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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Good to see H_B doing his usual “running around like a clown in a minefield”here, throwing out random stats that he doesn’t understand and can’t contextualise. Next he’ll be telling us (again) that the Euro will collapse.

I’m not sure H_B was the purchaser of the Northern Rock shares though. I think that was Fast Action. Could explain why when he is accused of being H_B, he denies buying shares.

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So I went and told them about my idea and they said my idea was rubbish and I said no it is not rubbish and they said yes it is and they were just mean to me and I said I still want to be friends with them but I don't want to be in their gang and they said No and they were not very nice and they were just really mean to me and I said I still wanted to play together but I don't like their rules and they said No and I said I was just trying to be friends but they were just really mean to me ...

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FFS, They'll be calling up Dads Army by November at this rate. Time for Scotland to tell it's petulant neighbour to bolt.

I’m convinced that a seriously high percentage of Express readers would enjoy nothing more than another war. A war of course where they could stay in the Home Counties, and see all their grandchildren killed.

That front page is terrifying. We now live in a post-truth world.
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FFS, They'll be calling up Dads Army by November at this rate. Time for Scotland to tell it's petulant neighbour to bolt.
It's like having a larger conjoined twin with special needs in control of where you wind up going. No easy answers on what to do next on a rational level when a hard border at the Solway and Tweed would be involved, but can understand the visceral level appeal of independence right now as the way to get back into the EU pronto and leave these imbeciles to their delusions of an imperial twilight.
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23 minutes ago, Ross Forbes said:

That front page is terrifying. We now live in a post-truth world.

This was my first thought. The editors of those papers know their readership. People will swallow it in droves.

And we voted to anchor ourselves to this.

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24 minutes ago, Ross Forbes said:

I’m convinced that a seriously high percentage of Express readers would enjoy nothing more than another war. A war of course where they could stay in the Home Counties, and see all their grandchildren killed.

That front page is terrifying. We now live in a post-truth world.

They think they're fighting WWII again. These right wing newspapers are doing more harm to us than they realise.    

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Good to see H_B doing his usual “running around like a clown in a minefield”here, throwing out random stats that he doesn’t understand and can’t contextualise. Next he’ll be telling us (again) that the Euro will collapse.

I’m not sure H_B was the purchaser of the Northern Rock shares though. I think that was Fast Action. Could explain why when he is accused of being H_B, he denies buying shares.
Fast Action was the main protagonist and iirc lost thousands. H_B dived into the thread later on and invested less, but made shitloads of posts about how good an investment opportunity it was. Isn't it still in Gold?
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Despite the populist editorials, I still think that a new vote would overturn the previous decision.

That is the only thing that will save the economy from tanking.

If Brexit goes ahead the like of May, Johnson and Rees Mogg won’t suffer but millions will.


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40 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:
3 hours ago, Wee Bully said:
Good to see H_B doing his usual “running around like a clown in a minefield”here, throwing out random stats that he doesn’t understand and can’t contextualise. Next he’ll be telling us (again) that the Euro will collapse.

I’m not sure H_B was the purchaser of the Northern Rock shares though. I think that was Fast Action. Could explain why when he is accused of being H_B, he denies buying shares.

Fast Action was the main protagonist and iirc lost thousands. H_B dived into the thread later on and invested less, but made shitloads of posts about how good an investment opportunity it was. Isn't it still in Gold?

Fair enough.  he is enough of a fucktrumpet to have done that!

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30 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

I think the penny will only drop for some of the fuds when Nigel F@ckwit from Shitechester has to apply for his first ETIAS visa.

No more holidays in Benidorm or Salou for you:lol:

Why do folk talk about that as if its like escaping from east Germany?  That's how a lot of countries do things now and it seems fairly simple.  only the super paranoid yanks give regular  folk any grief when applying.

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10 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Why do folk talk about that as if its like escaping from east Germany?  That's how a lot of countries do things now and it seems fairly simple.  only the super paranoid yanks give regular  folk any grief when applying.

Given that most of the drooling simpletons who voted to leave the EU did so because of either "Johnny Foreigner" or "Straight Bananas", it's a fair bit they'll be absolutely seething at being slightly inconvenienced by having to complete a form and paying a nominal extra sum of money. 

On another note, does a No Deal scenario endanger the british immigrants to Spain's costas? Because I'd find that pretty funny. 

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Despite the populist editorials, I still think that a new vote would overturn the previous decision.

That is the only thing that will save the economy from tanking.

If Brexit goes ahead the like of May, Johnson and Rees Mogg won’t suffer but millions will.


Both main parties don't want a vote so there's not likely to be one.

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Cant remember what thread I recently posted in regarding stupid phrases only a fanny would utter.

Anyway, my submission then was "Don't mistake kindness for weakness".

Step forward Jeremy Hunt, nasty piece of work and future mainstay of rhyming slang, to prove my point.

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1 hour ago, doulikefish said:

Things must be bad.The daily record has actually let this be printed todayFB_IMG_1537608081924.jpg

It's a decent letter, but I'm not really liking "clueless" and "never had the slightest clue" in the same sentence. That's basically saying the same thing twice. 

I'd replace "clueless" with "cuntfaced". 

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3 hours ago, Ross Forbes said:

I’m convinced that a seriously high percentage of Express readers would enjoy nothing more than another war. A war of course where they could stay in the Home Counties, and see all their grandchildren killed.

That front page is terrifying. We now live in a post-truth world.

They're absolutely aching for it. They've totally glorified and romanticised it, when in reality they have no idea about the real horrors of war.

As I said before, these dicks wanks over the wars and all the jingoism attached to it, yet are mad drooling xenophobes and racists. They don't seem to understand that a large part of the war was fighting xenophobia and racism. They seem to think it was some sort of glorious old jolly that taught Johnny Foreigner a lesson and that only England fought in it.

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