got access to external funding (and even then, we are not going to compete financially with the five biggest clubs when it comes to the types of player we can realistically attract).

The only other big ticket item is moving to a new stadium (with, you'd hope, some lower running costs and expanded commercial opportunities) - but that doesn't feel even remotely closer now than it was 15 years ago (and in any case, the benefits of a move to a route one budget new-build remain to be proven).

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I thought he came across well there, though I don't necessarily agree with everything he said.

Re moving forward under new blood, clearly it's not going to be easy. Very hard, in fact, otherwise we and everyone else would have done it ages ago.

I still think - from the outside at least - there's more that could be done...perhaps he'll do another video next year explaining why it wasn't!

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Thought he came across well and given that he's only interim it's not something he had to do. Imo he gave a fairly honest assessment, his view on past management structures, without sticking the boot in, and admitted where the club have gone wrong, particularly the East Stand repairs/renovation. 

While I've never really been a fan of Jim McMahon, I've always thought Derek Weir was good for the club and was pretty pleased when he was brought back as the interim CEO. 

Where I'll disagree with him is on the communications, I don't think it's been very good of late and I do think it can be improved without spending a whole lot of cash to do so (ie going back to the larger comms team he referenced). More about utilising what we do have a bit more efficiently. 

Thought his point on the training compensation having to evolve was really valid, seems to be a bit of ridiculous system which punishes smaller clubs, who can't compete and miss out on higher transfer fees for talent they develop. 

Will be interesting to see who comes in next. 

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I agree with him on the comms thing. The biggest loss was not having burrows reply months weirdos all day on Twitter. I don't think we've lost much from the west ham folk leaving, other than engagement, which I couldn't give a toss about unless it can pay for a new defender.

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I quite enjoyed watching that, I kept engagement with it longer than I have managed with recent manager updates but perhaps once a year will be enough.

I often wonder what responsibility we as fans have for building the club.  I pay a monthly subscription to the Well Society but surely building the fan base is the best way forward.  Can we encourage lapsed fans back, can we take a cousin a nephew or a neighbour along to a game.  It’s not easy, it’s expensive, the wrong result can put people off.  Can you persuade an adult to become a Motherwell fan, probably not, so we need to encourage kids along.  That can be done at little expense other than the price of juice.  But it shows little return until they are paying adult fees, which could be 10 years later then they go to Uni or move away.

We’re doomed.

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2 minutes ago, MurrayWell said:

To be clear, I don't think anyone should be sitting giving reply guys the time of day on Twitter. But I think communications could be a bit better. 

Burrows raised the bar but I think basic comms are ok.  The things that some people want comms on are often inappropriate.  The board can’t provide a weekly commentary on the manager’s position, they can’t respond to every time a reporter takes a flyer on a story or some some rumour hits the message boards.  Sometime the silence has to be deafening.

There are opportunities to pose questions through the Well Society, it’s not anything I have taken up but the offer is there on a regular basis.

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15 minutes ago, rowsdower said:

I agree with him on the comms thing. The biggest loss was not having burrows reply months weirdos all day on Twitter. I don't think we've lost much from the west ham folk leaving, other than engagement, which I couldn't give a toss about unless it can pay for a new defender.

It's clearly a fine line and we don't need to go over the definite cost v hard to define benefit of comms on our level again. It's one of various things that no one wants to pay for then complains when it's shite.

But a head of comms wouldn't have let him leak, disown and dismiss his own club's fundraising campaign...not well bowled or batted that one.

Edited by Handsome_Devil
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1 hour ago, Handsome_Devil said:

It's clearly a fine line and we don't need to go over the definite cost v hard to define benefit of comms on our level again. It's one of various things that no one wants to pay for then complains when it's shite.

But a head of comms wouldn't have let him leak, disown and dismiss his own club's fundraising campaign...not well bowled or batted that one.

Exactly this.

As I said earlier he trips himself up a couple of times when he's talking about comms which kind of undermines the point he's making and as you say leaking, disowning and dismissing the as yet unannounced fundraising campaign and then the club actually publishing it highlights the issue that folk have been flagging.

The problem with our comms at the moment isn't that we've stopped making documentaries about David Turnbull it's that we don't seem to have anyone in place who understands the strategy of communications - and the fact Weir says himself that "it's not my background" feels like it's (unintentionally) illustrative of the issue - so we're tripping ourselves up with the information we're putting out. Scott and the team we have left are clearly stretched thin and are producing #content but what we're fumbling isn't really their job.

Also, I guess the fact that we had such a high bar before probably means the mistakes are more noticeable.

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2 hours ago, capt_oats said:

As I say, I think it's a good update but I had a giggle at this...

"It's time to give the fans an update."

Lads, it's 4 days shy of being a year since we announced Burrows was stepping down...:lol:

(yes I know we've released a couple of updates since then but still...this feels like the first comprehensive appraisal of where we are. As @rowsdower said, the content is the sort of common sense stuff that could have been useful ages ago or at the very least would have saved the club a fair bit of grief)

Had a laugh at that myself. 

Good update though I have to say. He sounds exactly like one of my old bosses which was freaking me for 40 mins though.

Very interesting to hear the detail on the recruitment stuff for the CEO and definitely some views made clear that the likes of the f**k up with the pitch/hunter stand wouldn't have happened if he was in as CEO I'd say, as well as some different views on having past media teams vs having the 3rd lowest on field budget the same season. I dont think saying those things is a mistake. Don't think it's a dig either really at Burrows. But it definitely was highlighted to draw a line between previous leadership and new leadership.


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44 minutes ago, Blink182 said:

Not had a chance to listen yet.

What was the Hunter Stand f**k up me mentioned? 

The pitch levelling exercise meant that the Hunter stand wasnt structurally safe so didn't pass health and safety. We got a stay of execution initially but then all the remedial work they've done this season had to be done which meant fans moved and views blocked etc. 

What I'd heard previously on top of that, which is what Weir said, was that the remedial work done now wasnt fully planned in initially, cost much more even once it was planned,  and we had no recourse to claw back any funds from mistakes made due to the agreements made with the initial contractors. Not a greata agent of the situation.

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2 hours ago, eliphas said:

Good update though I have to say. He sounds exactly like one of my old bosses which was freaking me for 40 mins though.

I thought a few extra ‘yknows’ and he’d be doing a half decent Mark McGhee impression. 

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I've also not yet listened to this but it interesting to hear even Weir (who I like the sound of) thinks this plan to get investment is fucking daft. Seen "quirky video" mentioned. 

Firing a video to random Americans hoping the don't mind losing money is fucking daft. 

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4 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

I've also not yet listened to this but it interesting to hear even Weir (who I like the sound of) thinks this plan to get investment is fucking daft. Seen "quirky video" mentioned. 

Firing a video to random Americans hoping the don't mind losing money is fucking daft. 

Tbf, the ‘investment’ and the fundraising project seemed like two separate discussions.

Which isn’t to say they’re not linked but Weir’s discussion of what he thought the investment model could look like seemed to be in line with the situation Hearts have fluked into with Anderson - where you have an independently wealthy person sitting alongside the ownership but acting as a guarantor/benefactor if necessary.

We can only imagine what sort of horror this ‘quirky’ video is going to be but as @Handsome_Devil says the fact that Weir (unintentionally?) leaked, disowned and dismissed the plan suggests that at the very least it’s not going to be what a lot of people seemed to think it was ie: an announcement or confirmation of significant investment.

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