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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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10 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Only if they are standing in your constituency was the point I was making.

Think it's almost inconceivable that any constituency in the UK would not have an anti EU candidate

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1 minute ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Welshbairn not in the case of a referendum such as this.  Parliament became sovereign after harles 1, the point was parliament is sovereign not the monarch,  as parliament represents the people.   If parliament was to defy the clearly expressed views of the people making parliament and the people in opposite camps you'd have a constitutions crisis the likes of which has not been seen in 400 years.   Complete meltdown.   It can't happen. 

The referendum does not give the Government carte blanche to make any deal they want with the EU against the will of Parliament. A hugely ill informed electorate voted by a very narrow margin to leave the EU, but not on what the future relationship with the EU should be. If after going through all the options Parliament finds by far the best option would be to stay in the EU after renegotiating the terms of our membership, then it should be put to a General Election or another referendum. A referendum, which is only advisory anyway, cannot and shouldn't bind all future Governments in changing circumstances.

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1 minute ago, WILLIEA said:

Think it's almost inconceivable that any constituency in the UK would not have an anti EU candidate

As a YES and REMAIN voter I will 100% vote for an anti EU candidate if Article 50 isn't triggered.

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7 minutes ago, WILLIEA said:

Think it's almost inconceivable that any constituency in the UK would not have an anti EU candidate

Well, we'll have to wait and see, I suppose. I would suggest a candidate for an anti-remain party would stand more chance of winning seats than a series of indeoendent* anti-remainers would.

* or even independent

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18 minutes ago, Consolidate said:

 Then vote for UKIP

Rather simplistic.  If UKIP are the only party standing on a leave EU platform and the rest of their policies you fundamentally disagree with (if you can actually find them) then you cannot express your wishes through the ballot box.

The idea that everyone that votes for a party, are endorsing their entire manifesto is idiotic.

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7 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

A referendum, which is only advisory anyway.

That line is a load of bollocks, it might be written down as such but nobody goes to a ballot box with the understanding that the result will only be upheld if the great and the good agree with it, chaos will ensue if May reneges.

Edited by ayrmad
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5 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

See now you're rowing back from your demonstrably false position bairn after you ere schooled.   No point engaging any further. 

Whit? lol By your argument the Government would have to change policy every time an opinion poll went against them. 

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Just now, welshbairn said:

Whit? lol By your argument the Government would have to change policy every time an opinion poll went against them. 

The ballot box is not in any way comparable to a fucking opinion poll.

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9 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

The ballot box is not in any way comparable to a fucking opinion poll.

The referendum was a snapshot opinion poll with a very large sample on a specific issue. If you asked the the same question when the reality of the post Brexit options are clear you may well get a very different answer. Should the will of the people be ignored in that case?

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The referendum was a snapshot opinion poll with a very large sample on a specific issue. If you asked the the same question when the reality of the post Brexit options are clear you may well get a very different answer. Should the will of the people be ignored in that case?

Quite! It was David Davis, minister for brexit no less who said " a democracy which can't change its mind is no democracy at all "

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The whole point of democracy is that you can change your mind, reserve a decision, remove an MP, alter the course of events.

This idea that a referendum result was set in stone and must now be passed no matter what is completely undemocratic. 

At the very least the final deal after negotiations have been concluded should be passed either by parliament or another referendum.  It's absolute insanity to commit to a course of action when you do not even know what the course of action will be.

What happens if say 2 years down the line 55%, 60%, 65% of the population are against leaving under the terms of the conclusion of the final deal?

Leave won the referendum but only by a tiny margin and I think there is enough evidence to suggest that lots of people have or will change their mind when the full repercussions become clearer. 


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The margin of victory for leave was 4% UK wide. Before the vote Farage said if remain won by less than 10% he would consider it unfinished.

Since 23rd June several polls have shown that the number of leavers who regret their vote would easily swing a referendum held today heavily towards remain ( and common sense )

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