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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Didn't know that.   I imagine the Falklands is like n Ireland on steroids,  people running about going on about how British they are. If they want to be brBritish they can move back to Britain,  we could decolonise the Falklands in a week. 

So you're saying any foreign national in Britain who claim proud of ancestry should move back to Italy, Poland, India or wherever they come from?

Behave yourself laddie. You've been hitting the Christmas cherry a bit hard son
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So you're saying any foreign national in Britain who claim proud of ancestry should move back to Italy, Poland, India or wherever they come from?

Behave yourself laddie. You've been hitting the Christmas cherry a bit hard son

Foreign nationals living in Britain do not cost their original country of origin a fortune to support them, your comparison is a bit off the mark.
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Usually I refrain from posting on any politics threads on here due to being shot down, but here goes. 

I think its clear that Nicola Sturgeon is using the Brexit Vote as political gain for her own independence dream. 

Our first minister continually tells us that Scotland voted to remain in the EU. 62% of Scotland voted to remain, leaving 38% voting to leave the EU.

But isn't it interesting that the latest BMG poll shows that similar number of 61.5% do not want a re-run of a Scottish Independence referendum yet it continues to be driven by her. Not only that, but our First Minister going to England to campaign to vote to stay within the EU has to legitimise her acceptance that it was a UK wide vote.  

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The Scottish voters were told that staying in the UK was the way to stay in the EU. We're now out of the EU, despite voting to stay in the UK. They are absolutely correct to use this. Because they used flat out lies to win the independence referendum.

Not to say that No wouldn't win again in the future of course. I'm not confident about that at all, at least not in the short term. But that doesn't mean that the agenda should be any different. Whether it's politically beneficial to her or not isn't really the issue here. The issue is that she's doing exactly what she should be doing.

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I do agree with you on using the EU position as ammunition to keep Scotland from voting to leave the UK, however David Cameron Pledged to have an in/out referendum back in 2013, long before the Scottish IndyRef.

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9 minutes ago, Randy Giles said:

The Scottish voters were told that staying in the UK was the way to stay in the EU. We're now out of the EU, despite voting to stay in the UK. They are absolutely correct to use this. Because they used flat out lies to win the independence referendum.

Not to say that No wouldn't win again in the future of course. I'm not confident about that at all, at least not in the short term. But that doesn't mean that the agenda should be any different. Whether it's politically beneficial to her or not isn't really the issue here. The issue is that she's doing exactly what she should be doing.

Total Bollocks!

What she shld be doing is respecting the mandate from the UK electorate for the UK to Leave the EU. What part of that does she , or you, not get?

What she should be doing is respecting the will of the Scottish electorate who voted NO to independence.

What she should be doing is getting on with running Scotland within the UK, to the benefit of ALL Scottish citizens and using the powers vested in Holyrood to achieve that.

What she should NOT be doing is falsely interpreting the results of both referendums and twisting the results to justify her  party's narrow, political objective of independence.


Also, lies were told by both sides in both referendums and as the Scottish electorate are always trumpeted as being the most highly educated and politically engaged electorate in the UK it is fair to give them the respect they deserve and assume they knew exactly what they were voting for in each election.

I voted No and Leave and am totally happy with my choices.....

Edited by McSpreader
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Her party also ran at the last 2 elections with provision to seek a further referendum should there be a significant change either in voter desire or to the conditions within which the UK operated.in both of those elections the SNP secured a mandate to implement their manifesto commitments - and not by small margins either. 

Since the referendum and the last UK election the landscaping of the UK has completely changed. She should hold a referendum every time we vote her in with this level of support. 

"If you don't know, vote no" and the pledge that Scotland could only safely be part of the EU by voting no have both been battered. We do know and we are not in the EU. The UK is an absolute clusterfuck, right wing, intolerant shambles and yet some folk still want to be part of it. Absolutely incredible. Surely to f**k Scotland is worth a better future than Teresa fucking May and an unending steam of right wing racist c***s. 

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Just now, doulikefish said:

People really need to read political parties manifesto ^_^

A good idea!

What Nicola Sturgeon should be doing is listening tae the people that voted for her and her party.

After all they read the SNP manifesto and decided they didnae want Trident or tae be part of a corrupt UK.

Perhaps Mcspreader should reflect on that and accept democracy in action.

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I do agree with you on using the EU position as ammunition to keep Scotland from voting to leave the UK, however David Cameron Pledged to have an in/out referendum back in 2013, long before the Scottish IndyRef.

On the day of the 2015 election a hung parliament was still being touted as the probable outcome.
Its some leap then to claim a no vote in 2014 was a Scottish mandate for The Tories Europe referendum.
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34 minutes ago, ballymoneyyin said:

Usually I refrain from posting on any politics threads on here due to being shot down, but here goes. 

I think its clear that Nicola Sturgeon is using the Brexit Vote as political gain for her own independence dream. 

Our first minister continually tells us that Scotland voted to remain in the EU. 62% of Scotland voted to remain, leaving 38% voting to leave the EU.

But isn't it interesting that the latest BMG poll shows that similar number of 61.5% do not want a re-run of a Scottish Independence referendum yet it continues to be driven by her. Not only that, but our First Minister going to England to campaign to vote to stay within the EU has to legitimise her acceptance that it was a UK wide vote.  

That poll does nothing of the sort.

It asks whether voters want an independence referendum this year.  Not whether they want one or not.  It's a fundamental difference.

There are many, many Independence supporters who do not want a referendum this year.

It gets a little annoying when the full question and context of the various polls that come out are regurgitated without scrutiny or question.  It's wilful dis-information.

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4 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Total Bollocks!

Thats the kind of shouting down I was talking about right there, though not directed at me.


2 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

People really need to read political parties manifesto ^_^


6 minutes ago, HTG said:

Her party also ran at the last 2 elections with provision to seek a further referendum should there be a significant change either in voter desire or to the conditions within which the UK operated.in both of those elections the SNP secured a mandate to implement their manifesto commitments - and not by small margins either. 

Since the referendum and the last UK election the landscaping of the UK has completely changed. She should hold a referendum every time we vote her in with this level of support

"If you don't know, vote no" and the pledge that Scotland could only safely be part of the EU by voting no have both been battered. We do know and we are not in the EU. The UK is an absolute clusterfuck, right wing, intolerant shambles and yet some folk still want to be part of it. Absolutely incredible. Surely to f**k Scotland is worth a better future than Teresa fucking May and an unending steam of right wing racist c***s. 

The 2016 manifesto? I think we could nitpick at parts of the SNP (or any political party) manifesto that is and isn't being implemented all day back and forth though, given Scotland's education rating is the worst in history despite a pledge to invest and improve every child in the countries education regardless of class. Further back, in 2015, we were told about an improvement in transport and shortly after Abellio got the contract for Scotlands Railway network (despite being rated one of the lowest performing in Europe), we continue to see Abellio underperforming. Again, we could go back and forth about contents of any political party not sticking to pledges. But cherry picking the bits that suit the First Minister is exactly what I mean when I said that she wants a referendum to suit her own Independence dream. 


For the record I do like Nicola Sturgeon as a First Minister and overall The SNP have done a good job in keeping a balance for Scots. Its just this particular issue I have my back up about! :)

A vote for the SNP isn't a vote for Scottish independence. 

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8 minutes ago, ballymoneyyin said:

Thats the kind of shouting down I was talking about right there, though not directed at me.



The 2016 manifesto? I think we could nitpick at parts of the SNP (or any political party) manifesto that is and isn't being implemented all day back and forth though, given Scotland's education rating is the worst in history despite a pledge to invest and improve every child in the countries education regardless of class. Further back, in 2015, we were told about an improvement in transport and shortly after Abellio got the contract for Scotlands Railway network (despite being rated one of the lowest performing in Europe), we continue to see Abellio underperforming. Again, we could go back and forth about contents of any political party not sticking to pledges. But cherry picking the bits that suit the First Minister is exactly what I mean when I said that she wants a referendum to suit her own Independence dream. 


For the record I do like Nicola Sturgeon as a First Minister and overall The SNP have done a good job in keeping a balance for Scots. Its just this particular issue I have my back up about! :)

A vote for the SNP isn't a vote for Scottish independence. 

A vote for the SNP is a vote for them to implement their manifesto, which included the option of at least asking the question under a given set of circumstance, which have come to pass.

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39 minutes ago, HTG said:

Her party also ran at the last 2 elections with provision to seek a further referendum should there be a significant change either in voter desire or to the conditions within which the UK operated.in both of those elections the SNP secured a mandate to implement their manifesto commitments - and not by small margins either. 

Since the referendum and the last UK election the landscaping of the UK has completely changed. She should hold a referendum every time we vote her in with this level of support. 

"If you don't know, vote no" and the pledge that Scotland could only safely be part of the EU by voting no have both been battered. We do know and we are not in the EU. The UK is an absolute clusterfuck, right wing, intolerant shambles and yet some folk still want to be part of it. Absolutely incredible. Surely to f**k Scotland is worth a better future than Teresa fucking May and an unending steam of right wing racist c***s. 

That is an outrageous, unintelligent and lazy assertion to make to say that the rUK is intolerant, racist and a shambles. What planet do you live on?

Britain is, in fact, quite demonstrably from the vast numbers of foreigners residing here successfully, possibly the most tolerant nation in Europe.

You are the one who is  an intolerant scaremonger. There is no evidence to support an increase in prejudice simply because of a majority of people voting to leave the EU. An increase in reporting may have happened since Brexit, but that is only because of those such as yourself who love racism , division and prejudice because you can then use that as weapons to against your political adversaries and therefore, I would suggest, a lot of the reporting of racist incidents are dubious in the extreme.

 Re Sturgeon  I would suggest the 'manifesto' was a vehicle for her one and only policy that matters to her, independence, and everything else means nothing to her and she needs to be more honest about that.

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If britnats don't like the direction of politics just now win an election then.   If not shut up,  what you think doesn't matter,  the country went to the polls and decided your opinion isn't going to be influencing public policy this parliament.  suck it up.

Edited by Peppino Impastato
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That is an outrageous, unintelligent and lazy assertion to make to say that the rUK is intolerant, racist and a shambles. What planet do you live on?
Britain is, in fact, quite demonstrably from the vast numbers of foreigners residing here successfully, possibly the most tolerant nation in Europe.
You are the one who is  an intolerant scaremonger. There is no evidence to support an increase in prejudice simply because of a majority of people voting to leave the EU. An increase in reporting may have happened since Brexit, but that is only because of those such as yourself who love racism , division and prejudice because you can then use that as weapons to against your political adversaries and therefore, I would suggest, a lot of the reporting of racist incidents are dubious in the extreme.
 Re Sturgeon  I would suggest the 'manifesto' was a vehicle for her one and only policy that matters to her, independence, and everything else means nothing to her and she needs to be more honest about that.

Tl; Dr
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1 minute ago, Peppino Impastato said:

If britnats don't like the direction of politics just now win an election then.   If not shut up,  what you think doesn't matter,  the country went to the polls and decided your opinion isn't going to be influencing public policy this parliament.  suck it up.



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