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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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51 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I wonder if the great minds of the P&B politics forum can map out what happens next.  Preferably one stage at a time.

1.  Chequers, or nothing resembling Chequers, will be accepted by the EU as it breaches the four freedoms of the Single Market.  Anyone disagree with that?

2.  Assuming no one disagrees the ball is back in the U.K. court; what’s the next step?

a) May resigns, then...

b) It is tossed back to the U.K. Parliament, then....

c) ?


Brexit isnt happening. It never was.

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The UK getting  absolutely telt by the entire EU is delicious.
A highlight - Dutch PM: Netherlands is more prepared than UK for No Deal.
It's terrific. Everyone with half a brain has known how this would play out for months, yet Brexiteers are still absolutely seething at the EUs totally predictable refusal to tolerate May's piss poor attempt at a deal. The #scenes over the next few months are going to be something else.
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The future of the economy of both Scotland and the rest of the U.K. is in Corbyn’s hands and I am not confident about his ability to handle it.

If Labour came out in favour of a Customs Union and/or second Referendum whilst asking the EU to extend the Article 50 withdrawal date I think there would be enough support in Parliament to get that through.

May would be screwed and the Hard Brexiteers even more so.


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What gets me is that we were told we have this amazing sales team - a deal with the EU will be no problem at all and then we have some smashing deals with the rest of the world too!

Okay.  No deal with the EU it seems.

What next?  "Let's strike a deal with India and China."
"Oh, no.  They want things that we can't agree to.  No Deal."
"The Philippines, Thailand, Papua New Guinea.  Awkward buggers, bloody foreigners, don't they know who we are?"

"Okay, no deal with anyone.  So what?  The world needs us more than we need the world.  Let them suffer."

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You live for times like this - a PM in utter humiliation with nowhere to turn. Heading towards a cliff edge and taking everyone with her.

No deal Brexit, impossible to solve Irish border issue, knives out for the tory conference and the troublesome Scots making noises about indyref2.

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The Shit Storm continues to rage, but let’s be fair here, if the U.K. Government are making an arse of negotiating an exit deal, the EU aren’t faring much better. The Constitution of the EU allows a member nation to leave under article 50 yet they are just as culpable for being unable/unwilling to prepare a deal that serves the interests of both parties (as is possible).
Isn’t that the whole premise of a negotiated settlement, that both sides are at least relativity happy with the outcome? The EU’s posturing, with Tusk and Barnier strutting the stage is as unhelpful as May’s pitiful fumbling.

She should bite the bullet now, and announce that the final arrangement made with the EU in Oct/Nov, will be offered to the electorate.
Her argument is that; ‘it is clear we cannot agree across a Parliament the best way to fulfil the outcome of the referendum, we therefore return the final decision to you the voters. Are you happy to leave with the deal we have arrived at (including no deal), or would you prefer to retain our current terms and conditions of EU Membership’?

Get it done!! Where there’s a will there’s a way to enable this. At least the electorate will have a much clearer picture and the facts to study and decide upon this time around. Not the bare faced lies they were fed before.

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39 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:

A perfect snapshot of both a Trump voter and a Farage fan boy Brexiteer in one FB thread emoji38.png


Things are worse than I thought - the British economy is only the sixth British economy in the world :o.

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The Shit Storm continues to rage, but let’s be fair here, if the U.K. Government are making an arse of negotiating an exit deal, the EU aren’t faring much better. The Constitution of the EU allows a member nation to leave under article 50 yet they are just as culpable for being unable/unwilling to prepare a deal that serves the interests of both parties (as is possible).
Isn’t that the whole premise of a negotiated settlement, that both sides are at least relativity happy with the outcome? The EU’s posturing, with Tusk and Barnier strutting the stage is as unhelpful as May’s pitiful fumbling.

She should bite the bullet now, and announce that the final arrangement made with the EU in Oct/Nov, will be offered to the electorate.
Her argument is that; ‘it is clear we cannot agree across a Parliament the best way to fulfil the outcome of the referendum, we therefore return the final decision to you the voters. Are you happy to leave with the deal we have arrived at (including no deal), or would you prefer to retain our current terms and conditions of EU Membership’?

Get it done!! Where there’s a will there’s a way to enable this. At least the electorate will have a much clearer picture and the facts to study and decide upon this time around. Not the bare faced lies they were fed before.
I have to disagree with your first paragraph tbh. The UK chose to leave, the EU can't be seen to be giving it a good deal as will only serve to encourage right-leaning politicians in other countries to follow a similar course. In short the EU Bloc owes the UK nothing and shouldn't have to put itself in jeopardy to satiate the bizarre mix of racist and imperialistic fantasies of fuckwitted voters in the UK. May is a complete shambles of a politician, further hamstrung by her absolute cowardice in failing to stand up to wankers like JRM and BoJo even once.

Agree with the rest of your post, however that will require May to show some backbone, so there is absolutely zero chance of it happening.

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