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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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30 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
34 minutes ago, Detournement said:
That's the point. A tarrif free trade deal between the EU and the USA isn't going to happen.
The EU is in too weak a position to start any TTIP pish again.

So why are we getting threatened with the chlorinated chicken? We weren't before?


For the EU, food safety standards are a red-line issue, it's simply not on the table and the EU is a big enough market in other areas than the US have to just suck it up (see also, countries with state healthcare). The Tory's have indicated that they might not be so hardlined on the issue and open up the discussion on lowering our standards to give American companies a chance to get into the market with their sub-standard food, while removing labelling regulations so you wouldn't be able to tell which was which.


I read the other day that 1.3% of people in the UK get food poisoning per year - in america it's up nearer 30%.

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7 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The EU was ready to pull it's pants down for American corporations with TTIP.

You don't hear much about that from remainers though.

Maybe because it didn't happen, due to large scale opposition. 

We will likely end up with a similar deal, but worse, now that we are leaving. Witness the abysmal deal Australia signed with the US as the sort of thing we can expect. Allowing American tobacco companies to sue the Australian Government if their cigarette packets dare to suggest a link between smoking and cancer was one of its friendly stipulations. And that was signed when Obama was in charge. Will be worse now under Trump. 

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26 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The EU was ready to pull it's pants down for American corporations with TTIP.

You don't hear much about that from remainers though.

Your opening statement is absolute fantasy, that's why you don't hear much about it. There was nothing close to a deal and a lot of myths shared. Since trade deals are really highly complex and require a huge amount of time, it gives people the idea to react hysterically and infer their own fantasy implications.

I hope you enjoy cheap American rip off Whisky and seeing stuff like aerospace depart when the non-entities representing a newly fucked country have to negotiate with a nation 7-10x the GDP begging for all their protections back.

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The TTIP deal was negotiated in total secrecy until Greenpeace leaked hundreds of pages of it which showed that the EU was going to allow American firms to circumvent EU standards.

Any trade deals in the future will depend on who is in government and will need to pass through the HoC and Lords.

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"We live in Gibraltar-that odd little place at the bottom of Spain that politicians prefer to sweep under the carpet. 24 hour secure border.Yesterday Monday was a public holiday in Spain. Subsequently lorries supplying supermarkets were delayed more than usual entering Gibraltar"

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4 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The TTIP deal was negotiated in total secrecy


Which is often the case with trade deals for many reasons. You can't broadcast your intentions - you are trying to pass thousands of changes in law and while basic intentions and parameters can be set (which were in the case of TTIP); things have to be internally scrutinised and ready for public consumption later.

5 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Greenpeace leaked hundreds of pages of it which showed that the EU was going to allow American firms to circumvent EU standards.


With any trade agreement, you agree on regulatory alignment for specific areas. If both parties are big on cars, to take a random example, you are obviously going to want them to be produced to a standard that is suited to both. This is the whole concept of a market.

If you are applying 'circumventing' to two consenting parties casting votes in their own democratically elected parliaments to align standards, you can apply that term to anything where legislation is passed.

11 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Any trade deals in the future will depend on who is in government and will need to pass through the HoC and Lords.


As they do now in all the HoC and Lords here and the other 27 other EU member states. The idea that there's a few 'UNELECTED TRAITORS' in Brussels just passing laws and having shady meetings with other countries which leads to them instantly selling off public services is absolutely batshit but unfortunately all too common.

A devolved parliament in Wallonia even managed to slow the process for additional evaluation of CETA (trade deal with Canada).

Fair enough to scrutiny and demanding the highest oversight possible for these things but the issues, like these, that are pointed out are the basics of trade and will not be repaired by negotiating with a far weaker position outwith the bloc.

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1 hour ago, John Lambies Doos said:
2 hours ago, Detournement said:
A trade deal with the USA means taking their shite food, getting rid of country of origin labelling and opening up publicly owned services to competition.
I do not see the EU going for that with Trump. TTIP died for a reason.

But does the EU not have a trade deal or negotiating one. If so, why does the EU not have to take the shite food/dodgy chicken but the UK would have to?

Cause the EU is a much larger and more important market than the UK so doesn't have to bend over and take the American length the way the UK will.

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3 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:


"We live in Gibraltar-that odd little place at the bottom of Spain that politicians prefer to sweep under the carpet. 24 hour secure border.Yesterday Monday was a public holiday in Spain. Subsequently lorries supplying supermarkets were delayed more than usual entering Gibraltar"

They have a whole fucking aisle for coleslaw? Gibraltar deserves everything it gets. 

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23 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

They have a whole fucking aisle for coleslaw? Gibraltar deserves everything it gets. 

Probably the decision of the supermarket chain rather than the residents of Gibraltar tbh.  

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33 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Probably the decision of the supermarket chain rather than the residents of Gibraltar tbh.  

The supermarket would presumably be reacting to its customers' preferences? 

They're the worst Rock since Paul Burrell. 

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58 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

Those fatties on the Horrific Club Photos thread would highly benefit from a lack of food.

Finally a positive to Brexit.



If you fancy fighting them over the last pie in Tesco then good luck to you.  It will be survival of the fattest.


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