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2 minutes ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

Liam Kelly has just had lunch

And now that we've had September, the monthly reviews are about to *really* go downhill.

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26 minutes ago, rambunctious said:

Going by some of the rumours over the last couple of months I was expecting a fairly underwhelming offer, but this is so dreadful I can't help but feel I must be missing something.

Every time I read it it seems worse.

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8 minutes ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

Liam Kelly has just had lunch

I'm convinced Kelly's diet is either Huel and non GMO carrots or Dib Dabs and Tizer ..... there is no middle ground.

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23 minutes ago, camer0n_mcd said:

3 Society board members voted for this shite. Feely and Dickie are the obvious one's as mentioned by @capt_oats earlier on. I wonder who the other one is, get them named and shamed.

Kirkwood. That's my guess. 

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Absolute fucking disgrace that these clowns at the top of the  club should even consider recommending this joke offer for acceptance. The sooner they f**k off, the better. 

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4 minutes ago, MurrayWell said:

Thought for the afternoon:

Just how bad were the other offers if this shit got through? 😂

Not only that, we were told at the AGM that some things put to the club were not workable and red lines and investors were told that. What we see today is a 5th or 6th draft, offer one must have been distastefully heinous but he was still entertained to put this forward 6 months later.

From the AGM on the 21st of February till the 29th of April (9.5 weeks) in the middle of the all of this the WS had a board majority. Wither the WS representatives on the club board voted as per the intentions of a majority of the WS board (as they should do) is a question they should be asked.

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The clowns at the top clearly thought folk would hear "Netflix" and have the wool pulled over their eyes. 

None of us knew who Erik Barmack was before this saga of shite, that's always worth remembering. 

While it may not be perfect, anyone trading fan ownership for vague Star Trek themed bullet points such as "new worlds to explore" (I'm sure my work would pish themselves if I asked for budget to be signed off for something as vague as that), really needs to have a word with themselves. 

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"The Outgoing Chairman" chat is absolutely delightful, kudos to the WS.

Get this in the fucking sea, where it belongs. The maths just doesn't add up, as rightly detailed by the Society.

I do still think there's potential for something that can be done with Wild Sheep as the WS have said in their statement but just not this crock of shite.

Bin it, start again without McMahon at the helm and let's get on with it.

Edit: Barmack mentions they've been approached about doing a docu-series on the club already; so go ahead and do it. Demonstrate what you're about and that the business plan works, then come back with something a bit more substantial.

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2 minutes ago, StAndrew7 said:

I do still think there's potential for something that can be done with Wild Sheep as the WS have said in their statement but just not this crock of shite.

Bin it, start again without McMahon at the helm and let's get on with it.

Yeah, I've always been (absurdly, clearly) optimistic there was a compromise to be found. But to me it's a massive red flag that despite his warm words and guarantees, EB is still after control. And that he wants immediate control for a song, quite frankly, screams utter chancer.

I don't blame him for asking (we're all capitalists now comrade) and I suspect McMahon strung him along on the likelihood of success but there's big flashing warning signs literally all through that offer and if we we're stupid enough to vote for it we deserve whatever we get.

By all means sit down with him and start again but I wouldn't be hopeful.

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The plan may be worth exploring, it’s something different.  But the financials are wrong.  Which of the plans couldn’t be followed through if their total ownership was 25%?

After 2 years 2 x £300k + 2 x £200k have been contributed to the club i.e. £1M, and the WS can buy the shares back for £660k, if any of the £1M is left on the books does that stay with the club or get squirreled away by the outgoing regime?

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Is anyone else... a bit disappointed with how this has all been announced? Like, I'd have hoped for far more than a statement on the website, which is overly long and not brilliantly constructed etc. As a shareholder I'd have wanted a bit more than that, posted/e-mailed directly to me etc. rather than it being thrown up onto the official site.

Might just be me?

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1 hour ago, eliphas said:

Having read it - it just seems a lot of hassle for f**k all or less than f**k all, really. 

Like others, I'm up for exploring outside investment. But, no ta. 

Interesting note that the WS are still open to working with Barmack's in the future. So they can be full on baddies. 

Now over to the WS and their strategic plan....


I'm going to guess that the WS strategic plan will be not very good.

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Just now, StAndrew7 said:

Is anyone else... a bit disappointed with how this has all been announced? Like, I'd have hoped for far more than a statement on the website, which is overly long and not brilliantly constructed etc. As a shareholder I'd have wanted a bit more than that, posted/e-mailed directly to me etc. rather than it being thrown up onto the official site.

Might just be me?

I know what you're saying - but I would rather this is out in the public domain as quickly as possible without shareholders (which I'm one of) being ITK.

The right time to involve shareholders would have been earlier in the process where they could probably have given some constructive feedback (although after hearing the chat at a few AGM's, I'm not so sure)

I thought after a couple of hours, I would have calmed down about all this - but I can't get my head around any part of it. What will be interesting will be to see how less online WS members vote as I'm still concerned that "any investment is good" or the £2m figure will mean that it will be closer than expected.

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5 minutes ago, Muzz1886 said:

I'm going to guess that the WS strategic plan will be not very good.

I don't think that's fair; it's been under development since January and with a significant number of experts in business, football, communications etc. involved in the process. Frankly, I think it'll be more detailed and better than what's on the official site from McMahon and Barmack; it's all buzzwords and fluff talk.

3 minutes ago, Swello said:

I know what you're saying - but I would rather this is out in the public domain as quickly as possible without shareholders (which I'm one of) being ITK.

The right time to involve shareholders would have been earlier in the process where they could probably have given some constructive feedback (although after hearing the chat at a few AGM's, I'm not so sure)

I thought after a couple of hours, I would have calmed down about all this - but I can't get my head around any part of it. What will be interesting will be to see how less online WS members vote as I'm still concerned that "any investment is good" or the £2m figure will mean that it will be closer than expected.

Aye, I wasn't really meaning for us to get information before anyone else; more that there would at least be something in there that acknowledges shareholders will receive an information pack or a secure link to download documents X, Y, Z for information etc.

And I'm the same; I only saw it about an hour ago and I'm still furious that this is where we've gotten to. What sort of shite has the Executive Board been pushing to make Barmack think this would go through?

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I'm still at a loss how 71.7% goes to 46% (approximately a factor of 1.6)

28.3% goes to 5% (a factor of almost 6)

To give Erik 49%

Maybe someone versed in bending physics and space time can't share that.

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1 hour ago, Vietnam91 said:

So from everything I've read, Barmack gets 49%, WS end up with 46% which means the existing 28.3% of ordinary shareholders diminishes to the outstanding 5%?

71.7% to 46% all for £200k for 3 years and £250k for the next three while writing off £434k owed to the WS.

I have always felt from the start that the Old Guard like Dickie and McMahon don't like the Well Society. They are our Blazers, life peers. Bill Dickie was chairman for a long time and it seems like his son feel entitled to the same amount of cotrol.

So who hold the 5% spare shares going around. McMahon and Dickie. So along with their man Barmack they would hold a majority and turf the society out of any major decisions.

The club need to explain why they are happy to sell shares at less than half the quoted value of the club. It is disgusting.

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I'm a bit baffled at this to be honest. I was quite open minded to the proposal but that offer and valuation is actually bonkers.

I am honestly surprised this has got to such an advanced stage. It makes me feel slightly worried that there are people that will have a vote that are in favour of this.

I am going to make the assumption that this proposal will be thrown out. Moving forward, we need to come up with a proper fan ownership/investment plan because I do not think the status quo is good enough

Side note - the offical site communication is also awful


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