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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Brexit reporting is indeed a farce.


All good news apparently 3 hours ago.


Or maybe not.

Of course you've got to bear in mind the swivel eyed loonies in charge of the editorial stance of The Express which makes me more inclined to believe the other report.

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That fact was played in the media as if she was an MP at the time which she wasn't,but itwas an odd and poorly judged confession to make. Angus tories a breed apart ! My MP in the late 60s early 70s was Jock Bruce Gardyne a well heeled Angus tory. To be fair we plebs were allowed to run amok in the grounds of his ancestral home on our annual Sunday school picnic so kudos for that concession Jock. Lifetime ago and a different world.
Well before my time [emoji38]

It was Bill Walker I remember

Mike Weir who lost to the blonde fuckwit was an excellent constituency MP, even if you don't agree with his politics.
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Well before my time [emoji38]

It was Bill Walker I remember

Mike Weir who lost to the blonde fuckwit was an excellent constituency MP, even if you don't agree with his politics.

Bill Walker was a wee grey haired arsehole as i remember. Jock Gardyne was old school.Even showed us round the Commons in 73 while we were on a primary school visit. Proper gent he was although he would have had us up chimneys in a second i reckon. Andrew Welsh was my lecturer early 80s he was ok for a Nat. Think he was "between jobs" Westminster wise.
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Farmers tell Gove: lack of migrant workers now 'mission critical'

Leading Brexiter admits supply of labour from EU27 falling so ‘we’ll need to look further afield’

Jesus H Christ.

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From PM’s questions.

PM: 'Absolutely right UK chooses own passport colour'

Tory MP Chris Green asks whether the PM can ensure new post-Brexit passports will be manufactured by a British company.

The PM says it is "absolutely right" the UK will be deciding the "colour of passports we want, not the EU wants" after Brexit.

That really is the level of thinking of these c***s.  Despicable, despicable, little Englander mentality c***s.

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From PM’s questions.

PM: 'Absolutely right UK chooses own passport colour'

Tory MP Chris Green asks whether the PM can ensure new post-Brexit passports will be manufactured by a British company.

The PM says it is "absolutely right" the UK will be deciding the "colour of passports we want, not the EU wants" after Brexit.

That really is the level of thinking of these c***s.  Despicable, despicable, little Englander mentality c***s.

Furnishing them with kevlar will be handy when we’re all shooting each other in the remains of London in ten year’s time.
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11 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

From PM’s questions.

PM: 'Absolutely right UK chooses own passport colour'

Tory MP Chris Green asks whether the PM can ensure new post-Brexit passports will be manufactured by a British company.

The PM says it is "absolutely right" the UK will be deciding the "colour of passports we want, not the EU wants" after Brexit.

That really is the level of thinking of these c***s.  Despicable, despicable, little Englander mentality c***s.

I like the idea of British company manufacturing the new passports but because of a misunderstanding or a problem with the dyes, they all come out burgundy in colour.


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12 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

From PM’s questions.

PM: 'Absolutely right UK chooses own passport colour'

Tory MP Chris Green asks whether the PM can ensure new post-Brexit passports will be manufactured by a British company.

The PM says it is "absolutely right" the UK will be deciding the "colour of passports we want, not the EU wants" after Brexit.

That really is the level of thinking of these c***s.  Despicable, despicable, little Englander mentality c***s.

The UK already chose it's own passport colour.  As an aside you make some good posts granny.

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Why did the majority of farmers vote for Brexit anyway? They need the labour and don't they get massive subsidies from the EU? I can kind of understand the fishermen up here voting to leave, they naively think they'll be able to fish the seas dry after we leave. Never understood the farmers though.

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Why did the majority of farmers vote for Brexit anyway? They need the labour and don't they get massive subsidies from the EU? I can kind of understand the fishermen up here voting to leave, they naively think they'll be able to fish the seas dry after we leave. Never understood the farmers though.

Rustic types are generally a bit politically backwards and reactionary compared to city folk

That’s seems to be a pretty general rule from America to Zimbabwe
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28 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

Why did the majority of farmers vote for Brexit anyway? They need the labour and don't they get massive subsidies from the EU? I can kind of understand the fishermen up here voting to leave, they naively think they'll be able to fish the seas dry after we leave. Never understood the farmers though.


They think if there's a war on everyone's wives will be sent to work on their land while the real menfolk are storming beaches, again.  Getting to bribe the widows of the fallen with a sack of Jersey Pinks for a rumble in the hay loft  is pretty much every rural landowners wet dream.

That and they are universally thick as absolute f**k, yet somehow experts at tax avoidance. Which is pretty much the tory archetype.



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Why did the majority of farmers vote for Brexit anyway? They need the labour and don't they get massive subsidies from the EU? I can kind of understand the fishermen up here voting to leave, they naively think they'll be able to fish the seas dry after we leave. Never understood the farmers though.
WATP and St Johnstone types...
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1 hour ago, Blootoon87 said:

Why did the majority of farmers vote for Brexit anyway? They need the labour and don't they get massive subsidies from the EU? I can kind of understand the fishermen up here voting to leave, they naively think they'll be able to fish the seas dry after we leave. Never understood the farmers though.

They've hated the EU forever cause rules regulations standards etc make them jump through all sorts of hoops.  Though they benefit greatly from it and a cynic would say they're just annoyed they can't sell us pigshit etc.

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4 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:


Farmers tell Gove: lack of migrant workers now 'mission critical'

Leading Brexiter admits supply of labour from EU27 falling so ‘we’ll need to look further afield’

Jesus H Christ.


3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

From PM’s questions.

PM: 'Absolutely right UK chooses own passport colour'

Tory MP Chris Green asks whether the PM can ensure new post-Brexit passports will be manufactured by a British company.

The PM says it is "absolutely right" the UK will be deciding the "colour of passports we want, not the EU wants" after Brexit.

That really is the level of thinking of these c***s.  Despicable, despicable, little Englander mentality c***s.

Fully agree with the sentiment behind both posts, but I have to admit I had a mild chuckle at the juxtaposition of these two posts.

"I saw this news article about the impact Brexit might have on the seasonal labour pool for the agricultural industry, and it had me a bit concerned. Dave, what do you think?"

"Who cares? British bureaucrats get to choose our own passport colour instead of some bloody Brussels bureaucrats!"

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Theresa May and her senior ministers will try to hammer out a deal over the government's approach to Brexit when they meet at her country retreat.

20 months after the Brexit vote and just over a year to the implementation date and that is an accurate and valid headline.

What a complete and utter shambles.



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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:


Theresa May and her senior ministers will try to hammer out a deal over the government's approach to Brexit when they meet at her country retreat.

20 months after the Brexit vote and just over a year to the implementation date and that is an accurate and valid headline.

What a complete and utter shambles.



I can probably predict the outcome of this one already.

Hammond, Rudd, May etc. will want a transitional deal where we still have access to parts of the membership (for a few years at least)

Gove, Johnson, Davis and Fox will want some hard brexit ("making Britain great again" type deal)

Monday morning - back to square one.

The EU must be p*ssing themselves laughing at the UK.

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I can probably predict the outcome of this one already.
Hammond, Rudd, May etc. will want a transitional deal where we still have access to parts of the membership (for a few years at least)
Gove, Johnson, Davis and Fox will want some hard brexit ("making Britain great again" type deal)
Monday morning - back to square one.
The EU must be p*ssing themselves laughing at the UK.
Are we expecting a statement on this?
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