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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Kirky's happy for people to preach hate against minorities but apparently receiving a slap for this is the death of civilised society.

Im sure he will be along soon to explain how jo cox's family deserve all that abuse from saint farage.....
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14 hours ago, kirkyblue2 said:

Shouting scum, scum, is peaceful and not harassment?

It was  "Nigel, you're a bawbag, Nigel you're a bawbag, na, na, na, hey!" and "Ukip scum, off our streets". Politicians should expect to be called scum when they are scum.  Perfectly justifiable, peaceful but noisy protest against an arsehole's television opportunity.

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Knickers absolutely wringing. What Farage experienced was a little bit of verbals on account of him being an absolute arsehole of a man. 

If you're really concerned about abuse towards politicians just have a wee look at what Sturgeon has to put up with. There are folk calling for her to be hung for treason ffs. 

Conscious that has a wee smack of whataboutery in it but really, what Farage got was nothing compared to what others experience. It's people like Farage who whipped up the level of xenophobia that got Jo Cox killed.  

He's an absolute w****r and if someone had stuck the heid on him that would be the reason. 

Any politician who can't stand a verbal assault should not be a politician. Farage was looking to be verbally abused then went running to his pals in the media when it happened. If it happened to any other politician it would not be news but the media are so far up Farage's arse that they pander to his complaints. If the media keep letting the racist little c**t have free unchallenged airtime then protest is the only way he can be tackled. Personally I wouldn't have used the calling him scum approach - challenge him on the lies he constantly peddles and gets away with - if his minders don't let him near him (as has been the case before) then mockery would be more effective - wasn't there a politician who had a man in a chicken suit following him about because he refused to take questions from the public on walkabouts. I'd think that the likes of Farage should be challenged because the press certainly are not doing it.


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Ex-Labor minister tells EU to 'forget Great Britain' during Brexit talks
Lord Mandelson was branded a traitor on Saturday after he urged EU chiefs to screw Britain in Brexit talks.
The ex-Labor minister claimed it would be “absolutely impossible” to strike a deal because Theresa May has the “wrong attitude.”
And he declared: “One can only advise the Europeans one thing – forget Britain and take care of your own interests.”
Lord Mandelson showed where his true loyalties lie in an astonishing interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit.

The Brexit-bashing peer – a former EU trade commissioner – is in line for a £34,600-a-year [$42,000] pension
from Brussels after swearing an oath of loyalty to European institutions


At least he’s got his priorities right
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I'm in intensive care just now. I Basically had my life saved the other day by a Nigerian and a Libyan surgeon, a Polish anaesthetist, an English anaesthetist and potentially a smattering of more nationalities in the theatre that I can't confirm because I was busy being under a general. 

Since Tuesday I have been assigned to 10 icu nurses on a one to one rotation system. I've had a blood transfusion performed by an Irish doctor and the blood prescribed by a Brazilian (doctor I think he was). Approximately 50% of these nurses have been uk based, 4 eu origin and one of Albanian origin. 


I just had a 20 minute chat with a Ugandan student nurse, who was telling me he first trained as fine art teacher in Uganda, then emigrated  to.finland where he studied a Masters in business administration and human resources before realising he was destroying himself by entering the corporate world, applied to the UK to become a nurse and today  starts his final placement and he expect to qualify all going well in December. 

There. Is absolutely no way that this experience of mine is anyway atypical. Scotland is a country that needs people this to keep our population up and our NHS functioning. 

I'm not being melodramatic but I can see literally no way that the NHS can continue in its current state simply by employing people from Scotland. England NI and Wales. It's complete fucking madness 

Edited by madwullie
Hard to type when fucked on morphine
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12 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I'm in intensive care just now. I Basically had my life saved the other day by a Nigerian and a Libyan surgeon, a Polish anaesthetist, an English anaesthetist and potentially a smattering of more nationalities in the theatre that I can't confirm because I was busy being under a general. 

Since Tuesday I have been assigned to 10 icu nurses on a one to one rotation system. I've had a blood transfusion performed by an Irish doctor and the blood prescribed by a Brazilian (doctor I think he was). Approximately 50% of these nurses have been uk based, 4 eu origin and one of Albanian origin. 


I just had a 20 minute chat with a Ugandan student nurse, who was telling me he first trained as fine art teacher in Uganda, then emigrated  to.finland where he studied a Masters in business administration and human resources before realising he was destroying himself by entering the corporate world, applied to the UK to become a nurse and today  starts his final placement and he expect to qualify all going well in December. 

There. Is absolutely no way that this experience of mine is anyway atypical. Scotland is a country that needs people this to keep our population up and our NHS functioning. 

I'm not being melodramatic but I can see literally no way that the NHS can continue in its current state simply by employing people from Scotland. England NI and Wales. It's complete fucking madness 

Well done madwullie and hopefully you're on the mend :thumsup2

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32 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I'm in intensive care just now. I Basically had my life saved the other day by a Nigerian and a Libyan surgeon, a Polish anaesthetist, an English anaesthetist and potentially a smattering of more nationalities in the theatre that I can't confirm because I was busy being under a general. 

Since Tuesday I have been assigned to 10 icu nurses on a one to one rotation system. I've had a blood transfusion performed by an Irish doctor and the blood prescribed by a Brazilian (doctor I think he was). Approximately 50% of these nurses have been uk based, 4 eu origin and one of Albanian origin. 


I just had a 20 minute chat with a Ugandan student nurse, who was telling me he first trained as fine art teacher in Uganda, then emigrated  to.finland where he studied a Masters in business administration and human resources before realising he was destroying himself by entering the corporate world, applied to the UK to become a nurse and today  starts his final placement and he expect to qualify all going well in December. 

There. Is absolutely no way that this experience of mine is anyway atypical. Scotland is a country that needs people this to keep our population up and our NHS functioning. 

I'm not being melodramatic but I can see literally no way that the NHS can continue in its current state simply by employing people from Scotland. England NI and Wales. It's complete fucking madness 

Over and above the point you made, which was a brilliant one, I'm delighted to hear you're on the mend.

Take it easy.

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Scotland would be “most welcome“ to join the EU if it voted for independence, according to a group of 50 politicians.

The open letter, signed by 26 MEPs and members of national and regional parliaments in Germany, Ireland, Greece, Spain and Belgium, declared that there was a “tremendous amount of goodwill from across the continent towards Scotland’s European aspirations”.

The letter was mostly signed by Green MEPs, the same party that supported Scotland’s first bid for independence in 2014. The group lamented UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s push for a hard Brexit and acknowledged that Scotland, as a whole, had voted to remain.

“Therefore, if Scotland were to become an independent country and decided to seek to maintain European Union membership, we offer our full support to ensure the transition is as swift, smooth, and orderly as possible,” the letter, addressed to Scottish parliament, read. 

It added: “Scotland would be most welcome as a full member of the European Union, with your five million European citizens continuing to benefit from the rights and protections we all currently enjoy.”

The letter may be a boost for Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon whose predecessor Alex Salmond lost the Scottish National Party’s first bid for independence in 2014 as many politicians threatened the country would lose EU membership as a result.

Ms Sturgeon has proposed another referendum between autumn 2018 and spring 2019, when the terms of the UK’s exit deal from the EU are unknown.

This month Spain said it would not veto a potentially independent Scotland from rejoining the EU, as was previously reported.

Ross Greer MSP, the Scottish Greens’ external affairs spokesperson, said in a statement that independence was “the only way to secure a European future for Scotland”.

“The only thing standing in Scotland’s way to forging links with Europe is the Westminster government,” he said. 

“Our parliament has voted to give the people a choice over their own future and no Tory government at Westminster should stand in the way of that.” 

The SNP has not pledged a vote for independence as a guarantee to return to Brussels, however. The letter would not guarantee that Scotland could re-enter the EU.

Ms Sturgeon recently told Channel 4 News that she wrote to Ms May, formally asking to start talks on a second referendum. 

“I don’t take for granted what choice people in Scotland would make and I respect the views of those who would not choose independence, but the simple principle is this: in very changed circumstances that will have significant implications for the kind of country we will become, our future should be decided by us, not for us,” Ms Sturgeon said.

Ms May responded that “now is not the time” for such a vote.

Ms Sturgeon added last week she had no intention of taking legal action to secure a second referendum - it was a matter that should be decided outside of court.

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Brexit four times worse for UK economy than previously believed, say MIT economists

New research claims leaving the EU will have bigger impact on UK productivity than had been thought


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1 minute ago, Baxter Parp said:


Brexit four times worse for UK economy than previously believed, say MIT economists

New research claims leaving the EU will have bigger impact on UK productivity than had been thought


We could tell brexiteers to wake up and smell the coffee but they all cut off their noses to spite their face.

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