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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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3 hours ago, jupe1407 said:

Is this actually a serious post? If so, the SNP were already a well-supported, well established party in Scotland. They had won every election they had participated in since 2007. They had also replaced a fairly divisive leader with a more popular one (at the time). They won many seats through Labour complacency, allied to good positive electoral campaigns. Sure, a handful of total muppets got in due to the colour of their rosette but there's absolutely no fucking way the same will happen with UKIP.  They have no sitting MPs at all. They are a totally unpopular party outside their core demographic of Tommeh fans, elderly bigots and ex-forces fuckwits. The party is an internal shambles and will in no way be able to cobble together an effective nationwide election campaign. The closest they can possibly hope for is to pick up a handful of gammon-central seats and a few Tory defectors. They will win no seats at all in Scotland. 



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Do you honestly think that a few fake stories have any impact compared to the tightening living standards that people experience every day?.

Absolutely, categorically yes. There is simply no other explanation as to why working class areas, people on zero-hour contracts and those relying on food banks vote Conservative.

Fake news/stories covers a pretty wide spectrum, from the bloke in the pub that won’t leave you alone and idiotic Facebook memes all the way to the Sun and the Daily Mail. People mindlessly regurgitate things they hear and see over and over again, to the point they don’t really question it anymore.

Ergo, leaving the EU will ‘sort out’ immigration, so let’s vote Leave.
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Seen this 1 last night.

It really gives you an insight into the way people think these days.

Guy doesn't like James and is glad James is raging because people are set to lose their job.

People seem to thrive in others misery regardless of the circumstances.

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5 hours ago, jupe1407 said:

Is this actually a serious post? If so, the SNP were already a well-supported, well established party in Scotland. They had won every election they had participated in since 2007. They had also replaced a fairly divisive leader with a more popular one (at the time). They won many seats through Labour complacency, allied to good positive electoral campaigns. Sure, a handful of total muppets got in due to the colour of their rosette but there's absolutely no fucking way the same will happen with UKIP.  They have no sitting MPs at all. They are a totally unpopular party outside their core demographic of Tommeh fans, elderly bigots and ex-forces fuckwits. The party is an internal shambles and will in no way be able to cobble together an effective nationwide election campaign. The closest they can possibly hope for is to pick up a handful of gammon-central seats and a few Tory defectors. They will win no seats at all in Scotland. 

It doesn't matter how much of a shambles they are. I can assure you that if the result is reversed, they will stir up a massive shitstorm about it and will be backed by the vast bulk of brexiteers. Where else would the brexiteers turn to if they feel they can no longer trust any of the mainstream parties? UKIP may have only been a blip on the radar, but it was enough to make the electorate aware of their existence and their tough stance against the EU.

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3 hours ago, Kyle said:

Is it just me or is everyone involved in British politics absolutely all over the place with this just now? I can't believe we're 2 and a half years down the line, we're about to reject a deal, there's no plan b and there's absolutely no consensus anywhere on the way forward. All the stuff this morning about trying to 'starve' Ireland to force a compromise on the backstop is ridiculous given the history too. A complete farce.

Westminster has been broken for a long time and it's quite surprising an issue like this hasn't really erupted recently.

First Past the Post is an absoloute clusterfuck when public opinion becomes a bit polarised, there aren't really many routes out of this that don't seem like they'll backfire on the parties involved. Labour MPs are terrified of defying Corbyn's tepid position on Brexit because his movement own the party and can impact their future selection prospects or progression in the party - this means that a lot of them are just keeping their mouth shut and scared to do anything. For the Conservatives, they have always been a clusterfuck on Brexit and their actual members are ridiculously radical - they would likely rather WTO rules than anything else and couldn't care less if NI imploded.

That then creates a scenario where a very small percentage of the population have this insanely disproportionate impact on politics. MPs, generaly have some level of education and aren't complete morons - you'd easily get a majority to compromise on an EEA and SM type thing tomorrow but it's just very difficult to do without the batshit crazy base throwing something back.

It's insane that May activated Article 50 before there was parliamentary consensus on anything. Her premiership has just been based on lasting a few more days at a time and caused her to throw out so many red lines that she's now backed into a corner.

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25 minutes ago, harry94 said:

Westminster has been broken for a long time and it's quite surprising an issue like this hasn't really erupted recently.

First Past the Post is an absolute clusterfuck when public opinion becomes a bit polarised, there aren't really many routes out of this that don't seem like they'll backfire on the parties involved. Labour MPs are terrified of defying Corbyn's tepid position on Brexit because his movement own the party and can impact their future selection prospects or progression in the party - this means that a lot of them are just keeping their mouth shut and scared to do anything. For the Conservatives, they have always been a clusterfuck on Brexit and their actual members are ridiculously radical - they would likely rather WTO rules than anything else and couldn't care less if NI imploded.

That then creates a scenario where a very small percentage of the population have this insanely disproportionate impact on politics. MPs, generally have some level of education and aren't complete morons - you'd easily get a majority to compromise on an EEA and SM type thing tomorrow but it's just very difficult to do without the batshit crazy base throwing something back.

It's insane that May activated Article 50 before there was parliamentary consensus on anything. Her premiership has just been based on lasting a few more days at a time and caused her to throw out so many red lines that she's now backed into a corner.

Yes.  FPTP is appalling but you are wrong.

FPTP allows morons to stand in safe seats and get elected.

The only thing that it has going for it is that it creates strong government able to get the country behind it and take decisive action on all  the important issues of the day.
Oh, hang on.  Something's not right about that!

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4 hours ago, Kyle said:

Is it just me or is everyone involved in British politics absolutely all over the place with this just now? I can't believe we're 2 and a half years down the line, we're about to reject a deal, there's no plan b and there's absolutely no consensus anywhere on the way forward. All the stuff this morning about trying to 'starve' Ireland to force a compromise on the backstop is ridiculous given the history too. A complete farce.

It's absolutely insane.  There are very few politicians south of the border who have shown any backbone at all.  It's almost like the GOP in the US.  A shower of cowering careerists.

1 hour ago, Fullerene said:

Scottish UKIP leader David Coburn quits UKIP.   I wonder if that is relevant to anything being said on this thread.

Him joining the SNP would pretty much sum 2018 up nicely.

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1 hour ago, harry94 said:

Westminster has been broken for a long time and it's quite surprising an issue like this hasn't really erupted recently.

First Past the Post is an absoloute clusterfuck when public opinion becomes a bit polarised, there aren't really many routes out of this that don't seem like they'll backfire on the parties involved. Labour MPs are terrified of defying Corbyn's tepid position on Brexit because his movement own the party and can impact their future selection prospects or progression in the party - this means that a lot of them are just keeping their mouth shut and scared to do anything. For the Conservatives, they have always been a clusterfuck on Brexit and their actual members are ridiculously radical - they would likely rather WTO rules than anything else and couldn't care less if NI imploded.

That then creates a scenario where a very small percentage of the population have this insanely disproportionate impact on politics. MPs, generaly have some level of education and aren't complete morons - you'd easily get a majority to compromise on an EEA and SM type thing tomorrow but it's just very difficult to do without the batshit crazy base throwing something back.

It's insane that May activated Article 50 before there was parliamentary consensus on anything. Her premiership has just been based on lasting a few more days at a time and caused her to throw out so many red lines that she's now backed into a corner.

Aye, we could still be flouncing about contemplating invoking it, while negotiations about negotiations were on going.

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5 hours ago, Ross. said:

Why would they have to be micro chips? As the Loyalist Brits are fond of reminding them, the famine finished long ago. Give them normal chips like everyone else gets.

Why don’t you go home?

Why don’t you go ho-o-ome?

We have embedded you with the latest microchip technology (it’s not supported by Ericsson or Huawei) so we can track your every move

Why don’t you go home?


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6 hours ago, MixuFixit said:


Yes; absolutely.

I'm not defending Macron at all. The role of facebook, and specifically facebook, in accelerating these riots is what I think is of concern.


Edit: actually on the substance of these riots, rise in diesel taxation, I am defending Macron. But he can git tae with all his labour and pension reforms.

Looking at one consumption tax in isolation of all other economic factors is utterly pointless.

We need action on climate change but diesel can't be treated like tobacco and taxed out of use. People in rural France need their cars to work and to go about their lives. Jacking up taxes without providing any alternative methods of transport, income support or changing work patterns to alter commuting won't be at all effective and will simply result in what we see now: people becoming miserable and angry.

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