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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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10 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

French riots largely driven by bollocks on facebook. Seems like it is a real problem.



Did you read the article?

The apparent problem is Facebook allowing people to communicate unmediated by the state or corporations. Which is what social media is supposed to do.

The riots are due to long term inequalities inflamed by Marcon's policies.

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44 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:

Is this actually a serious post? If so, the SNP were already a well-supported, well established party in Scotland. They had won every election they had participated in since 2007. They had also replaced a fairly divisive leader with a more popular one (at the time). They won many seats through Labour complacency, allied to good positive electoral campaigns. Sure, a handful of total muppets got in due to the colour of their rosette but there's absolutely no fucking way the same will happen with UKIP.  They have no sitting MPs at all. They are a totally unpopular party outside their core demographic of Tommeh fans, elderly bigots and ex-forces fuckwits. The party is an internal shambles and will in no way be able to cobble together an effective nationwide election campaign. The closest they can possibly hope for is to pick up a handful of gammon-central seats and a few Tory defectors. They will win no seats at all in Scotland. 

No it’s not a serious post, it’s a lot of pish* and doesn’t deserve your reasoned response.

* see all  his other posts too.

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No it’s not a serious post, it’s a lot of pish* and doesn’t deserve your reasoned response.
* see all  his other posts too.

It killed some time [emoji38]
Talking of UKIP, what's the fat arsehole David Coburn up to? Haven't heard a peep out of him for ages. Has he died?
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Big news and good news!!!  So big good news.


Norway don’t want us because we would be disruptive c***s.  Hard to disagree with that assessment.

They have a veto so that’s that.

Also I love the comment about the lack of ‘grown up debate’.  :lol:

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14 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

Now Paul Nuttall quits UKIP. 


Mr Nuttall said he made the decision after 'much soul-searching' and says he'll will continue to serve the North West in the European Parliament until his term expires.

No point in giving up that nice little earner.

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1 hour ago, MixuFixit said:

Yes I did. The article has descriptions of fake protests in Germany and fake threats of force against Gilets-Jaunes.

Social media is a good thing.

Algorithms boosting bollocks because anger generates traffic which generated clicks on ads is a bad thing.

I hope that information was useful.

Do you honestly think that a few fake stories have any impact compared to the tightening living standards that people experience every day?

Corporate media are simply in denial that they heralded Macron as a liberal saviour and he's caused anarachy within two years.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

No it’s not a serious post, it’s a lot of pish* and doesn’t deserve your reasoned response.

* see all  his other posts too.

Actually I did consider it as a serious post although jupe1407 handled it well.

The SNP are a well disciplined party compared to UKIP, but actually so too are both Labour and the Tories.

Nigel Farage has quit yet again! If an election was called, I could imagine him joining UKIP again, and becoming leader again because that is the sort of party they are.
People might say that the SNP are obsessed with Scottish independence but in government the SNP have demonstrated that they can deal with matters such as health, education and so on.
By comparison, I can't recall anyone from UKIP talking about anything other than the EU.

I agree that UKIP would probably not win any seats in Scotland.  Also any of the major cities of England, IMO.
However, I wonder how they would do in the foaming-at-the-mouth places that voted 70-80% leave.
I get the impression there are people who don't care about health and education or at least not as much as getting out of Europe, taking back control and restoring the British Empire to its former glory.

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6 hours ago, RedRob72 said:

That’s true, but I’m not sure the arsonists and looters breaking into Currys, were motivated and directed by those who were disgruntled by parliament. Wasn’t it more about the Police and their relationship with the Afro-Caribbean community?
Guess you’re right though, it did spread very quickly!

Aye it was, from memory I think you then had some hangers on saying ‘wur not listened to’ as they ran off with a 55 inch flat screen from Argos.

Btw I’m not saying there will be riots, you’ll get some roasters causing a stir perhaps, you might even get a Jo Cox type incident but who knows, you can’t predict flawed characters behaviour.

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Is it just me or is everyone involved in British politics absolutely all over the place with this just now? I can't believe we're 2 and a half years down the line, we're about to reject a deal, there's no plan b and there's absolutely no consensus anywhere on the way forward. All the stuff this morning about trying to 'starve' Ireland to force a compromise on the backstop is ridiculous given the history too. A complete farce.

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12 minutes ago, Kyle said:

Is it just me or is everyone involved in British politics absolutely all over the place with this just now? I can't believe we're 2 and a half years down the line, we're about to reject a deal, there's no plan b and there's absolutely no consensus anywhere on the way forward. All the stuff this morning about trying to 'starve' Ireland to force a compromise on the backstop is ridiculous given the history too. A complete farce.

The UK Government have spent the last two decades shifting the focus of their own incompetency towards Brussels at every chance and now as Brexit rumbles on, it's now totally in the open how much of an absolute clusterfuck Westminster is. They've cruised along doing the minimum for a long time and now they're expected to do something, most of them can't handle it.

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19 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

Btw I’m not saying there will be riots, you’ll get some roasters causing a stir perhaps, you might even get a Jo Cox type incident but who knows, you can’t predict flawed characters behaviour.


I suspect many of our politicians are seriously worried about more Jo Cox type incidents - especially if the leave voters don't get their way.

Partly their own fault - they've allowed law and order to virtually disintegrate over the years.

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15 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Quite like the idea of embedding a microchip in every Irishmen to resolve the border issue!


Why would they have to be micro chips? As the Loyalist Brits are fond of reminding them, the famine finished long ago. Give them normal chips like everyone else gets.

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I suspect many of our politicians are seriously worried about more Jo Cox type incidents - especially if the leave voters don't get their way.
Partly their own fault - they've allowed law and order to virtually disintegrate over the years.

Decades of allowing economic stagnation to take hold while shifting the blame on to immigrants, and now 2 years of rhetoric centred around “saboteurs” and “betrayal” turns out to have a wayward effect on people.
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