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Red Dead Redemption


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You can get into Mexico by riding your horse across at the Westernmost point of New Austin and then glitching an invisible barrier, there's videos online.

There's only a poorly rendered El Presidio though and nothing else,  the fact Mexico exists at all suggests online might expand to there at some point.

Up to 90% completion now, some of the challenges are huge time sinks, I'm well over an hour of playing blackjack and twisting on everything to try and get  3 x five-card tricks , managed one.

A lot of the other post-game collectable stuff that counts towards 100% e.g. the dinosaur bones and cigarette cards you haven't organically encountered during the game is just a youtube job I think but trying to finish the challenges first.


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The cigarette cards is easy enough to do. Just buy premium cigarettes, discard them, buy more, discard them. Each pack gives you a card you can buy 10 packs with the biggest satchel

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I also finished the main story over the weekend.


Much as I'll dabble in the MP, I'm currently roaming the land pretty aimlessly as John Marston, discovering new houses/ shacks and doing random encounters.


And, in a tribute to Arthur Morgan. I bought a new Arabian Elite in Blackwater Stables and called her "Yer Alright Girl".


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RDR 3, play as Dutch, main story is about how he puts the gang together, ends with them fleeing for their lives from Blackwater. Release date 2028.

I’ll purchase my PS6 just for that game [emoji2]
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2 hours ago, Swarley said:

RDR 3, play as Dutch, main story is about how he puts the gang together, ends with them fleeing for their lives from Blackwater. Release date 2028.

Or.... Jack, having avenged his father's death at the end of RDR1,  starts building a criminal empire in the early 20th century.

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Started a new game last night. Intention is to be a bad b'stard this time so started off by killing the O'Driscoll in the first mission (last time I let him go).

Spoiler Alert for mobile users


And if possible I'll kill Micah now. Save A LOT of hassle later in the game!


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Finished the main story last night and actually feel a little sad. Got so into the story I kind of rushed through the end of it.

What a fantastic game. I chose to play Arthur as a no-honour outlaw, although his character was very honourable, I chose the non-honourable option to end the game.

The moment when he says goodbye to his horse was so well done.

On to the epilogue now which seems to be just as good but I’ll miss Arthur, I’ll really miss him.

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After the mauling I took at the hands of the bear I have so far been disappointed with the legendary animals I have nailed. Think I got the coyote and the elk. Both were piss easy.
I got the bear really easily. Clocked it from a good distance and just shot f**k out of it. Disappointing how easy it ended up being!
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