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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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With some on this debate it is like Brexit all over again, "here is this magical nirvana promised land that doesn't exist and even if it did I'm not going to give you any evidence, plan or clue how it will happen or how we will get there and it could be a total disaster - but I'm still voting for it and it's your job to convince me otherwise" For people " allegedly" with brains taking that point of view is mind blowing and pathetic all at the same time.

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8 hours ago, rowsdower said:

His ideas are fucking rubbish. We don't need to sell the club to implement a CRM, we can just do that, f**k, I'd do it. I could probably do the data entry manually over a weekend if needed.

We don't need to sell the club to improve marketing. We can bring in better marketing folk.

We don't need to sell the club to improve our global reach, because all these other countries have football leagues too, and also towns just like ours. I love Motherwell and our history, bit that is because it's my town and I grew up with team. Why would a random American care?

Our support and attendances can always improve (we aren't even the most supported team in Motherwell). But is the only way to fix that selling the club?

The Wrexham thing is spearheaded by two well known celebrities that have the perfect personalities for that venture. They also have the prospect of the millions that come if they take the team to the Championship, and the hundreds of millions if they found themselves in the premiership. It would take an unprecedented level of investment for us to split the OF and bring the couple of million that would entail. $300k per year doesn't even prevent us losing Blair Spittal to Hearts.

None of this means we should say no to any investment. But this proposal isn't an investment, it is a takeover of the club.

Some folk have just seen "American" and "Netflix" and have lost the run of themselves, and it's embarrassing.

I am 100% voting against this and I will spend the next week and a half persuading everyone I know and a bunch that I don't to do the same. If you're voting for this and can't articulate why (which is lilely since the buyer cant either), you're an idiot.

Nailed it!

Really glad others can perfectly articulate my thoughts on this so I don’t have to bother typing out long posts. 

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2 minutes ago, Dosser1886 said:

With some on this debate it is like Brexit all over again, "here is this magical nirvana promised land that doesn't exist and even if it did I'm not going to give you any evidence, plan or clue how it will happen or how we will get there and it could be a total disaster - but I'm still voting for it and it's your job to convince me otherwise" For people " allegedly" with brains taking that point of view is mind blowing and pathetic all at the same time.

To continue that theme, you wonder just how the people for this deal think the Society will be be run should the deal be approved.

Do those in favour have, in their ranks, another eight or so bodies with the appropriate skills, time and desire to take over?

I can understand why the six aren't coming out now and saying we're off if we lose but for various reasons it's 99.9% certain they will be.

It's absolutely a 'you won it, you run it' situation a la Brexit.

And if they don't want to run it, are they still happy with the deal if it effectively ends the Society and leaves Barmack as majority shareholder? (Which seems certain if seemingly not confirmed in writing).

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The five biggest clubs in a row at the turn of the year looks like the peak time for traffic on the Stuart Kettlewell Discussion Thread on Steelmen. 

No wacky Pittodrie or Victoria Park midweek jaunts for the first time in years is nice for the away game types...

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10 hours ago, thisGRAEME said:

On a pure ability basis: Without doubt, but I'm not sure I've ever enjoyed a player as much as Higdon. From what we expected, to what we got, no-one came close. That goal at Tannadice where the ball bobbled, and because of the bobble, it absolutely leathered past the keeper from about 25 yards; perfection. 

That there is still a sect of Motherwell fans that don't recognise him for what he was, and will tell you that he wasn't all that, remains absolutely fucking hilarious to me. Player of the year!

Higgy won me over when he was interviewed about getting stick in I think a game against Aberdeen, and said having watched a video of the game, I'm surprised the stick wasn't worse!. As well as the Utd screamer, the overhead kick v Hibs and mocking McPake afterwards were my favourite moments. Somewhere on you tube there is a video of all his goals for us; top top finishing.

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6 hours ago, David1979 said:

Apologies, I didn't phrase it correctly. I mean a plan that anyone on the Society board has seen. From what I gather, there's been nothing.

I wouldn't expect Erik to post confidential details on this or any other forum, but he could at least provide a bit more detail than he has. 

Sorry in turn, I quoted you but the reply wasn’t really aimed at you, it was more for the guy who keeps demanding competing proposals and won’t be told otherwise. 

Hoist with my own petard I know, but there hasn’t half been an influx of wallopers from SOL of late. What are you doing to them over there? 😉

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Ross County will be thinking the same thing but I like the idea of going top of the league after the first game.


League leaders Motherwell travel to Wembley to play mid table jobbers Rangers in match day two. 

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its nice to read from people with different views from my own and their replies have shown that the Club board have achieved their aim. they have made this a EB versus Society vote when it really isn't.

I take the point that the WS was just there not doing much since it was conceived, but this appears to be they way Dickie, Feely and probably McMahon want it. they get to justify their place on the board and the society enabled that.

With that being said, ever since the last election, the new board appears fresh and fully engaged and in my opinion they deserve a chance to continue the improvement we have saw.  They are working on a proposal that is having to be accelerated because the very people at the club who are supposed to support the WS are at trying to undermine it.

I haven't really though much about the club board for my years supporting us but i have since Flow stepped down and the mess that was involved in that, he's staying until we get a successor.... em no he's going now, It then taking so long to appoint a successor (thankfully he never waited eh?) then came the 'Video' and the interviews. Safe to safe to say my opinion of McMahon as chairman isn't very high. I do believe he has Motherwell's best interest at heart but also believe the job is too big for him. We have pretty much stagnated as a club the last few years and there is no succession plan for him standing down.

If the EB proposal is the best we received, the others should make fun reading. His 'investment' has been covered in this thread a thousand times but what i will say is before you vote to approve it. please look at the detail, what is he bringing in that a proper functioning board can't? The sound bites he has dropped sound a lot like 2024's version of the pie in the sky stuff John Boyle dropped on us and he failed miserably spending a lot more money than EB is proposing. Ignore he worked for Netflix as they are not a football club, he has no experience of managing any sporting business but for less than £2m over 6 years he is in control of our club.


TLDR - Give the society a chance as it has changed, The board have done nothing for years, EB's proposal is nonsense, Vote NO.

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Erik making the 50.1% concession is something that is purely symbolic and designed to placate those who see it and move on without looking at the implication of the other stipulations in this scheme.

What didn't change is he still gets 3 directors, chairmanship and casting vote in a tie.

The reality is and it can't be reinforced enough, the majority shareholder (WS) to carry any board vote needs a 5-3 majority. A minority shareholder (Erik - 47%) can carry a vote on a 4-4 tie. What's even more crazy he gets this privilege on day one with 300k down and 8% in his pocket.

Is that fan ownership looks like to any sane person?

Edited by Vietnam91
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Went onto FB to gauge the mood on there and was totally gobsmacked. WTF

As Dosser1886 says, It's like:

Brexit all over again. 

Posters on here with personal interactions are highlighting the realities or lack of, but some just see cash investment and are willing to hand over the club without a thought. 

TWS need to control the narrative when the time arises and prior to any vote (⏰)

However, I'm unsure if they are able due to legal processes at this minute. 

For all the reasoned, articulate discussion on here. 

Others are about to give everything away on a whim. 

Completely baffled. 






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As I've said, I'm hoping that at this point some of the most vocal people on social media in favour of this simply aren't Well Society Members.

Many of them have no idea how the society actually works and are believing the Exec Board without giving it a second thought.

Most haven't even done a surface level read of the proposal and just see 50.1% and believe that fan ownership is secured.

This proposal is rotten and deserves to be thrown out.

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15 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

I'm not long back from a decent break. Took me a few attempts and few hours to read through all the pages.

I can only really ask, how did we get to this point?

This should have been binned by the WS, I do understand their concerns about the fans who would have felt their right to vote was blocked and that McMahon and crew would have just pointed the finger at them cos the details would have had to remain confidential. 

The second this guy appeared on this website was the biggest red flag we could have had. He's been caught out talking shite about a number of things, he's using answers with loads of words that say absolutely nothing when asked direct questions and has changed the terms of his offer cos a couple of guys on a football forum called him out.

It's hard not to be insulted and hard not to reply with insults. But that's cos I am not as eloquent as most of you. 

It's frightening seeing some of the facebook and twitter replies. Even some of the comments on here "If the WS doesn't come up with a decent plan, I'm voting for the Netflix guy, just cos".  That's just wild.

The WS board members are treated by some of you with the same contempt that McMahon, Dickie and Weir treated them with. Cos they don't wear the same suit or blazers. Because of their age. Dare I say because of their backgrounds?

There were also many great posts in there. Kudos to them. I see many of you fighting the good fight.

For the first few days I couldn't believe folk were responding to an obvious wind up.

Then reality set in.

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