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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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Poor I'm not Gav, honest   Hawk may be raging about us scoring two goals and not losing on tv the other night, but, joy of joys, there is a silver lining in that that Nepotism Nicky Clark wasn't one of the scorers. He's  foaming with glee that the radio and tv watchers got to see what a hopeless c**t Nicky Clark really is. One of many examples (with a dash of threatening behaviour..)...



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5 hours ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

f**k off Gavin.

Brave, would you say that to him directly, I very much doubt it?

Anyway I wonder if Nicky's practicing his finishing today?

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:


Is Gav the first professional footballer to go into the stratosphere of pure seethingness and come on P&B offering folk out?? Give me some history here lads.


Not sure but Davie Irons' daughter came on once to stick up for the lips. 

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