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Infamous: Do you know someone infamous or are you infamous?

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I stayed at a hostel in Darwin at the same time as an Irish guy called Paddy (surprise, surprise) who later moved on to Sydney and got put in a coma by his brother in a one-punch attack. Was pretty big news in Aus, and, I imagine, Ireland. Never really got to know him as I left not long after he arrived, but some of my friends that stayed on got quite pally with him.

Same hostel in Darwin but a year later there was an Italian guy who I never talked to as he was very quiet and only hung around with other Italians, but was told about a month after I'd left to go to Sydney that he'd committed suicide by climbing up the scaffold of a construction site one of my friends worked on, started swinging about for a bit and then just let go. He'd been found in the showers with a kitchen knife a few days beforehand as well, IIRC. Very sad.

The bizarre thing was that when we first heard about it we googled his name to try and find out more and all the Italian media sources were reporting that he'd died in a car crash. The only explanations we could think of we're that they'd baldly misinterpreted the information they'd been given or that they purposefully mis-reported it in order to hide that it was suicide.

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I know someone who used to work with that Scottish guy who got his head chopped off by ISIS.


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I worked with this guy http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/pervert-who-raped-girl-of-10-1053291#tA29Tga8rO6ErzYg.97


He was a bit of a loose cannon when he'd had a drink but didn't think he'd be capable of child rape. Tbf, when I meet new people my first though isn't whether they could be a beast or not.

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In primary seven our class put on a musical show in the last week before the holidays to mark the school's building getting pulled down to make way for a new one. One boy did a solo performance of 'puppy love', and that was the last I saw of him until he ended up in the news for stabbing a woman 30+ times in her own home.


Also some beast a couple of years above me who had been abusing his underage cousin for several years. He once chased one of my mates onto the Barrhead road where he got hit by a bus and broke his wrist.


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The local pub to where I grew up - The Tam Bain in Laurieston - was once at the centre of a gun-running row for the UVF (or UDA, or one of the other loyalist terrorist groups (or maybe all of them)).

I knew a few of the boys who were involved.

I have never drank in said pub, although over the last few years it's tried to market itself as more of a Falkirk pub.

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The local pub to where I grew up - The Tam Bain in Laurieston - was once at the centre of a gun-running row for the UVF (or UDA, or one of the other loyalist terrorist groups (or maybe all of them)).

I knew a few of the boys who were involved.

I have never drank in said pub, although over the last few years it's tried to market itself as more of a Falkirk pub.

They shut for a few hours so they could take part in the local orange walk.

They fool no one.

Lauries is a Falkirk pub.

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They shut for a few hours so they could take part in the local orange walk.

They fool no one.

Lauries is a Falkirk pub.

Lauries has never been a Falkirk pub. They try to claim it is every time they close down and re-open, which is usually twice a week.
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A guy at my school who used to get bullied a bit ended up killing an Edinburgh gun shop owner in a robbery, intending to supply the guns to the UDA. The UDA knew nothing about it. Supposedly he used to walk around town with a cowboy belt with 2 real loaded 6 shooters under a big overcoat.

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Boy I went to school with violently attacked and raped a woman in Easthouses park.


Never liked the boy, but never ever thought he'd do something like that.  c**t.

Was that the guy who lived in Newton Street?


And you have me intrigued about the two dodgy teachers from Newbattle.....

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I'm not sure why they felt the need to tell us it was an alsatian, that's a bit like the tabloids telling us that the woman who was raped was blonde but for legal reasons they're not naming her. Its window dressing and slightly creepy, are alsatians (or blondes) more provocative ?


Blonde alsatians are a real turn on. Allegedly.

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One of my old classmates was on the front of the Daily Record years ago for banjoing Luke Mitchell in Polmont.

When I was a young nipper I was with a friend playing football and he invited me back to his house to play the computer. I walked in and Paul Ferris was sitting talking to my friend's Dad.




So is the guy a lover or a fighter ?

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I grew up in the same street as this overly aggressive nutter. We called him Gattuso when playing fitba because he'd just run around snarling and launching two footed tackles at everyone.

The weird thing is his brother is one of the nicest people you could meet. 

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One of my old classmates was on the front of the Daily Record years ago for banjoing Luke Mitchell in Polmont.

When I was a young nipper I was with a friend playing football and he invited me back to his house to play the computer. I walked in and Paul Ferris was sitting talking to my friend's Dad.


Luke Mitchell only lived a few streets away from my cousin. 

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He could be a p***k at times Could Docherty. I remember after the news broke we were all speaking about it and most of the lassies in my class said they fancied him. Weird as he was no oil painting.

Always had good banter with him about the football mate. Was shocked when it came out.

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I worked with this guy http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/pervert-who-raped-girl-of-10-1053291#tA29Tga8rO6ErzYg.97


He was a bit of a loose cannon when he'd had a drink but didn't think he'd be capable of child rape. Tbf, when I meet new people my first though isn't whether they could be a beast or not.


That's the good thing about p&b - the potential child rapists are swiftly identified. Eg, by the use of the phrase 'roasted cheese' or if they wear green trousers. 

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