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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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That's an very undemocratic assumption. David Davis, not Rogers, is the Government's chief negotiator. The ambassador's role, as a diplomat, is to secure support in Brussels for the Government's proposals and policies.
Rogers could not (or would not) secure support for Cameron's modest renegotiation proposals. And remember that Osborne, not Rogers, was Cameron's chief negotiator. It's not surprising that he was left out of the loop. Good riddance!

How could Rogers secure support for anything if he isn't told what anything is? The idea that there are no talks going on before Article 50 is laughable. The more we find out about how little the Brexiters thought about the complexity of their wee adventure and the massive downside in risk v potential benefit, the more I think Boris and Co realise what self serving ignorant arsed they were. One good thing is May making Boris Foreign Secretary meaning there's no way for him to squirm out of the way of the self imposed fiasco.
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43 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

That's an very undemocratic assumption. David Davis, not Rogers, is the Government's chief negotiator. The ambassador's role, as a diplomat, is to secure support in Brussels for the Government's proposals and policies.

Rogers could not (or would not) secure support for Cameron's modest renegotiation proposals. And remember that Osborne, not Rogers, was Cameron's chief negotiator. It's not surprising that he was left out of the loop. Good riddance!

Cameron: "we need some limits to immigration"

EU: "Why?  Show us some evidence immigration is an issue for Britain and we'll discuss"

Cameron: "Um, here's a couple of articles in the Telegraph about immigrants"

EU: "Snigger, f**k off Dave."

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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^ Amusing but not a reflection of the reality.  If the EU had taken a more constructive approach, Remain would have won the referendum. But it didn't so the voters told the EU to f**k off. Yet those same voters are derided as thick racist Little Englanders.

Lord Ashcroft's post-referendum survey showed that 36% of SNP voters voted to Leave the EU. See http://lordashcroftpolls.com/2016/06/how-the-united-kingdom-voted-and-why/ - "Nearly two thirds of Labour and SNP voters (63% and 64%), seven in ten Liberal Democrats and three quarters of Greens, voted to remain." 

The published tables have more detailed data - http://lordashcroftpolls.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/How-the-UK-voted-Full-tables-1.pdf. Table 2 on page 7 is the key one. The sample size in Scotland (1102) was similar to a national Scottish poll.

Who is speaking up for the 36% in Scotland?

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“To be honest, we failed to find any evidence of communities under pressure,” Mr Korski wrote on the Politico website.


“We even asked the help of Migration Watch, an organisation that has been critical of migration. But all [it] could provide was an article in The Daily Telegraph about a hospital maternity ward in Corby. There was no hard evidence.”


He said other EU leaders had suggested the UK should simply channel more money to areas where high levels of migration had caused concern among local people.


“They noted that our economy was growing, that we were almost at full employment, and thus that migration was more or less inevitable," he wrote.


"[And] they showed us how our rate of financial distribution to the areas under pressure was much lower than, say, Germany’s, and concluded that we should just spend a lot more money addressing the challenges there.”

Daniel Korski - Wikipedia


Daniel Korski CBE is a former special adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron.


ETA, thoroughly looking forward to the smug, " thick racist Little Englander" above telling us all how he knows much more about it than Camerons own SPAD and how it is the EU's fault. Waiting on bated breath.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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33 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

^ Amusing but not a reflection of the reality.  If the EU had taken a more constructive approach, Remain would have won the referendum. But it didn't so the voters told the EU to f**k off. Yet those same voters are derided as thick racist Little Englanders.

Lord Ashcroft's post-referendum survey showed that 36% of SNP voters voted to Leave the EU. See http://lordashcroftpolls.com/2016/06/how-the-united-kingdom-voted-and-why/ - "Nearly two thirds of Labour and SNP voters (63% and 64%), seven in ten Liberal Democrats and three quarters of Greens, voted to remain." 

The published tables have more detailed data - http://lordashcroftpolls.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/How-the-UK-voted-Full-tables-1.pdf. Table 2 on page 7 is the key one. The sample size in Scotland (1102) was similar to a national Scottish poll.

Who is speaking up for the 36% in Scotland?

It just shows that quite a few know what independence means. Clue, it's not just independence from England.

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Are you genuinely so dense that you think the EU saying:

"No, there is no evidence that immigration is a problem for you and your attempts to blame migrants for your own austerity programme and the pressures it creates in your public services is no reason to give you a pass for one of the founding principals of the Union."

Is some slight against the will of the people.

Why is it you think that people think immigration is a problem?

Clue: It is not because immigration is a problem.


Ken whit, I don't care, don't quote me again, your slavers are beneath me.


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5 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

williemillersretard* calling others slavers. :lol:

Saying "immigration is not a problem" blindly is absolutely ridiculous. It depends what kind of immigration you are referring to for instance.

You really think a British politician (or Scottish politician) wanting to do what the majority of the country wants (even slightly) with regards to immigration is stupid?

No, but I think you thinking that the EU would acquiesce to these demands with nothing to back them up (at all, no shred of evidence) is so mind-bendingly fucking dense I wonder how you remember to breathe.

Now slaver away somewhere else.

*Nice use of a slur on the disabled btw, I see that you are vermin as well as impossibly fucking stupid.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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i know he's missing something here, but am I?


“To be honest, we failed to find any evidence of communities under pressure,” Mr Korski wrote on the Politico website.

“We even asked the help of Migration Watch, an organisation that has been critical of migration. But all [it] could provide was an article in The Daily Telegraph about a hospital maternity ward in Corby. There was no hard evidence.”

There was no hard evidence.”

There was no hard evidence.”

There was no hard evidence.”






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3 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

So you believe any statement from Tory advisers to be 100%? Why are you in favour of independence then if they are always correct?

Can we actually see this evidence? Or do I take the advice of a political adviser to a globalist political?

Here is the no evidence:




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So you believe any statement from Tory advisers to be 100%? Why are you in favour of independence then if they are always correct?
Can we actually see this evidence? Or do I take the advice of a political adviser to a globalist political?

*Sigh* in light of there not being any evidence, you not providing any, there not being any and a version of events that tallies with the fact that there isn't any, I'm inclined to believe the account of a man who was there and who said there isn't any.
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20 hours ago, git-intae-thum said:

Laughable pish.

I am no fan of the SNP but they are extremely competent in government. Far more so than the pea brained unionist opposition in Scotland and markedly more organised and competent than the total cluster that is Westminster government at present

You just confirmed Shades 75's point.

Where to start with the snp incompetence? Policing: Or perhaps the Strathclydisation of Scottish police services. This will not work at local levels. Rather than devolve power to local authorities the snp use a mix of centrism, centralisation and corporatism. Yet they claim the people closes to where the decisions will impact should make the decisions. That’s went well. Colleges and Fire Statons haven’t faired any better due to the Council tax freeze.

The Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. Where are we with that? All four of the Poseidon Adventure opposition parties have pledged to repeal it.

Minimum alcohol pricing. That started in 2012 and could yet be appealed in the UK Supreme Court in London. And it totally misses the mark. When the snp realise it will be a vote loser they will change tact.

Do you really think Education, the NHS and Transport are all improving. Who knows where we are with the N.P. is it still only advisory? Where is the second industrial revolution through renewables. I must have missed it.



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10 minutes ago, hehawhehaw said:

Where to start with the snp incompetence? Policing: Or perhaps the Strathclydisation of Scottish police services. This will not work at local levels. Rather than devolve power to local authorities the snp use a mix of centrism, centralisation and corporatism. Yet they claim the people closes to where the decisions will impact should make the decisions. That’s went well. Colleges and Fire Statons haven’t faired any better due to the Council tax freeze.


The Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. Where are we with that? All four of the Poseidon Adventure opposition parties have pledged to repeal it.


Minimum alcohol pricing. That started in 2012 and could yet be appealed in the UK Supreme Court in London. And it totally misses the mark. When the snp realise it will be a vote loser they will change tact.


Do you really think Education, the NHS and Transport are all improving. Who knows where we are with the N.P. is it still only advisory? Where is the second industrial revolution through renewables. I must have missed it.




See that, that's much better than accusing them of only having one policy.

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