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1 hour ago, eliphas said:


If you don't think this is weird then fair enough. I don't think I need to say why it's weird.







Someone ask this guy what he wants. If he has a plan. So far I just see buzzwords.

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42 minutes ago, Doctor Manhattan said:

I appreciate that I'm asking the wrong party here, but since you're here, why then do YOU think that TWS has come out today so strongly against the proposal in its current form?

I'm all for leaving some wriggle room for subsequent discussion/negotiation/compromise, but I'd have thought that fundamental differences like TWS have documented would have been largely addressed before things went public. 


Look, I think part of it is cultural and part of the difference is the nature of deal discussions.

On the cultural part, I want to emphasize that every WS Board member engaged with me in a kind and respectful way.  One took me to the Heritage Center, another went on a jog with me, and another emailed me hard, but fair questions, while apologizing for these questions (which were totally reasonable).  And I think part of it comes down to these members have been fans their whole lives.  More than fans -- the Club has given them something that's beyond a transaction.  And I've been a fan for, what, six months?  It's not the same, and these people are all donating their time selflessly for the Club.  If I were in their shoes, and I've gone through the ups and downs of challenging ownership in the past, I think I'd have the same reservations.

Beyond that, TWS thinks the Club is worth more, views fan-ownership as ending (whereas I see it as growing, and imperative), feel differently about debt than I do, and so on.  I'm not saying that these are trivial points, because I don't think that they are.  But I think they're solvable with trust and consideration.

From our perspective, the Club (starting with Jim and Derek, and now with Brian) have wanted the best, TWS also want the best for the Club, as do we.  It's just quite difficult getting all of those views aligned.







Edited by Erik Barmack
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1 minute ago, Handsome_Devil said:

To return to other matters, the North Macedonia coach must really hate Davor, he's got enough air miles to get to the moon now and still no cap.

I see Big Filip is following Dave on IG.

Also, it seems Watford paid €3m for him in 2019 (then loaned him out and never actually played him).

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11 minutes ago, Erik Barmack said:


Look, I think part of it is cultural and part of the difference is the nature of deal discussions.

On the cultural part, I want to emphasize that every WS Board member engaged with me in a kind and respectful way.  One took me to the Heritage Center, another went on a jog with me, and another emailed me hard, but fair questions, while apologizing for these questions (which were totally reasonable).  And I think part of it comes down to these members have been fans their whole lives.  More than fans -- the Club has given them something that's beyond a transaction.  And I've been a fan for, what, six months?  It's not the same, and these people are all donating their time selflessly for the Club.  If I were in their shoes, and I've gone through the ups and downs of challenging ownership in the past, I think I'd have the same reservations.

Beyond that, TWS thinks the Club is worth more, views fan-ownership as ending (whereas I see it as growing, and imperative), feel differently about debt than I do, and so on.  I'm not saying that these are trivial points, because I don't think that they are.  But I think they're solvable with trust and consideration.

From our perspective, the Club (starting with Jim and Derek, and now with Brian) have wanted the best, TWS also want the best for the Club, as do we.  It's just quite difficult getting all of those views aligned.







Drop the bullshit mate. 

If you wanted the best for the Club and fan ownership you wouldn't be asking the Well Society to write off part of the loan due, instead you would be paying that off, in full, as part of your share buy.  

Nor would there be any demand for the Well Society to put in any money/write of money owed, and certainly not £100k less than yourself to see a swing of over 70% in your favour.  

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1 minute ago, Antiochas III said:

Drop the bullshit mate. 

If you wanted the best for the Club and fan ownership you wouldn't be asking the Well Society to write off part of the loan due, instead you would be paying that off, in full, as part of your share buy.  

Nor would there be any demand for the Well Society to put in any money/write of money owed, and certainly not £100k less than yourself to see a swing of over 70% in your favour.  

 Folk can be opposed to the offer without getting personal surely. Particularly as fans will have the option to vote on it. 

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2 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

Surely not that much to take it from a shyster?

Now now tht - Just cause he decided the teuchters were not for him 😎

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5 minutes ago, Muzz1886 said:

Because we are sorely needing a cash investment.


I think the issue is that the exec board are guilty of painting a picture that makes it sound like we're practically insolvent - we aren't and it's that part that has made us look way more desperate than we are in reality and rubbed a lot of people up the wrong way.

Where I completely agree with you is that new money would be handy as there are going to be a lot of teams in the league next year who will outspend us (and a couple who will overspend because they can) and so we will be at a disadvantage. Thing is though - that disadvantage has been there almost every year we've been in the league and it's almost unheard of for every team with more money than us to take advantage of it all at the same time. If money was the only factor - Killie and St Mirren wouldn't be looking their passports out - Hibs and Aberdeen would be - and all our good league finishes of the past 30 years would never have happened.

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1 minute ago, welldaft said:

Now now tht - Just cause he decided the teuchters were not for him 😎

He didn't stand a chance as he simply doesn't have the cash or minerals. Geoff was asking prospective buyers to jump through hoops, this c**t probably looked and thought "f**k that, let's try that skint fan owned club. They'll be a softer touch".

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Dundee have been pretty wild over the years. Our best owners, in my lifetime, are our current owners. They cover us financially, desperately ambitious to improve us on and off the pitch and only cause mild embarrassment once or twice per year. They absolutely detest communicating with the fans or indeed anyone to the point that they have extremely strong spam blockers on their email.

You know who did love communicating with fans and signed up to fan forums though? Giovanni Di Stefano and Calum Melville.

Good luck Motherwell fans.

Finally, props to @capt_oats who is determined to drag the discussion away from this guy and bring it back to this striker you're linked with. Some commitment to the bit! :lol:

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21 minutes ago, Muzz1886 said:

Because we are sorely needing a cash investment.


I think this has been massively exaggerated by the folk who were never fans of the WS.

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56 minutes ago, Erik Barmack said:


You'll be familiar with this line, then? 😉


That said, if there's a common ground to be reached that stops short of anyone being torn apart cell by cell then I look forward to seeing it in due course, because I don't think we're quite there yet.


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21 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

Surely not that much to take it from a shyster?

Not at all, in fact.

I suspect the answer is as prosaic as the old boys retiring can't/won't accept their time is up and hand over gracefully to the next generation. For whatever reason that might be.

Our financials are publicly available, as are the media distribution and prize money we can bank on, plus we can be pretty confident about season tickets etc.

The gap between the variable income (performance and transfers) and definite expenses needed to be competitive has certainly edged higher than we'd like, so sure, we should be active in trying to increase our own guaranteed revenue streams. That keeps our three-year planning on an even keel.

But it's there on the accounts, for the better part of a decade, that have been well run and now need minor readjustment rather than a total leap in the dark.

If you're claiming that we desperately need investment to the extent of handing over the club for 300k, you are:

1) pushing a false narrative to pursue a sale;

2) unable to understand the finances; or

3) a moon-howler who thinks there's a "next level" we can reach.

Edited by Handsome_Devil
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