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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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My answers to the survey were pretty shit. I think I said it would be good to get out the east stand a bit quicker.

I'm sure I moaned about players getting booked for celebrating goals and our fans treatment at St Mirren park a few times. Stuff the club can do little about :lol:

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I replied to the survey too but I didn't have much to say. Boring as it is, I go for a couple of pints with my mates, arrive in my seat (the only one I've had) 26 seconds before kick-off, watch the game and go home - if I'm feeling racy, I go for a pish. I've got literally no complaints about my experience.

I'm not bothered about any of the other stuff ( I don't use catering, I do what I can to block out the half time entertainment, I've no problem with stewarding, etc) although different folk will have a bigger reason to care about that stuff and I guess those are the sort of people that the survey actually needs to hear from.

I genuinely think it's a good idea that they have employed someone to work on this stuff as it's important - but I also think there is a natural limit to how attractive you can make a visit to a ramshackle football ground in November.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see there are a couple of January transfer threads around for other clubs so I thought I'd mention this as it seems to be nearing that point of the season. There was a post over on Steelmen linking us (and various others, St Johnstone being one) with another striker http://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2016/11/28/por-english-and-scottish-sides-eye-woking-ace-ugwu/

HITC were all over the Johnson transfer and seem to be pretty well connected with the lower league English clubs/agents. Though having said that they do seem to be a platform for agents to just get their clients names out there. They had us linked with a non-league winger who shares the same agent as Ugwu during the summer so it'd seem reasonable to take the links with a pinch of salt. 

Given the number of strikers on our books it'd be a surprise if we were looking to bring one in without offloading one or two, Belic leaving is surely a given but even then it still leaves Blyth, Bowman, McDonald, Moult, Mackin at the club, though McGhee only seems to trust McDonald and Moult to play at the moment, which is fair enough they're our top scorers.

Beyond that there are a fair number of players who you could reasonably see moving in the January window Belic is of course the obvious one, Lucas has only started one game since he signed although it's fair to say that one game was an outstanding performance and his deal is up in January, there's a fair argument for Dom Thomas being loaned out (assuming there are sides in the Championship would want him) and the same goes for Mackin, he's scoring consistently for the 20s but it's difficult to see him featuring at first team level just yet. He's been in and out the side with varying levels of impact but either way I'd have thought that we'd be aiming to keep Ainsworth around until the end of the season.

There were pretty heavy hints when he left that Pearson would be back, which would be nice. He seems to have been getting games in India and we've definitely missed him in the centre of the park. Other than him I'm not really sure what sort of realistic options we'd be looking at if any given we're hardly minted at the moment.

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17 hours ago, ark loyal said:

With the Indian league winding down we'll no doubt be linked with Pearson.

In fairness he said himself that he may be back when he left so it's not a huge leap to take: "I've enjoyed my second spell at Fir Park. I want thank the fans for all their support and who knows, one day I may be back for another go at it." http://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/2016/06/29/pearson-departs-for-india/


17 hours ago, Scottishfootball4me said:

Ainsworth seems to have fallen out of the picture or I am I just being stupid and not noticing him playing?

He scored against Ross County and set up McDonald's opener with the free kick. In fact may well have been man of the match in that game. He played the 2nd half at Tynecastle and was pretty much involved in every attempt that was cleared off the line. So that's something I suppose. It's fair comment that he's dropped out a bit recently though.


Edited by capt_oats
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If we go into the second half of the season with a midfield three of Cadden, McHugh and Pearson I'd be delighted. 

I think we'll see Belic and Lucas punted at the end of their deals.  I wouldn't be surprised to see Blyth moved on, either permanently or on loan, and for the love of God, get Dom Thomas away from this football club. For his sake.  For my sake.  For Steelmen Online's (I don't know why he hasn't had a run in the team, yet...) sake.



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and for the love of God, get Dom Thomas away from this football club. For his sake.  For my sake.  For Steelmen Online's (I don't know why he hasn't had a run in the team, yet...) sake.



Before or after he goes in the gym to bulk up?

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Not to labour the point but last weekend was like the third game running now where 6 of McGhee's 9 summer signings never kicked a ball.

Whilst I'd like to see some movement in January, both in and out, I'd also actually like to see us be a bit more careful with our money. Cause outwith McHugh who's obviously been unlucky, the other 5 are increasingly just looking like poor judgment. 

Would also love to know what's happened with Belic. Everyone 'itk' seems to agree he'll never kick a ball for us, which we all kinda guessed by now, however nobody is willing to divulge why. Even the two boys doing the commentary for the Thistle game for MFC said as much but that they couldn't share what they'd heard. The club themselves just seem to be pretending he doesn't exist anymore.

All very strange.

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FWIW: Belic was at the signing night the club did on Monday, so he's still around. To date he's played 45 mins in an under 20s game where he was subbed off at HT, the only mention I've seen of him beyond that was Alan Burrows tweeting on 2nd November saying Belic had picked up a few injuries in training but was back and just hadn't been selected. Everything about that deal just seems odd though.

If someone wanted to take Blyth off our hands then I can't imagine we'd be difficult to deal with but given he's on a 2 year deal I'm not sure who'd be looking at him on either a loan or permanent deal.

Similarly I think most were assuming that Laing would just extend his loan deal with Notts County to see out his contract but given they're sat 19th in their league and are shipping goals I suppose there's a question of whether they'd be inclined to extend.

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32 minutes ago, Casagolda said:

Not to labour the point but last weekend was like the third game running now where 6 of McGhee's 9 summer signings never kicked a ball.

To be fair:

Belic, Lucas, Blyth: Low risk, presumably on pennies with us. 2/3 will be off in January.

Clay, Tait, Heneghan: Regular starters. Don't rate Clay but the other two are sound.

Bowman: Cost money, is clearly taking time to get up to speed, has freak feet. 

McHugh: Will be back, will be good, I reckon.

Brill: Need a back-up keeper. For the ins and outs of whether you do or don't rate Samson, we needed a body, we've got one.

It's not perfect, right enough, but you'd imagine had McHugh's head not fallen off, we wouldn't have signed Lucas. 

Given how we started the season as well, you'd imagine we'd have seen more rotation with Clay/Lasley as well, as Clay has looked better every time he hasn't played with Lasley. That headknock on the opening day really has horsed us in a number of ways.

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I see what you're saying Esteban, however, I don't think any manager in our history has a 100% success rate when bringing players in.  At our level, you're either taking a punt on a youngster with supposed potential, or another punt on finding the right journeyman.  Taking each player separately;

Richard Tait - Is doing really well, IMO.  Good to see us finally getting a proper full back in that position. 

Ben Heneghan - Again, doing fairly well.  I remain to be fully convinced of him but he's still very young and will only get better with experience. 

Carl McHugh - What can you say?  An absolute freak injury that nobody can account for.  I have no doubt, once fit, he'll be a very important player for Motherwell. 

Ryan Bowman - Highly rated down south, but he's taking time to adjust.  Not every player is going to fire on all cylinders straight away, so i'm happy to give him time to settle.  As I've said before, I believe he's Moult's replacement should he be sold in January.  At the moment, you can't argue with starting Moult & McDonald so I'm happy for him to provide competition.  

Dean Brill - He's doing exactly what he was brought here to do - be a sub goalkeeper.  Speaks volumes he's not being given a chance of Craig Samson. 

Lee Lucas - Short term cover.  Obviously a gamble with his injury record, and it hasn't paid off. 

Jacob Blyth - Again, he's very young.  It's since transpired that Bowman was the no.1 target all along, but we didn't think we had the money to get him. Therefore, we've taken Blyth but looks to be short of the quality required, at this stage.  Another one with time on his side. 

Craig Clay - You could argue for and against this being a success.  One of the aforementioned journeymen.  Does a job, however, not very well when partnered with Keith Lasley.  

Luka Belic - Saw him last week in Costa in the town centre having a Caramel Latte with Lord Lucan and Shergar. 


All in all, I don't think it's that bad.  Tait, Heneghan and McHugh were signed to be first team starters.  No doubt about that.  We can count Clay and Lucas as short term cover options.  Brill as back-up keeper, which he's doing.  Blyth and Bowman with an eye on the future and Belic was clearly a blind punt.  Some work.  Some don't.

Edited by Desp
Pretty much was thisGRAEME was saying!
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I'm loathe to link to the Record but this is quite interesting from Ainsworth. You don't really hear much from him in the press:

Ainsworth said: “I’m dead keen to start against anyone, to be honest.

“I just want to play football that’s the main aim and I want to help the team as much as I can.

“If it’s from the bench, so be it — and I have to be ready and waiting in the wings.

“A couple of weeks ago, the manager said I’m in the best form I’ve been in since coming to the club and then I don’t play last weekend.

“In my head I’m questioning it, saying: ‘What’s happening?’

“I’m up at the end of the season and I’m trying to do everything I can to win a new contract — whether it be here or somewhere else.

“As it is for now, I’m working hard, I’m leaner, I’m fit and I’m doing everything I can in training to play every single Saturday.

“This is my fourth season with Motherwell and I love the club — so long may it continue with me putting on the shirt and going out there and giving 110 per cent.”


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On 30 November 2016 at 10:12, Desp said:

All in all, I don't think it's that bad.  Tait, Heneghan and McHugh were signed to be first team starters.  No doubt about that.  We can count Clay and Lucas as short term cover options.  Brill as back-up keeper, which he's doing.  Blyth and Bowman with an eye on the future and Belic was clearly a blind punt.  Some work.  Some don't.

Can see what you're saying however short term cover Clay is on a 2 year deal and I wouldn't exactly consider 24 year old Jacob Blyth very young or one for the future either..

Anyway as I've said I liked what McGhee was doing to start with and it seemed like he had a plan in place. Law wanted to leave, he went and got Tait. Hall wouldn't sign a new deal, he brought in Heneghan. Both have been good additions as well. Likewise the squad's needed a decent holding midfielder since Jennings left, so we brought in McHugh. Who was looking good before he almost took his own head off on the opening day. McGhee also talked about wanting a target man as an alternative to Moult and McDonald, so Blyth's signing  made sense. Even if as it transpired he wasn't actually McGhee's first choice at the time.

However before Marv chucked his toys out the pram, our biggest weakness as the season begun was clearly not having replaced Pearson. Whether we were waiting for him to come back in January or not. Once eventually Marv left that was basically the left hand side and a lot of the pace, drive and about 20 odd goals/assists of last seasons team lost.

Yet we never addressed this and instead brought in two more strikers plus an injury prone sitting midfielder who's not surprisingly, spent a large chunk of his time here so far injured. Whilst I've not given up on Bowman and I'm not slating the guy cause he's hardly played and from what I have seen I think he can contribute something, like Clay though I'm not convinced at all he was the signing we actually needed at the time.

That's how we've ended up with a squad that's got two excellent right wing options but not one left winger of note, four central midfielders who get a nosebleed crossing the half way line and about 7 strikers only 2 of which McGhee seems to rate/trust at the minute.

Certainly not expecting McGhee to get things 100% right with signings, every manager is going to sign his fair share of duds. Especially when you're shopping in the markets we are with the budget we have. However, and I concede I may be being harsh here, I feel we haven't used our budget as effectively as we could and the squad is bloated in some areas and badly lacking in others. 

Hopefully we can right a few of these things in January, punting Belic and Lucas for a start. If Pearson comes back and McHugh gets fit, those two plus one other should strengthen us significantly in the middle of the park .

Remains to be seen if we can actually offload some of the other fringe players/those surplus to requirements with contracts but I'm hopeful we can do some sort of wheeling and dealing in January to sort out some of the imbalances in the squad. 

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8 hours ago, well fan for life said:

RE Belic: Have we maybe got him up here and realised he's shit?

Ding Ding Ding.  We have the correct answer.

Re Ainsworth.  I have a lot of time for Lionel, I really like him as a player.  However, his biggest problem is he has a brilliant game one week, and is completely anonymous the next.  It's not even in a way that he's having a poor game but is still contributing.  If he's having a shit day, he's as good as a man down.  I can understand why a series of managers have been left frustrated by him.

I think he'll leave at the end of the season, and he'll go with my best wishes and thanks.  His first two seasons were brilliant.  

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1 minute ago, Casagolda said:

Can see what you're saying however short term cover Clay is on a 2 year deal and I wouldn't exactly consider 24 year old Jacob Blyth very young or one for the future either..

I still believe Clay will be the cover in the squad once we get all fit.  Or even used on a rotational basis with Lasley.

Blyth is 24? :lol:  f**k me, I could have sworn he was about 19 or 20.  I'll give you that one then, stick him in the dud category.  Not particularly wanted and not particularly good.  

Take on board everything you say.  Yes, I completely agree we could have used the budget better, but hindsight is a wonderful thing. 

A midfield three of Cadden, McHugh and Pearson will be dandy for the second half of the season.  

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