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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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What Leave voters want tae happen in UK after Brexit

The death penalty: mibbe aye, mibbe naw. I cannae forget thon c**t that murdered the twa school-lassies then helped the polis look for them.
Dark Blue passport: I'm no allowed a passport so matters not a jot tae me.
Selling goods in pounds & ounces: I'm a luddite so that'll do me.
Corporal punishment in schools: Didnae dae me ony harm.
Traditional incandescent lightbulbs: I'm still a luddite so that'll still do me.
Smoking in pubs and Restaurants: I stopped smoking in 2012 so these c**ts can f**k off.
Pre decimal currency: Naw, decimals are the dugs bollox in currency.

Things I'd like tae ken
How dae ye describe a 'baw-hair' in Metric ?
How dae ye describe 'half-an-inch' in Metric?


Edited by Wee Willie
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Chris Patten says Theresa May is creating “Millwall” "Sevco" Britain: “No one likes us, we don’t care”

The former Conservative chair accuses the Prime Minister of “government by tabloids”, urging fellow Tories to oppose her “dogmatic, Trumpian view of where this country's going”.


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29 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

Things I'd like tae ken
How dae ye describe 'half-an-inch' in Metric?



16 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

Exactly 12.7 mm
13mm is probably close enough for most purposes

There's always one smart c**t.
It's no sae fluent as half-an-inch.
I'm describing how I fought off a royalist - 'anither half-an-inch and I'd be deid'.
'Hands up wha kens whit that is in mm'.
Aye TC tell the class......


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The negotiations should be full of lolz. Assuming that Tory cuntress wants to use Scottish resources as a bargaining chip, are the EU team (mindful of possible Scottish independence in a couple of years) likely to say "lol f**k off, that's not even yours to offer"*

* or words to that effect

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