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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 hours ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

No, still don't get it.  What Tory is going to approve what he said?

The guy who wants to lead the 'Party of Business' says it's ok for  companies to go tits up  for an idealogical cause. 

Companies that have been started from scratch, found a niche, maybe depended on European trade, planned long term with their budgeting and expansion are now fair game to be sacrificed in order to shoehorn Brexit through by October?

I just want someone to explain how a potential Tory PM can justify such comments. 


They are not the party of business. They are now evolving into the party of right wing nationalists trying to out brexit the Faragists.

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Popular topic of conversation here in the leafy suburbs of Accrington, is the length of time it takes to get an appointment with a doctor or dentist. No prizes for guessing what gets blamed for that.
One thing invariably overlooked is the fact that most of the GP's and dentists practicing in this area are Asian, or of Asian decent. I for one, would hate to see them pack their bags and head back home. 
To Bolton,Halifax and Bradford
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Just imagine a Labour or SNP politician taking such an anti business stand as Hunt has.

They’d be getting crucified by the MSM, CBI, Confederation of Small Businesses, Chambers of Commerce, etc.

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On ‎28‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 15:24, Granny Danger said:

I think MPs and their staff deserve to have holidays but there is something bizarre about Parliament going into recess for six weeks given the Brexit timetable and the fact that a new  PM will be appointed just before the break.

You are missing the point.  We were granted an extension by the EU and Donald Tusk said "Don't waste this time".

Bloody EU telling us what to do!  We will bloody waste this time if we bloody want to!

Take back control.  ;)

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5 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:

(and he said he would)  suspend the payment of the UK's commitment of £39 billion "in creative ambiguity" until the deal was passed.


'Creative Ambiguity',  What a beautiful phrase. What a beautiful 'let's pass the buck and  let us  absolve ourselves of any responsibility or blame for the mess we've created'. 

The guy is an absolute charmer. 

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17 minutes ago, Stinky Bone said:

One of the reasons to get out of the EU was to protect the fishing industry. 

Now that we are leaving, they claim there is money to bail out our fishing and agriculture industries.

Where has all this money came from all of a sudden?  


And if Brexit is so good why do they need bailed out?

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1 minute ago, Tibbermoresaint said:

And if Brexit is so good why do they need bailed out?


Because of the tariffs which will apply in a No Deal Brexit.

Will all our fisherman still vote Tory in the next GE, and still vote to remain in Indyref2?

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1 minute ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Because of the tariffs which will apply in a No Deal Brexit.


So essentially we're paying more tax to give money to fishermen and farmers so they can give it to European governments who can use it to reduce their own people's tax burdens.

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There was someone on here that said they would put the blame on the EU in the event of a no deal.
Whoever you are, you were correct. 
It was me and it's been blatantly obvious it would happen. No way is any of this mess Great Britain's fault! Bloody foreigners.
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5 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Because of the tariffs which will apply in a No Deal Brexit.

Will all our fisherman still vote Tory in the next GE, and still vote to remain in Indyref2?

So Fishermen did not realise what they were voting for in the Brexit Referendum?   

I mean, were they possibly misled?  Perish the thought that Gove could have sweet talked them in the campaign. 

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11 minutes ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

So Fishermen did not realise what they were voting for in the Brexit Referendum?   

I mean, were they possibly misled?  Perish the thought that Gove could have sweet talked them in the campaign. 


And let's not forget Fluffy, however I wouldn't expect him to resign anytime soon.



Edited by ICTJohnboy
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