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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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7 minutes ago, kilbowie2002 said:

So basically after brexit the cost of trade is going to increase significantly until years of bilateral trade agreement talks bring us back to a level that might not even be as good as the EU has (given the EU is a bigger target market this is very likely). Brilliant, just fcuking brilliant. #takingbackcontrol

Not at all. The EU has a huge financial incentive, especially its trade deficit, to agree a free trade deal with the UK. The devaluation of the £ is far greater than the tariffs that EU could impose under WTO rules. Outside the EU/EEA, Britain can lower the 12,750 (approx) tariffs that the EU imposes on developing countries, e.g.  in Asia and Africa. The Single Market is not an open free and market. It's a Euro-nationalist protection racket.

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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4 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

Not at all. The EU has a huge financial incentive, especially its trade deficit, to agree a free trade deal with the UK. The devaluation of the £ is far greater than the tariffs that EU could impose under WTO rules. Outside the EU/EEA, Britain can lower the 12,750 (approx) tariffs that the EU imposes on developing countries, e.g.  in Asia and Africa. The Single Market is not an open free and market. It's a Euro-nationalist protection racket.

Game theory, for f**k sake. It's been explained a million times. I thought high flying Economics experts like yourself might have been taught a bit of it. A free trade deal with the UK kills the EU. Simple as. You might as well replace your entire point with 'Mercedes wants to sell cars to the UK', 'Take back control' and 'this gives us great opportunity to create trade deals with Swaziland/Papua New Guinea/Guyana'.

One of the reasons everyone thinks of your background is fantasy is not that they disagree, it's that you don't seem to have a fucking clue.

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"Giles, South Korea are asking what maximum wattage of vacuum cleaner we'll go for and Uruguay are questioning the allowable feed content for cattle. Get Dyson on the blower and get Henry to talk to Ag will you?" Whitehall 2026

Edited by welshbairn
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11 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Game theory, for f**k sake. It's been explained a million times. I thought high flying Economics experts like yourself might have been taught a bit of it. A free trade deal with the UK kills the EU. Simple as. You might as well replace your entire point with 'Mercedes wants to sell cars to the UK', 'Take back control' and 'this gives us great opportunity to create trade deals with Swaziland/Papua New Guinea/Guyana'.

One of the reasons everyone thinks of your background is fantasy is not that they disagree, it's that you don't seem to have a fucking clue.

Power politics, especially trade, is what counts. A free trade deal with UK would not kill the EU - it would enable the EU to open up its markets and survive in the global market reality. Punishing the UK, via tariffs or other trade barriers, will only hasten the EU's decline.

The key trade deals are not with minor African countries as you imply. The key deals would cement trade deals with the US, Canada, Australia, China, India and Korea.

You are living in a EU protectionist fantasy land. You, like the EUrocrats, don't have a fucking clue.

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I'd imagine what Britain will do to avoid an incredible amount of work, time and a huge regulatory burden on UK businesses is just to stick with the EU rules and regulations for trade negotiations, and promise to stay with them to avoid uncertainty for potential trade partners. Which raises the issue, what was the point of it all for the Brexiters who claim it wasn't about immigration?

Edited by welshbairn
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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I'd imagine what Britain will do to avoid an incredible amount of work, time and a huge regulatory burden on UK businesses is just to stick with the EU rules and regulations for trade negotiations, and promise to stay with them to avoid uncertainty for potential trade partners. Which raises the issue, what was the point of it all for the Brexiters who claim it wasn't about immigration?

As said many, many times before, the main reason for voting Brexit was to leave the EU because of the political direction it was going .

The EU single State. One country, run from Brussels/Strasbourg/Frankurt. A European army, no borders, national Govt reduced to ineffective talking shops.

A one hat fits all , grey, bland , homogenous blend that tramples all over European diversity, individuality and culture.

Funded by and in the interests of large corporations, arms maufacturers, big business etc and supported by professional politicians and bureaucrats.......and ignorant voters.

Leaving that dystopian nightmare will be worth any short term economic woes .

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10 hours ago, Redstarstranraer said:


Er, aye ok then.  I suppose I can see why, looking at Westminster and Holyrood, you could mistake the SNP for all our politicians seeing as they're the only show in town.

Naw it just doesn't make any sense full stop.

Politically immature :lol:






So when you're pulled up for talking sh##e it's actually satire, such wonderfully subtle satire only you can see it?  You realise the only thing you'd actually be satirising is not the Scottish government but the paranoid ranting of swivel eyed Britnat loons?  Or indeed are you struggling to keep up the pretence that this isn't actually just an exercise in trolling?

Either way I'm done with your pish.  Keep it up though, it is wonderfully satirical of the inchoate rambling delusions of a certain sector of unionism, and therefore good for a laugh.  Hope that doesn't go right over your head...


And after all that  which basically amounts to nothing but abuse and the overuse of smilies, you didn't ( couldn't) defend the SNP's record of lowering educational attainment in our schools and failure to assist pupils from less affluent background.

Lower investment in the NHS compared to England/Wales. Low morale and unsustainable budget cuts. 

The total mess they've made of   reorganising The Scottish Police Service, which is barely fit for purpose.

The centralising of power in to Holyrood.

Politically naïve decision to freeze Council Tax thus denying local authorities of crucial funds leading to reduced services, closures, lack of investment.

The insistence on pushing on with party political agendas rather than focussing on The National Interests.

I wish all  that was satirical but ' fraid not.  Feel free to prove their record is not as I claim.

It's a poor show and time you Woke Up And Smelt The Coffee ( and before you start I know it's 'smelled' but I also know how anal you can be)

Btw...... I have no idea what trolling means and I really can't be bothered to look it up.



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As said many, many times before, the main reason for voting Brexit was to leave the EU because of the political direction it was going .

The EU single State. One country, run from Brussels/Strasbourg/Frankurt. A European army, no borders, national Govt reduced to ineffective talking shops.

A one hat fits all , grey, bland , homogenous blend that tramples all over European diversity, individuality and culture.

Funded by and in the interests of large corporations, arms maufacturers, big business etc and supported by professional politicians and bureaucrats.......and ignorant voters.

Leaving that dystopian nightmare will be worth any short term economic woes .

This will be the EU that has less bureaucrats than the typical government department.

You've been reading the Daily Heil too much.
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42 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

As said many, many times before, the main reason for voting YES was to leave the UK because of the political direction it was going .

The UK single State. One country, run from Westminster/London/England. A British army, no borders, national Govt reduced to ineffective talking shops.

A one hat fits all , grey, bland , homogenous blend that tramples all over British diversity, individuality and culture.

Funded by and in the interests of large corporations, arms maufacturers, big business etc and supported by professional politicians and bureaucrats.......and ignorant voters.

Leaving that dystopian nightmare will be worth any short term economic woes .

I agree entirely.

Edited by Cream Cheese
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10 hours ago, Todders said:

All trading blocs employ protectionist tactics. Thats kind of what they are for.

Shouldn't the real question be why does a tiny region of a tiny country in the EU have more power and influence than Scotland?

Are you advocating a federal structure for the UK?

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1 hour ago, Wee Willie said:

Well done!

Only the BBC and some other numpties would call Henry VIII British.

Henry VIII and his father might have liked it, given they claimed suzerainty over Scotland, and that the Scottish kings only held Scotland by their homage. Henry VII - as a Welshman - was particularly keen on a "united Albion", and pointed out that even if a Scottish King succeeded to the throne of England (as happened a century later), it would represent England gaining Scotland rather than the other way round.

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So Mundell's take on the Tory party line that "Brexit means Brexit" is that is true unles you are the UK Banking Sector, The UK car manufacturing sector, the City of London.......what a total and utter shambles.  To use an adage we all understand "you don't know what your doing....."

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