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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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The case isn't a shambles as Leaving the EU is the case, like divorce. The details are between the two parties and are to then be endorsed by the court, but if one  side  doesn't want the divorce and is angry and belligerent and  has the house keys, the car keys and your money in a private account and keeps wanting to come back in to your house whenever it wants and  to keep taking things then it is difficult for the side pushing for the divorce to get a just settlement and will eventually have to forget reason and just walk away because we are NOT staying f*cking married!!!

No, the EU is entering negotiations to get the best deal for its members, as you'd expect an economic union to do. Why would you think they'd give the UK carte blanche to set its own demands unilaterally? We will negotiate, unfortunately I think the EU has much superior negotiating power than the UK. If there's no agreement, it's a Hard Brexit and we can look forward to years of economic stagnation.
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Trying to be respectful, thought you were wanting that,  despite thinking  whoever thought £350million was going directly to the NHS  was about 100  grades of stupid  greater than numpty.

Sadly, you've summed up a significant proportion of the UK electorate there.
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33 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

With regard to the bus.......please read the wordage then come back to me and expain how that is anything other than 3 distinct   statements and how you could conclude that the Leave campaign was wanting to put £350million per week into the NHS based on a few soundbites printed on a bus. Who would be that much of a numpty.

1. We send the EU £350million........Ok open to debate! But a distinct statement.

2. Let's fund our NHS instead ..........The intimation being that SOME of the £350million ( or whatever) could be, would be, should be put into funding the NHS instead of being wasted on a bureaucratic, undemocratic, protectionist, expansionist political Franco/German  vanity project to conquer Europe by stealth and economic muscle. It doesn't say put all the cash into the NHS.

3) Take back control........Of our Fishing grounds, our Borders , our Judiciary and our Economy......Distinct Statement.

I used the bus as it was the most visual symbol of the Leave campaign's bullshit alongside Farage's immigration billboard. The intimation is pretty clear, instead of putting £350m into the EU, lets put it into the NHS. It sounds like a good idea and 17 million 'numpties' agreed.

54 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

The point of the Exit rules is a pertinent one as it explains how troublesome the EU intended to make leaving and how, even now it's a reality, it is so embittered and intransigent that it intends to hamper The UK's attempt at a  smooth  and pain less withdrawal at every opportunity. It will make the final Brexit all the sweeter for the likes of me, but what a bunch of c*nts

Why would you think that ending decades of continent-wide collaboration on hundreds of issues and treaties and trade deals would be easy to accomplish or 'smooth and painless' ?

Especially when the UK doesn't know itself what it wants in terms of hard or soft Brexit and membership of the single market etc.

1 hour ago, McSpreader said:

Imagine if it was like that every time you tried to end your Gym membership or change your utilities supplier.  You wouldn't accept that. And before anyone says I think leaving the EU is equivalent to ending a gym membership , I don't , I'm just reducing it to a personal level. Hopefully you can understand that attempt at a reductive explanation  without getting all abusive.

I have no issue with you comparing it with a gym membership, in fact it may be a rather useful comparison.

I want to leave my gym, they're understandably disappointed but accept that it's my decision. They insist I have to honour the contract I signed when I joined and pay any outstanding fees. What a bunch of c*nts eh. Apparently, it's in the small print but I never bothered reading it so I'm just going to shout at the receptionist and my friends who tried to persuade me not to leave, I've even tried to get other members to quit but they seem more determined than ever to stay now that sexy new French instructor has joined.

I've also demanded to continue to have access to the treadmill and the pool after I leave but they keep looking at me as if I'm stupid and insisting that all the contract stuff needs to be sorted out first.

What a bunch of c*nts.

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1 hour ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

I used the bus as it was the most visual symbol of the Leave campaign's bullshit alongside Farage's immigration billboard. The intimation is pretty clear, instead of putting £350m into the EU, lets put it into the NHS. It sounds like a good idea and 17 million 'numpties' agreed.

Why would you think that ending decades of continent-wide collaboration on hundreds of issues and treaties and trade deals would be easy to accomplish or 'smooth and painless' ?

Especially when the UK doesn't know itself what it wants in terms of hard or soft Brexit and membership of the single market etc.

I have no issue with you comparing it with a gym membership, in fact it may be a rather useful comparison.

I want to leave my gym, they're understandably disappointed but accept that it's my decision. They insist I have to honour the contract I signed when I joined and pay any outstanding fees. What a bunch of c*nts eh. Apparently, it's in the small print but I never bothered reading it so I'm just going to shout at the receptionist and my friends who tried to persuade me not to leave, I've even tried to get other members to quit but they seem more determined than ever to stay now that sexy new French instructor has joined.

I've also demanded to continue to have access to the treadmill and the pool after I leave but they keep looking at me as if I'm stupid and insisting that all the contract stuff needs to be sorted out first.

What a bunch of c*nts.

Be interested to see the small print in regards to the EU.  I am pretty sure that not only has nobody read it, nobody has even written it.  :unsure2:

This is the very essence of making it up as you go along and equally applies to the EU and the UK.

Edited by strichener
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10 minutes ago, strichener said:

Be interested to see the small print in regards to the EU.  I am pretty sure that not only has nobody read it, nobody has even written it.  :unsure2:

This is the very essence of making it up as you go along and equally applies to the EU and the UK.


Fill your boots.

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10 hours ago, McSpreader said:

With respect to the Independent, my paper of choice incidentally, that is merely a poll, whereas the 52% refers to the actual plebiscite result.

With regard to the bus.......please read the wordage then come back to me and expain how that is anything other than 3 distinct   statements and how you could conclude that the Leave campaign was wanting to put £350million per week into the NHS based on a few soundbites printed on a bus. Who would be that much of a numpty.

1. We send the EU £350million........Ok open to debate! But a distinct statement.

2. Let's fund our NHS instead ..........The intimation being that SOME of the £350million ( or whatever) could be, would be, should be put into funding the NHS instead of being wasted on a bureaucratic, undemocratic, protectionist, expansionist political Franco/German  vanity project to conquer Europe by stealth and economic muscle. It doesn't say put all the cash into the NHS.

3) Take back control........Of our Fishing grounds, our Borders , our Judiciary and our Economy......Distinct Statement.


The point of the Exit rules is a pertinent one as it explains how troublesome the EU intended to make leaving and how, even now it's a reality, it is so embittered and intransigent that it intends to hamper The UK's attempt at a  smooth  and pain less withdrawal at every opportunity. It will make the final Brexit all the sweeter for the likes of me, but what a bunch of c*nts.

Imagine if it was like that every time you tried to end your Gym membership or change your utilities supplier.  You wouldn't accept that. And before anyone says I think leaving the EU is equivalent to ending a gym membership , I don't , I'm just reducing it to a personal level. Hopefully you can understand that attempt at a reductive explanation  without getting all abusive.

FWIW I accept that Howard's statement was stupid and unnecessary , but there has been plenty of shit flying inbound from the continent and I find it a bit hypocritical when we get all antsy about comments from the UK and forgive the hyperbole and passive aggression coming from Europe


I agree with most (or some, anyway) of your views on politics but do wonder why you enter 'debate' with most of the people who post on this sub-forum. Brexit is bad. Nicola Sturgeon has decreed it so. End of. And yet those who voted leave are portrayed as the idiots on here.....

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28 minutes ago, 18May1991 said:

I agree with most (or some, anyway) of your views on politics but do wonder why you enter 'debate' with most of the people who post on this sub-forum. Brexit is bad. Nicola Sturgeon has decreed it so. End of. And yet those who voted leave are portrayed as the idiots on here.....

It's largely because they are.

HTH :)

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50 minutes ago, 18May1991 said:


I agree with most (or some, anyway) of your views on politics but do wonder why you enter 'debate' with most of the people who post on this sub-forum. Brexit is bad. Nicola Sturgeon has decreed it so. End of. And yet those who voted leave are portrayed as the idiots on here.....

You don't need St Nicola to tell you the good news.

Surely to f**k, even folk who think leaving the EU is a good idea cannot deny that Brexit, the process itself has already been a shocking exercise in public self-harm and national humiliation?

Beyond the fucked economy, beyond the massively devalued currency, over and above the complete gagglefuck that is the state of UK politics, watching the current debacle over fishing where Michael fucking Gove struts about explaining how fish will respect a 12 mile maritime border, a border we're going to patrol and enforce with f**k all of a navy btw, should make even the sort of complete fucking brain donor that voted leave, pause and reflect.

Maybe, just maybe, whipping up the deeply ingrained but until now, under the surface and relatively restrained, inherent British racism to the point some mad c**t stabs and shoots an MP to death in the street just to watch Michael Gove trying to give fish a passport, maybe wasn't worth it? 


Edited by williemillersmoustache
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9 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

You don't need St Nicola to tell you the good news.

Surely to f**k, even folk who think leaving the EU is a good idea cannot deny that Brexit, the process itself has already been a shocking exercise in public self-harm and national humiliation?

Beyond the fucked economy, beyond the massively devalued currency, over and above the complete gagglefuck that is the state of UK politics, watching the current debacle over fishing where Michael fucking Gove struts about explaining how fish will respect a 12 mile maritime border, a border we're going to patrol and enforce with f**k all of a navy btw, should make even the sort of complete fucking brain donor that voted leave, pause and reflect.

Maybe, just maybe, whipping up the deeply ingrained but until now, under the surface and relatively restrained, inherent British racism to the point some mad c**t stabs and shoots an MP to death in the street just to watch Michael Gove trying to give fish a passport, maybe wasn't worth it? 


the process itself has already been a shocking exercise in public self-harm and national humiliation?

why? It was and is always going to be difficult. But self-harm and humiliation? I think you are listening to the media too much, the same media that the SNP supporters ridicule and seem to despise as being 'pro-British'.

The pound has dipped in value of course, no denying that, but massively devalued? Open to interpretation I guess.

The current state of UK politics is an interesting one. Do you include Scottish politics in that? The Conservative General Election campaign was a shambles from start to finish and Corbyn running around the uk apparently claiming some sort of victory whilst making even more of a fool of himself than usual at Glastonbury etc. doesn't help, but "gagglefuck" (whatever that means)? I think it's all quite interesting really. Davidson, like her or not, did very well and is most likely destined for greater things in politics. 

Undoubtedly some who voted leave did so through some misguided "inherent British racism" but most of us did not. Wishing the UK to negotiate its own deals with whichever countries it wants, take control of our its own borders etc. does not make me racist.

Gove is a fud. I'll give you that one. 


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Leave wouldn't have won without the racists so that argument holds no water and Ruth Davidson came a very very distant second, with less than half the seats of the good guys. Greater things?  She'd need the cajones to stand at a GE and by the time the next one of those comes around she'll have more chance of winning if she stands as Lady Buckethead (independent) or for the "i f**k dogs party" than as a tory. 


Undoubtedly some who voted leave did so through some misguided "inherent British racism" but most of us did not. Wishing the UK to negotiate its own deals with whichever countries it wants, take control of our its own borders etc. does not make me racist.

You're right this doesn't make you racist, it makes you a fool. Unilateral trade deals with NZ and Bangladesh are not going to replace the trade lost from not being a part the biggest single market in the history of the world and we could easily have exerted mote border control if we had wanted to while inside the EU. But, blaming foreigners is easier. 

And you only need to look at european newspapers and magazines to see how the continent/world is laughing at us.


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34 minutes ago, 18May1991 said:

Undoubtedly some who voted leave did so through some misguided "inherent British racism" but most of us did not. Wishing the UK to negotiate its own deals with whichever countries it wants, take control of our its own borders etc. does not make me racist.

Complex trade deals take years to complete, we'll need one with every country we plan to do business with. We'll also be starting from an incredibly weak position.

What makes you think that the EU controls British borders ? The UK already has control of it's borders.

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2 hours ago, 18May1991 said:

I agree with most (or some, anyway) of your views on politics but do wonder why you enter 'debate' with most of the people who post on this sub-forum. Brexit is bad. Nicola Sturgeon has decreed it so. End of. And yet those who voted leave are portrayed as the idiots on here.....

Brexit is good. Nigel Farage has decreed it so. End of. And yet those who voted remain are portrayed as the idiots....

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Brexit is good. Nigel Farage has decreed it so. End of. And yet those who voted remain are portrayed as the idiots....

Its that good he fucked off to the states the first chance he got.
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That really is the killer isn't it?

Name me a prominent leave advocate who isn't a total rasper. Dare you.

This is exactly it, this, this and this again.
I'll give the Leave campaign some credit as they managed to fool a majority of the UK voters.
The prominent Leavers won't be affected by this in any way. The plebs will be damned.
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5 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Complex trade deals take years to complete, we'll need one with every country we plan to do business with. We'll also be starting from an incredibly weak position.

What makes you think that the EU controls British borders ? The UK already has control of it's borders.

If only there was a organisation that the majority of countries in the world recognised as being the regulator of international trade.  Wouldn't it be great if rules had already been established that allowed countries to trade without specific bilateral trade agreements. :rolleyes:


5 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

And yet those who voted remain are portrayed as the idiots....

Looking at your previous post this is really pot, kettle and black.

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