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10 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Did a backflip off a platform recently, clattering my legs on the way down before landing on my head/neck. Fortunately, having both the physical robustness and emotional limitations of Robocop I was able to carry on in a limited capacity. A few days of Red Bull and cocodamol and I was back to full strength. 

I'm on similar diet!

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RH33 and DA Baracus' kids wouldn't be able to walk due to their wee stumpy feet.

Anyway, can someone link Quentin Tarantino in to this thread please? His input is clearly required.

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9 minutes ago, BFTD said:

RH33 and DA Baracus' kids wouldn't be able to walk due to their wee stumpy feet.

Anyway, can someone link Quentin Tarantino in to this thread please? His input is clearly required.

Two of my kids are dyspraxic......I've a feeling I may well be too 🙈

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Today, I was almost killed by an onion.

As usual, I'm sick during the Christmas holidays, because Jesus hates me. Coughed my lungs raw over the past few days. Decided I'd make myself a burger for dinner and put some onion on it. Turns out the onion was really strong, which I normally like, but during the eating my lungs were agony (due to the fumes, I guess) and I finally had some kind of reaction that stopped me breathing until I was about to pass out. Half an hour later, my stomach decided it wasn't processing any more of this onion shit either, and stomach acid is fucking evil on a raw throat.

Stay away from onions during the virus season, kids.

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5 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

Bum results have come back all clear. Waiting on some MRI result but the doctor didn’t seem concerned, probably just used a quick nosey round the inner arse (technical term).

I've been back a few pages, but I'm seeing no reference to your Chatham Pocket. What have you been doing with it?

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3 hours ago, BFTD said:

I've been back a few pages, but I'm seeing no reference to your Chatham Pocket. What have you been doing with it?

Was the half century shit in a box extravangza earlier in the year (maybe I didn’t post, can’t remember now). Had the old snake camera up and they took some biopsies, no word on outcome then had to go for an MRI couple of weeks back. Anyway, doctor said biopsies were showing nowt. No word from MRI yet but he didn’t seem too bothered. Hopefully it doesn’t reveal a snooker ball or hamster.

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On the subject of feet, ive had a couple of blood blister things randomly appear on the top of some toes last week, they dont really seem to be getting better. Type of shit that has me convinced im dying but theyll be gone by tomorrow and I'll have forgotten about it.

Relatively convinced i got some form of IBS after having norovirus a few years back. Its getting better, and less regular, as time goes by but ive no idea if thats actually possible. Definitely worse in cold weather.

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10 hours ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

maybe just the time of year but for 4 days now my shit has been like damp weetabix and coming out like shaving foam. had a look at the stool chart but its not on there. 

i only eat fruit at work and i havent been in since christmas eve. 

Da f**k do you shave with? 

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bit the bullet and went to the doctors today, was better than the last time i went to the doctors, dr I saw was nice and personable.

Somewhat alarmed when she listened to my breathing at various points in my body and said it was a bit murky everywhere, but ive got antibiotics at least + she bothered her arse to arrange a follow up next week if it isnt all clearing up.

Frustrating as there's a few possible causes for whats going on (symptoms are myriad - new continuous cough, little bit of blood in my mucus when I hack it up but not exactly coughing blood, just a wee bit of red spots through it, wheezy breath, noticeably out of breath walking the dogs/doing weights and most alarmingly chest pains when I'm waking up which started in October/November, went away for a bit and is now waking me up literally every single day and *only* seems to be there in the morning; that bit of my chest is tender to touch the rest of the time. Wee bit of soreness around my right abdomen but only really when applying a little pressure to it.)

Loss of appetite too but I wonder if that could be stressing out over the other symptoms rather than a symptom itself. 😂

Causes she suggested are anything from viral and/or bacterial infection; the chest pain could be rib damage from weightlifting but tbh I don't think its that (I would imagine if it was the cause of any discomfort I'd have noticed or felt some kind of tear/pain the last time I lifted which was over 2 weeks ago now, as I feel fucked most of the time); cough and wheeziness could be at least partially from stopping smoking in early December; morning chest pain could be silent reflux. Couple of covid tests over winter came back negative so unless its some kind of Super Covid I'm ruling that out.

Fun and games, but as above the doctor was sound and reassured me we've a plan. I'll take the antibiotics for a few days and see how much difference that makes, anything virus related just needs to go away on its own and the amoxycillin will hopefully clear up anything bacterial.

She said she's confident it'll almost all clear up within a week, but if needs must they'll arrange to test some of my spit/mucus (yum) and maybe even get a chest x-ray on the go which tbh I'd be happy with purely for reassurance it *isnt* something serious.

Loads of illness going round all over, and I definitely passed on a nasty bug to family over Christmas as they all got ill after me too, but some of the above symptoms started months ago (certainly the wheeziness and getting out of breath doing weights) and while my family have shaken off a lot of the worst of it I'm still not really getting all that much better, if at all.

I'm content as long as the morning chest pain fucks off as soon as possible, the rest I'm happy to give time to heal over time. It disappears when I roll onto my other side but the fact it stopped a few weeks back and is back with a vengeance bothers me.

EDIT: amoxicillyn is marvellous stuff, already feeling way better, hurrah!

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Between vomiting and coughing whenever I lie down, I've not had a decent night's sleep in weeks. Lay down a couple of hours ago and sank into a blissful slumber.

Only to wake up again an hour later because my bladder has decided that I really need to pee. It is incorrect.


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I had seizure at the end of October and visited a neurologist just before Christmas and having described my mental health and having shown her a video of the seizure (there was CCTV of it), I've been prescribed leviteracetam which is an epilepsy drug. I only picked up the prescription the other day and haven't started taking it yet as there appear to be some pretty stinking side effects and I'm still waiting on an MRI scan and EEG to confirm a diagnosis. I've also heard that once you are on this stuff, you are pretty much on it for life. 

Just wondering if there are any other P and B'ers on similar medication and if they would be willing to share their experience. Obviously doesn't have to be in the public domain but I'd appreciate a PM from anyone who could shed any light on this for me. 

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