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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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On 07/06/2019 at 00:37, The_Kincardine said:


Love your impassioned posts and loving the pair of you learning from Brexit and the biggest lesson we must learn is not to repeat the massive mistake of the 2016 poll of shame when Scotland next goes to the ballot box re Independence.  What Brexit has shown us is that a binary poll is the path of idiots and that the electorate need to know much more about what the possible outcomes are.

So for any future Independence referendum we have to go to the polls knowing what the future deal will be between New Scotland and rUK and also between New Scotland and the EU.  If we don't then we'll be in the same hellhole we're in now.

We'll have referendum that show deals  A. B, C D, E, F etc . The entire show would need a team of professionals to work it out. And we know how these professional people are. Complete Fuc*kwits. But I like 'em.

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10 minutes ago, Loondave1 said:
13 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:
I'm distraught. Anyway. Hopefully BoJo is our new PM. Help us towards independence. 

1st part correct probably 2nd part I wouldn't bet on. Another "magic bullet" scenario.

It won't come overnight. It will happen eventually I believe, but it will be a hard slog.

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I’ve repeatedly said that there will not be a No Deal Brexit; there is simply insufficient support in Westminster for it.  That said the inability of MPs to stop it is looking more real than before.

There is also a growing feeling of exasperation from the other EU countries.  I’m fairly certain a further unconditional extension will not be granted.

Despite all my concerns about the impact of No Deal there’s a part of me that would now like to see this and to witness the impact of the consequences on the Tories, Farrage and their Gammon supporters.


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5 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’ve repeatedly said that there will not be a No Deal Brexit; there is simply insufficient support in Westminster for it.  That said the inability of MPs to stop it is looking more real than before.

There is also a growing feeling of exasperation from the other EU countries.  I’m fairly certain a further unconditional extension will not be granted.

Despite all my concerns about the impact of No Deal there’s a part of me that would now like to see this and to witness the impact of the consequences on the Tories, Farrage and their Gammon supporters.


The thing is, a No Deal Brexit is the default position come 31st October unless we revoke Article 50. 

I still can't see how we get to a deal before then no matter who is the PM. 

Boris is going big on leaving the EU by the 31st October, so for me a No Deal just got real

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Just now, Colkitto said:

The thing is, a No Deal Brexit is the default position come 31st October unless we revoke Article 50. 

I still can't see how we get to a deal before then no matter who is the PM. 

Boris is going big on leaving the EU by the 31st October, so for me a No Deal just got real

I’m not being flippant but it’s  the default position until it isn’t.  If Parliament can find a mechanism to stop it they will.  Despite the vote on the motion earlier in the week I believe there is still a clear majority of MPs who want to avoid No Deal at all costs.

For many of them it is for reasons of self preservation.  Any MP who allows us to crash out of the EU without a deal will have nowhere to hide.

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Highlandmagyar is not a Britnat anymore, he came over to the good side few weeks back.
Still waiting for you Loon...
Keep whispering your sweet nothings JLD. At the moment I'm kinda hoping for a mental No Deal followed by apocalyptic chickens coming home to roost and exposing Bojo and the rest of the gammons. Ideally a Labour rainbow coalition takes over and really set's the heather alight. Some may call me a dreamer..
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12 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

Regardless of how much damage No Deal will cause, do you really think the gammons will blame themselves, Boris or anyone else rather than the EU foreigners?

Absolutely this.  The eventual catastrophe of a No Deal will be blamed on the government of the day by the raging Brexiteers who caused it.  x10 if it happens to be a Labour government holding the ball.

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Absolutely this.  The eventual catastrophe of a No Deal will be blamed on the government of the day by the raging Brexiteers who caused it.  x10 if it happens to be a Labour government holding the ball.


If the phrase “unelected European beaurocrats” isn’t used heavily when apportioning blame by the gammon brigade, I’ll be absolutely fucking stunned.


Coincidentally, I’ve always loved use of the phrase by people who think nothing of the UK having the House of Lords and an actual fucking monarchy in it.

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