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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, Consolidate said:

I tune in and out of the Brexit discussion due to boredom, frustration, apathy and fury but it seems to me since the very beginning of this process that the blame for everything can be placed squarely at the door of our MPs.


Nah, wouldn't blame all MPs and certainly not "our" in the Scottish sense.  It's all the fault of FPTP and the commons system of government. To ward off the possibility of a hung parliament, the cons subsumed the views of a minority extremist party and promised a plebiscite on whether we should revoke gravity.

As it turns out you can't expect Joe Public to vote for something you've spent the last six years blaming for your own tight-fisted poory-murdering policies and devoid of any other means of voicing their anger the maligned, oppressed and ridiculously misinformed people of Englandshire voted to cut off their genitalia as a protest against austerity.

Then in GE2017 they fucked it by conducting the most anodyne, sterile and information free campaign in history, arrogantly assuming they could increase their majority and get a free five year run at the calamity they created. Instead, the crushingly stupid, cartwheeling, flailingly inept thundercunts achieved the almost impossible against a lettuce waving allotment dwelling marxist. The very situation they were desperately trying to avoid with the referendum in the first place, a hung parliament.

And to round off the fuckwittery and as an exemplar of the systemic disaster that is UK politics, instead of seeking consensus which would probably end up with a BINO brexit (in SM&CU) which I doubt really anyone could have successfully moaned about. They bribed some other fucking racist, homophobic, corrupt religious zealots and doubled down on their folly.


The whole thing has been a breathtaking humiliation for the UK. Once considered the absolute gold standard of stable politics, rational decision making and international diplomacy, the UK has utterly debased itself on the world stage and its reputation will never recover.  And to be fair, that reputation has been on borrowed time for a while.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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16 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Nah, wouldn't blame all MPs and certainly not "our" in the Scottish sense.  It's all the fault of FPTP and the commons system of government. To ward off the possibility of a hung parliament, the cons subsumed the views of a minority extremist party and promised a plebiscite on whether we should revoke gravity.

As it turns out you can't expect Joe Public to vote for something you've spent the last six years blaming for your own tight-fisted poory-murdering policies and devoid of any other means of voicing their anger the maligned, oppressed and ridiculously misinformed people of Englandshire voted to cut off their genitalia as a protest against austerity.

Then in GE2017 they fucked it by conducting the most anodyne, sterile and information free campaign in history, arrogantly assuming they could increase their majority and get a free five year run at the calamity they created. Instead, the crushingly stupid, cartwheeling, flailingly inept thundercunts achieved the almost impossible against a lettuce waving allotment dwelling marxist. The very situation they were desperately trying got avoid with the referendum in the first place, a hung parliament.

And to round off the fuckwittery and as an exemplar of the systemic disaster that is UK politics, instead of seeking consensus which would probably end up with a BINO brexit (in SM&CU) which I doubt really anyone could have successfully moaned about. They bribed some other fucking racist, homophobic, corrupt religious zealots and doubled down on their folly.


The whole thing has been a breathtaking humiliation for the UK. Once considered the absolute gold standard of stable politics, rational decision making and international diplomacy, the UK has utterly debased itself on the world stage and its reputation will never recover.  And to be fair, that reputation has been on borrowed time for a while.

Fantastic post

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22 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:



The whole thing has been a breathtaking humiliation for the UK. Once considered the absolute gold standard of stable politics, rational decision making and international diplomacy, the UK has utterly debased itself on the world stage and its reputation will never recover.  And to be fair, that reputation has been on borrowed time for a while.

Yes, you've hit the nail on the head.

What fools we must look on the world stage with clown characters such as Boris and Rees-Mogg influencing decisions of government. Somebody has to step up and say enough is e-fucking-nough, we're going to investigate, identify and implement a sensible and reasonable compromise - whatever the impact on our polling percentages. 

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25 minutes ago, Consolidate said:

Yes, you've hit the nail on the head.

What fools we must look on the world stage with clown characters such as Boris and Rees-Mogg influencing decisions of government. Somebody has to step up and say enough is e-fucking-nough, we're going to investigate, identify and implement a sensible and reasonable compromise - whatever the impact on our polling percentages. 

f**k. That.

Damage is done now.  Whatever fudge the UK eventually accepts both internally and externally it will be a much diminished and poorer thing than I can bear.  As I said to Craven Rob,  Brexit is a catalyst or an accellerant for Indy, not the route cause and I couldn't give a f**k how many go's or attempts it takes. Scotland must become independent. All brexit has done is ably demonstrate how little we matter, the impossibility of affecting critical decisions at a UK level and the total disregard for how key policies might affect people outside of the home counties.

I am aware that the polls haven't changed but that can neatly be attributed to voter apathy and basic horror that each of the last 3 votes (on a UK basis anyway) has only achieved greater uncertainty and further chaos.  More than enough people are just so fed up with voting not achieving anything and I can't blame them. The trick for Yes 2.0 will be making it crystal fucking clear that whatever happens the status quo is not on offer.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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3 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

f**k. That.

Damage is done now.  Whatever fudge the UK eventually accepts both internally and externally it will be a much diminished and poorer thing than I can bear.  As I said to Craven Rob,  Brexit is a catalyst or an accellerant for Indy, not the route cause and I couldn't give a f**k how many go's or attempts it takes. Scotland must become independent. All brexit has done is ably demonstrate how little we matter, the impossibility of affecting critical decisions at a UK level and the total disregard for how key policies might affect people outside of the home counties.

I am aware that the polls haven't changed but that can neatly be attributed to voter apathy and basic horror that each of the last 3 votes (on a UK basis anyway) has only achieved greater uncertainty and further chaos.  More than enough people are just so fed up with voting not achieving anything and I can't blame them. The trick for Yes 2.0 will be making it crystal fucking clear that whatever happens the status quo is not on offer.

Awesome post again

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Guest Bob Mahelp

Some good posts on this.

While Brexit is a disaster of epic proportions that will have a negative effect on the country for decades to come, the real danger to society is the deliberate, insiduous attempt to move the vital 'middle ground' of UK politics to the right.

There are those within the Tory party who have been pining for this for decades, and now they see their perfect storm moment.....an open door to blame immigrants and foreigners, those who champion equal rights, and the hated EU who have apparently damned the UK with liberal, progressive legislation.

Together with their friends in the press, these Tory/Kipper nutcases are desperate for their poisonous right-wing ideology to become the 'norm' in British society. Because they know that if/when it does, then there's not much chance of the country finding a way back, and these fanatics will gradually start chipping away at everything they hate......workers rights, civil rights and gay marriage will soon be under attack.

This is why the Labour party is so important in giving a voice to the millions and millions of us that aren't naturally right-wing in out thinking. As much as I despise Labour, they're needed to oppose the Tories every step of the way.

And that's why it's actually f*cking criminal that Corbyn is helping the Tories push Brexit through.


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7 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

This is why the Labour party is so important in giving a voice to the millions and millions of us that aren't naturally right-wing in out thinking. As much as I despise Labour, they're needed to oppose the Tories every step of the way.

And that's why it's actually f*cking criminal that Corbyn is helping the Tories push Brexit through.


A bit back to front but aye.  A proper labour party is vital. This riven, racist, fuckwitted shambles careering about singing football songs is no use to anyone other than to mogglodytes, the ERG c***s and the like. 

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18 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Some good posts on this.

While Brexit is a disaster of epic proportions that will have a negative effect on the country for decades to come, the real danger to society is the deliberate, insiduous attempt to move the vital 'middle ground' of UK politics to the right.

There are those within the Tory party who have been pining for this for decades, and now they see their perfect storm moment.....an open door to blame immigrants and foreigners, those who champion equal rights, and the hated EU who have apparently damned the UK with liberal, progressive legislation.

Together with their friends in the press, these Tory/Kipper nutcases are desperate for their poisonous right-wing ideology to become the 'norm' in British society. Because they know that if/when it does, then there's not much chance of the country finding a way back, and these fanatics will gradually start chipping away at everything they hate......workers rights, civil rights and gay marriage will soon be under attack.

This is why the Labour party is so important in giving a voice to the millions and millions of us that aren't naturally right-wing in out thinking. As much as I despise Labour, they're needed to oppose the Tories every step of the way.

And that's why it's actually f*cking criminal that Corbyn is helping the Tories push Brexit through.


Or.... that's why Scotland urgently needs to leave this stinking union.  Which usually votes Tory let's remember.

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9 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Or.... that's why Scotland urgently needs to leave this stinking union.  Which usually votes Tory let's remember.

Don’t see the two views being mutually exclusive.  I’d love an independent Scotland tomorrow but it’s not going to happen, that’s why we cannot ignore what’s happening in rUK.


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lettuce waving allotment dwelling marxist. 

I greenied your post on the basis that it was a fantastic post & encapsulated the ridiculousness of the entire situation & was delivered with the correct amount of disdain & vitriol, similar to how I feel myself.

However, the part I’ve quoted will receive Charles from me every time I see it quoted, absolutely lovely descriptive writing, I thought at the time that Corbyn may have been the kick in the arse Labour needed, his behaviour on Brexit has been, in some ways, more despicable than the fucking tories.
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35 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Don’t see the two views being mutually exclusive.  I’d love an independent Scotland tomorrow but it’s not going to happen, that’s why we cannot ignore what’s happening in rUK.


In relative terms it's happening tomorrow or never.  Scottish independence has to happen in this parliament.  Therefore I don't give a fk what happens at wm.

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20 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


Peppino can. That’s why he’s offski.


It's of no relevance to us anyway.  We either become independent or take whatever government England chooses for us the rest of our lives, those are our options.  So engagement with goings on at wm is political voyeurism for people in Scotland and an entirely pointless pursuit.  Also labour have repeatedly shown they're not the saviour anyway so what does it matter.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
47 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

It was insane drivel from a demented lunatic.....utterly devoid of any kind of facts or detail.

But the right-wing fanatics are lapping it up with The Telegraph calling it a 'clear Brexit vision'.

My God. This country is driving itself into the wilderness.

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