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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m not being flippant but it’s  the default position until it isn’t.  If Parliament can find a mechanism to stop it they will.  Despite the vote on the motion earlier in the week I believe there is still a clear majority of MPs who want to avoid No Deal at all costs.

For many of them it is for reasons of self preservation.  Any MP who allows us to crash out of the EU without a deal will have nowhere to hide.

Think many MP's will also be looking at the rise of the Brexit party and how well they were endorsed at the EU elections. Self preservation may mean not stopping Brexit.

Comes October we will still have the same choices to make as we do now and I have no idea how this will go - extension? revoke? no deal? 

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37 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

Regardless of how much damage No Deal will cause, do you really think the gammons will blame themselves, Boris or anyone else rather than the EU foreigners?




24 minutes ago, Estragon said:

Absolutely this.  The eventual catastrophe of a No Deal will be blamed on the government of the day by the raging Brexiteers who caused it.  x10 if it happens to be a Labour government holding the ball.

We live in a country where majority governments are elected by a minority of people.  Even within that minority there will be people who are not sycophants.

If a Tory PM takes us out of the EU on a No Deal scenario he will be lucky to garner support from 30% of the population.  That will lead to electoral annihilation.



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3 minutes ago, Colkitto said:

Think many MP's will also be looking at the rise of the Brexit party and how well they were endorsed at the EU elections. Self preservation may mean not stopping Brexit.

Comes October we will still have the same choices to make as we do now and I have no idea how this will go - extension? revoke? no deal? 

The thing is most MPs are not total cretins/zealots. (I know some will disagree with that statement).

Lots of very pro-Tory organisations an individuals in banking and business are making it clear how disasterous No Deal will be.

Pontificating and playing to the audience is one thing; actually pulling the plug knowing that it’s almost certainly going to result in chaos is another.

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Johnson is obviously an lying, mendacious arsehole but that may be the only thing that can get the tories out of this hole.

The problem that May faced throughout her tenure was to try and find a version of Brexit that was restrained enough to not damage british business but  crazy enough to satisfy the Gammon hordes. 

Rather than endlessly trying to square a circle Boris Johnson is the kind of man who could simply tell people to their face that a circle is  a square.




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Keep whispering your sweet nothings JLD. At the moment I'm kinda hoping for a mental No Deal followed by apocalyptic chickens coming home to roost and exposing Bojo and the rest of the gammons. Ideally a Labour rainbow coalition takes over and really set's the heather alight. Some may call me a dreamer..

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6 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I’ve repeatedly said that there will not be a No Deal Brexit; there is simply insufficient support in Westminster for it.  That said the inability of MPs to stop it is looking more real than before.

There is also a growing feeling of exasperation from the other EU countries.  I’m fairly certain a further unconditional extension will not be granted.

Despite all my concerns about the impact of No Deal there’s a part of me that would now like to see this and to witness the impact of the consequences on the Tories, Farrage and their Gammon supporters.


And the innocent poor buggers of the UK?

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Absolutely no part of me wants to see the debacle that would come from a No Deal Brexit.

Agreed, seeing folks on the news losing their jobs etc isnt a nice thing. I’d take absolutely no pleasure from that. Naive people were sold a lie and voted based on lies and their own lack of knowledge. Some people voted based on a sense of exceptionalism and racism but others out of desperation. Nothing to take any pleasure from.
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25 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Johnson claiming that the EU will offer a new deal.  

How often have we heard that claim?

I think he's right tbf.

I can see the EU offering something far worse when they witness the total idiot in charge of this side of negotiations.

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6 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Agreed, seeing folks on the news losing their jobs etc isnt a nice thing. I’d take absolutely no pleasure from that. Naive people were sold a lie and voted based on lies and their own lack of knowledge. Some people voted based on a sense of exceptionalism and racism but others out of desperation. Nothing to take any pleasure from.

I would’ve agreed with the comments in this post a few months ago but I genuinely believe people who voted to Leave, still want to Leave at all costs regardless of the s**t show it will cause socially an economically.

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7 hours ago, zidane's child said:

I would’ve agreed with the comments in this post a few months ago but I genuinely believe people who voted to Leave, still want to Leave at all costs regardless of the s**t show it will cause socially an economically.

I disagree with that.  Remember that the percentage of Leave over Remain was pretty thin.

Enough folk have changed their minds, that’s why the zealots are desperate to avoid a second referendum of any description.


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Having listened/watched a couple of debates recently, I wish I had spent more time in the last year or so listening to or reading European journalists’ views on Brexit.  

Far more analytical, detached and incisive than the sycophantic or distracted views of the MSM.

As an aside just heard Johnson being concisely and accurately being summed up as “a combination of arrogance and laziness”.

I don’t see that changing when he becomes PM but it will be even more obvious.

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While I don't particularly want to see the shitstorm followed by going back grovelling scenario, it does currently seem pretty likely. 

At least the first part does, anyway. I expect that the brexit press that sponsored the whole fiasco will attribute economic armaggedon to anything except brexit (single mothers, grand theft auto, gypsies etc). 

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