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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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2 hours ago, Theyellowbox said:

Danny Swanson at QOS? That was for the other way though as was possibly the worst debut I have even seen. Came good in the end though. 

Forgot all about that! Probably had snowballs on his mind tbf

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So Eetu had to be taken off because he didn’t have 90 minutes in his legs, if only he’d been given more than 70 minutes of football before now.  Also Callum moaning about lack of attacking options on the bench but he plays one of the few attackers we have at wing back, absolutely no sympathy for him. 

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1 hour ago, tree house tam said:

Youd even be an upgrade on that useless c**t. What I'm looking for is either a young Thierry Henry or an ageing Thierry Henry. 


In fact THE Thierry Henry would suffice atm.

I think he’s available

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Something else I've totally forgotten about Reece Devine. Is he really being punished for that slight mistake against Galatasaray, or has he been injured? In his few appearances he actually gave us some pace and attacking instincts on the left, plus Booth is average in every way - I get he's probably a CD favourite because he's predictable and all he values is defensive stability, but if Devine plays it gives opposing teams something to worry about on both wings, something that also opens up room in the middle for us.

Just now it's a case of cutting out the obvious ball to our right flank and we have nothing else

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There's very few positives from last night, but trying to sift through the shite to look at what we do on Saturday and over the next few weeks, as we're stuck with what we've got at least until January:

- I prefer Rooney at centre back right now.  He looks far more effective driving forward than he has done at wing back this season so far. I'd rather we went 4 at the back, but the manager seems determined to stick with this formation so Rooney at RCB for me.  MOH RWB as despite a poor final ball, he does drive forward and get us into the attacking third. He's arguably looked more effective there than up front. But tell him to play higher, an actual wide player rather than just another defender.  

- I'd go for Bryson, Craig and Davidson in midfield.  Bryson and Davidson pushing on, Craig sitting.  Crawford and Macpherson can sit on the bench and watch what it means to be a central midfielder; to get in about the game, make tackles, keep possession, be available etc.  When one of the three need replaced hopefully we're on top in midfield and have a good foothold in the game.

- Viv and Kane up front. E2 to be an impact sub, can replace a midfielder if we're losing.  Viv looks like he can run in behind and stretch the game, he can beat players and put balls into the box. Kane to win free kicks and flick ons and hold it up to get our midfield involved.

Its not brilliant, but it's good enough to get us points. Midfield is killing us, so get three players in there that will give a f**k.  It'll improve us in attack and defence as well.

I'm not convinced we've got the personnel to go baws oot attack, and it's not our manager's style anyway.. any kind of win this weekend is all that's required with where we're at right now.  Just got to stop the rot.

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19 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Holy fucking shit btw, theres a sequence in there that sums up our midfield issues to a fucking tee.

Crawford just watches the ball go loose as Dundee players charge past him, he never appears again.

After Dundee have the ball watch MacPherson (#18), he literally just gives up, stands still, and watches the ball move around our box. We need to get them out the side to stand any chance.


This, Callum.  This is why you drop them.  For a man who values workrate above all else in every other area of the team, to continually pick two half-hearted players in the area where workrate is most important is mental.

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3 hours ago, Widge said:

Jamie Walker anyone….

He has options seemingly. Is Callum as stalkerish as Turncoat was? Time will tell with the names being banded about, Cleary is the benchmark as he's actually been mentioned in interviews, if he signs, which is doubtful, then we know Callum has it in him to persuade folk his vision.

The jury is out so far imo.

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That was the worst I've seen you play against us in a long time.

However, it isn't just the performances that looked worrying but the complete lack of fight in the team.

Even when Saints have been playing shite they've always battled for everything - that just didn't happen on Wednesday. There were numerous times when Dundee won the ball and the player chasing just gave up.

You'd think in match against us you'd at least be battling for everything - the fact you didn't would ring alarm bells to me.

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10 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

That was the worst I've seen you play against us in a long time.

However, it isn't just the performances that looked worrying but the complete lack of fight in the team.

Even when Saints have been playing shite they've always battled for everything - that just didn't happen on Wednesday. There were numerous times when Dundee won the ball and the player chasing just gave up.

You'd think in match against us you'd at least be battling for everything - the fact you didn't would ring alarm gells to me.

Very interesting. 

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That was the worst I've seen you play against us in a long time.

However, it isn't just the performances that looked worrying but the complete lack of fight in the team.

Even when Saints have been playing shite they've always battled for everything - that just didn't happen on Wednesday. There were numerous times when Dundee won the ball and the player chasing just gave up.

You'd think in match against us you'd at least be battling for everything - the fact you didn't would ring alarm bells to me.

Yeah you’re completely right. Used to us having shite runs but with a few honourable exceptions there’s been a resigned look to some of this team recently and that’s what has been most concerning. They don’t respond well to adversity at all, we don’t generally come back to take points off teams that score first.

Completely agree with other posters that first step to recovery is to get Liam Craig back into midfield and get the imposters out of it. If we stick with this system we need to find a way for it to enable us to be on the front foot in games like today. For me that means centre halves pushing into midfield on the ball and wing backs that play as wingers rather than full backs. Rooney and McCart either side of Gordon need to be confident. I would also start MOH on the right and Devine on the left - Booth an alright player but too pedestrian.

With no McCann we need both centre mids to want to get on the ball and pass it about - that means no Davidson or McPherson. They also need to be willing to put a challenge in - so no Crawford.

Further up we need a mix of forwards happy to either come short or run in behind. My pick would be Vertainen, Kane and Viv. Kane can do the dirty stuff, the other two can float on and off the wings and try to make something happen.
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Going to be a few folk disappointed when they fail to obtain briefs for the Kelty game. Someone pointed out they are actually our closest SPFL neighbours. Be lucky to get 1000 tickets so first dibs surely going to the season ticket holders. Doubt I’ll manage to get a ticket but that’s the way it is…might have to come up with a cunning plan to get in i.e storm the walls of New Central Park armed with ladders.

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6 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

Going to be a few folk disappointed when they fail to obtain briefs for the Kelty game. Someone pointed out they are actually our closest SPFL neighbours. Be lucky to get 1000 tickets so first dibs surely going to the season ticket holders. Doubt I’ll manage to get a ticket but that’s the way it is…might have to come up with a cunning plan to get in i.e storm the walls of New Central Park armed with ladders.

I’m sure if you want 1 you’ll get 1 😂

Edited by Yenitit
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