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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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My original assessment about Labour having a decent chance in 2024, was admittedly based upon a No Deal Brexit, which at the time, appeared to be what we were headed for. 

The Tories however...the most duplicitous but unfortunately also probably most successful political party going (at winning elections anyway) have now been able to set a trap for Labour for the next GE. Either...'vote Labour and have Brexit threatened', or if the gammons are unhappy with the way it pans out- 'no point voting Labour-they backed the deal as well, its the nasty EU  to blame for threatening our Brexit.

They will also be able to ensure with their record borrowing and debt, that Labour couldn't afford any public spending plans.

Unfortunately this 'deal', utter sham though it is, suits Johnson, Mogg, Gove and their hedge fund backers down to the ground.

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3 hours ago, NotThePars said:

The SNP were absolutely correct to vote against a shite deal because it was a shite deal and they were against the whole farce to begin with. 

The 27 countries of the EU want a trade deal with the UK.  That the Scottish Separatists don't is shameful.  So much for the crocodile tears 'keep a light on for us' hypocritical bollocks. 

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Ruthie just realising that the Conservative and Unionist party have just left Northern Ireland inside the EU;s single market, with a border in the sea, and with access to Erasmus and the EHIC, and desperately trying to work out if that means that Northern Ireland isn't really 'part' of the UK after all.

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*Inbetween eating giant mouthfuls of a massive shit sandwich laced with broken glass

'Ha ha, look at the silly nats, look at the clever government man telling them how silly they are'

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Ruthie just realising that the Conservative and Unionist party have just left Northern Ireland inside the EU;s single market, with a border in the sea, and with access to Erasmus and the EHIC, and desperately trying to work out if that means that Northern Ireland isn't really 'part' of the UK after all.
Won't be for long
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11 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

This shot clearly shows the types that are championing Gove.
My Team Rangers

We P&B Bears - the most improved set of fans on the board - would never link our team to our politics.  We're a broad kirk and happily so.

9 minutes ago, btb said:

What's it like to hate yourself so much?

Bit of a weird post.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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The 27 countries of the EU want a trade deal with the UK.  That the Scottish Separatists don't is shameful.  So much for the crocodile tears 'keep a light on for us' hypocritical bollocks. 

What were they supposed to do? Boris has run the clock down so there’s no option except his deal or No deal both are utterly shit for Scotland. Whether you’re a Unionist or Nationalist (Separatists to you) The SNP had 3 options all bad from their point of view.

Vote for it - Everything that goes wrong after 1st Jan due to Brexit they’d be told “well you voted for this deal”

Abstain - would look indecisive and weak

Vote Against it - Unionist will claim they’re against the EU like you’ve just done.

All in all it’s probably the correct decision from them as backing Boris’s deal would allow them to share the blame for every f**k up it causes. It’s like being asked would you like to be slapped in the face by a cod, haddock or trout they’re all not great options.

There was no chance of a No Deal whatever the SNP did as even Larry the Cat knew this vote was passing.
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8 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:


What were they supposed to do? Boris has run the clock down so there’s no option except his deal or No deal both are utterly shit for Scotland. Whether you’re a Unionist or Nationalist (Separatists to you) The SNP had 3 options all bad from their point of view.

Vote for it - Everything that goes wrong after 1st Jan due to Brexit they’d be told “we’ll you voted for this deal”

Abstain - would look indecisive and weak

Vote Against it - Unionist will claim they’re against the EU like you’ve just done.

All in all it’s probably the correct decision from them as backing Boris’s deal would allow them to share the blame for every f**k up it causes. It’s like being asked would you like to be slapped in the face by a cod, haddock or trout they’re all not great options.


The SNP leader is on record as saying that "Any deal is better than no deal" so, of course, the right thing would be to vote for it.

I am as anti-Brexit as any poster on here and, were I in parliament, I'd have voted for the deal as the alternative would be grotesque.

What it shows is that the Natters' pro-EU stance is merely a piece of flim-flam.  

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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:

The SNP leader is on record as saying that "Any deal is better than no deal" so, of course, the right thing would be to vote for it.

I am as anti-Brexit as any poster on here and, were I in parliament, I'd have voted for the deal as the alternative would be grotesque.

The alternative was that Johnson signed the fucking thing using the Royal prerogative.  No deal was not on the table. All this hand wringing over the possibility of no-deal or the SNP voting for no deal was as fake as Fabricant's toupe. You'd have signed for the deal because you're a unionist sheep.


"Parliament has no power to ratify or reject international treaties."

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The SNP leader is on record as saying that "Any deal is better than no deal" so, of course, the right thing would be to vote for it.
I am as anti-Brexit as any poster on here and, were I in parliament, I'd have voted for the deal as the alternative would be grotesque.
What it shows is that the Natters' pro-EU stance is merely a piece of flim-flam.  

No you’re looking at it with a let’s bash the SNP hat on which is fair enough as you’re a pro Union person. The SNPs biggest arsenal is Westminster decisions are bad for Scotland. If Sturgeon backs this deal she would not be able to criticise the fallout and negative impacts of the deal as she’s endorsed the deal by voting for it. The SNP are pro EU but backing the deal would be suicide politically.
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