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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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15 hours ago, McSpreader said:

I thought consumers always reined in ( not reigned in I say this because despite your superior education you obviously don't always get it right......and don't say typo because reign is a completely other word) ....in January . It's something to do with spending too much in December.

Another thing you've got wrong is to say that inflation has increased in the wake of Brexit........Brexit is more than  two years hence.

and.....LIKELY to close. Does that even mean anything ?

I feel bad pulling you up on these basic mistakes but when someone has a doctorate and a masters you would think everything they say and do is to be revered and respected.......maybe that's the fallacy that needed to be busted and the Brexit vote has helped in that. The educated elite and the professional experts are maybe not to be relied on anymore.

 Let's face it , they have been f*cking up for decades now and lining their pockets in the process.   No wonder the hoi polloi are fizzing!



6 hours ago, McSpreader said:

I agree  it isn't that easy. It's also true that the educated professionals have had things all their own way for too long to the detriment of millions upon millions of 'ordinary' people ( I actually dislike that term). 

Obviously we need well educated people but a university education meaning an instant shoe-in to success is wrong and even university educated people should start at the bottom of the ladder . Merit is the only thing that should matter and vocational /workplace education should be enhanced, encouraged and better funded.

The previous default position in the national mindset that we treat those with a university education with unquestioning  deference and servility seems to have changed.

Anyone who tries to suggest I'm advocating the abolition of higher education is choosing  to deliberately  misrepresent the point.


^^^Doesn't have a fucking clue how economic data works. Somehow thinks that simpletons like himself are in some way correct whereas the educated folk are wrong. I've highlighted the biggest pile of unadulterated pish from your post. Why don't you do yourself a favour and read a fucking economics book. Or f**k off.

Remember when all this was 'a price worth paying'? Now that the price is crystallising, apparently it's the data that is getting interpreted wrong. Jesus!

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1 hour ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:


^^^Doesn't have a fucking clue how economic data works. Somehow thinks that simpletons like himself are in some way correct whereas the educated folk are wrong. I've highlighted the biggest pile of unadulterated pish from your post. Why don't you do yourself a favour and read a fucking economics book. Or f**k off.

Remember when all this was 'a price worth paying'? Now that the price is crystallising, apparently it's the data that is getting interpreted wrong. Jesus!

You really don't need to have read any economic books to work out why "folk always rein it in January" isn't a good excuse for sales being down on forecasts.

Not much evidence on show of that famous "common sense" possessed by the anti-intellectual Southend Daves of the world.

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^^^Doesn't have a fucking clue how economic data works. Somehow thinks that simpletons like himself are in some way correct whereas the educated folk are wrong. I've highlighted the biggest pile of unadulterated pish from your post. Why don't you do yourself a favour and read a fucking economics book. Or f**k off.
Remember when all this was 'a price worth paying'? Now that the price is crystallising, apparently it's the data that is getting interpreted wrong. Jesus!

Rich coming from a guy that couldn't accept economic data when it contradicted their flawed view of, ehm, economic data. Any success in the last eightonths showing that the FTSE will rise/fall, either directly or indirectly, based on government expenditure.
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15 minutes ago, strichener said:

Rich coming from a guy that couldn't accept economic data when it contradicted their flawed view of, ehm, economic data. Any success in the last eightonths showing that the FTSE will rise/fall, either directly or indirectly, based on government expenditure.

Utter bollocks. I'm not even going to search back but you sticking up a couple of graphs to prove irrelevant points isn't worth arguing with. I assume you can refute the point that I made about HS2 capital spending? Or does the awarding of these contracts not affect the value of the companies that are given them?

ETA: Type 'government expenditure effect on stock market' into Google and there is pages and pages of stuff which seems to back me up. It's not difficult.



Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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7 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:



I tried explaining to the British Medical Council that I could pick it up as I went along with on the job training but the elitist b*****ds were having none of it.




7 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

I really hope we start replacing 'so called experts' with just random 'everyday' guys from the pub.

Minsters announced today that the man in charge of implementing the NHS's new IT network is Dave from Southend. Dave, a bricklayer and part-time alcoholic, has extensive experience of going fucking mental every time a story about government waste comes up in the Mail and stated "They're faacking mugs m8. The lot o' them". He lists his proudest achievement as putting on a Pakistani accent and asking "Does anyone smell curry round here?" until an Egyptian student who'd accidentally wandered into The King's Head left. 

That is such a ridiculous post. Who the f*ck would advocate that ?

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19 minutes ago, McSpreader said:


That is such a ridiculous post. Who the f*ck would advocate that ?

According to yourself, people who actually know about stuff shouldn't be held in any higher esteem, infact should be held in less esteem, than brainless shitgibbons with no grasp of the subject.

So to answer your question: You.

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7 hours ago, WILLIEA said:

There is just so much wrong in his post.

Just one being that all grads. are not ordinary people, walk immediately into high paid jobs and all come from highly privileged backgrounds.

Just a bitter twisted person!

Typical dismissive.....it's become a habit.

I never specifically said ALL , just  referring to those that are like that.

I never said we could manage without any university educated folk. I'm not a Maoist.

I'm also fully aware we have the best educated dole queue in Europe.

I'm just highlighting that,  as a society,we can place an over reliance on university education when there are other ways for people to achieve a meaningful and applicable level of knowledge. Especially when our current graduates don't know the difference between rein and reign....that's shocking!

The  former Labour Govt made a big mistake by creating so many second rate universities and instilling an unwarranted level of entitlement to a university education in students, most of whom were ill equipped or not properly  motivated  and as such, society hasn't benefited from that investment . It should have focused equally on technical  and vocational education . I think the current govt. may well be doing that but that is 20 years too late and we are playing catch up.

There's nothing bitter or twisted in that  observation . It's what's called an alternative view.  I would have thought that someone with a Masters would have had  the nous to see that

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23 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

According to yourself, people who actually know about stuff shouldn't be held in any higher esteem, infact should be held in less esteem, than brainless shitgibbons with no grasp of the subject.

So to answer your question: You.

I did not say they should be held in less esteem than brainless shitgibbons....You said that. As far as I'm concerned braimless shitgibbons are the lowest of the low.


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3 hours ago, McSpreader said:


That is such a ridiculous post. Who the f*ck would advocate that ?

Well, aye. It's called hyperbole.

You've hit on it yourself with your 'highly educated dole queue' comment. I don't think it's the case at all that a degree is seen as the be all and end all these days. The vast majority of entry level graduate jobs are not particularly well paid and I seriously doubt many organisations view graduates as anywhere near the finished article in any field. Graduates do what non-graduates have to do, come in at the bottom and work their way up if they're capable. 

No genuine expert in anything would view anyone else as an expert because they have a degree in something.

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