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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

They never said it behind closed doors, they simply said it more subtly; but it was always out in the open.

I’m not sure what’s more disturbing:  1. the politicians who have always understood this but chose to lie about it because it didn’t suit their agendas; 2. The politicians who understood it but were stupid or naive enough to think they could change the EU position; or 3. the politicians who simply didn’t understand it in the first place.


David Davis, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Andrea Leadsom, Liam Fox.

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Is anyone any clearer after their conference where Labour is with Brexit:

  • Any peoples vote will not include a remain option - Shadow Chancellor
  • Yes it will! - deputy leader
  • Conference votes to support a peoples vote, maybe?
  • Party leader - we are keeping all options open
  • Conference rejects Chequers and no deal
  • Party leader says he will support May if she gets a good deal

On another topic:

  • Leader of the branch office - we will categorically rule out another indyref and promote a federal solution
  • Party Leader - I will consider allowing another indyref

Do any of them know what the other is doing and can Corbyn remember today what he said yesterday???


Edited by Tonsilitis
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4 minutes ago, Tonsilitis said:

Is anyone any clearer after their conference where Labour is with Brexit:

  • Any peoples vote will not include a remain option - Shadow Chancellor
  • Yes it will! - deputy leader
  • Conference votes to support a peoples vote, maybe?
  • Party leader - we are keeping all options open
  • Conference rejects Chequers and no deal
  • Party leader says he will support May if she gets a good deal

On another topic:

  • Leader of the branch office - we will categorically rule out another indyref and promote a federal solution
  • Party Leader - I will consider allowing another indyref

Do any of them know what the other is doing and can Corbyn remember today what he said yesterday???


In the 2017 GE, people voted Tory for their manifesto on Brexit. I think if Labour want to be serious about getting into power, they have to appeal to this type of voter, whilst also respecting the Referendum result and also the wishes of their members who want a stop to Brexit/fresh vote on membership.

I don't know who is advising Labour on this policy (quite possibly Seumas Milne), it's either mental or it makes sense in a bizarre way.



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In the 2017 GE, people voted Tory for their manifesto on Brexit. I think if Labour want to be serious about getting into power, they have to appeal to this type of voter, whilst also respecting the Referendum result and also the wishes of their members who want a stop to Brexit/fresh vote on membership.
I don't know who is advising Labour on this policy (quite possibly Seumas Milne), it's either mental or it makes sense in a bizarre way.

Everyone affiliated with Momentum is in a group chat with Seamus Milne. Haven’t you been paying attention to the media?
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19 minutes ago, Tonsilitis said:

Is anyone any clearer after their conference where Labour is with Brexit:

Do any of them know what the other is doing and can Corbyn remember today what he said yesterday???


They firstly want a General Election and if they win they will extend A50 and reopen negotiations.

If May brings back a deal that meets the 6 tests they will back it (that's nearly impossible)

If May brings back a deal that doesn't pass the house and there is no prospect of a GE they will support a YES/NO vote on the deal. If the public reject the deal then there has to be a GE.

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17 minutes ago, Detournement said:

They firstly want a General Election and if they win they will extend A50 and reopen negotiations.

If May brings back a deal that meets the 6 tests they will back it (that's nearly impossible)

If May brings back a deal that doesn't pass the house and there is no prospect of a GE they will support a YES/NO vote on the deal. If the public reject the deal then there has to be a GE.

How do they get a General Election, and also, is extending article 50 and re-opening negotiations party policy (and would the EU go for it)?

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They get a GE by parliament rejecting her deal and May calling an election. I don't think it will happen and i'm fairly certain Mogg and Boris will back her at the last minute as they won't risk No Brexit.

Extending A50 and re-opening talks is the party policy. Thornberry has been quite clear on that "We need to extend Article 50 and essentially turn up in Europe and say 'the grown-ups have turned up now'."



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5 minutes ago, Detournement said:

They get a GE by parliament rejecting her deal and May calling an election. I don't think it will happen and i'm fairly certain Mogg and Boris will back her at the last minute as they won't risk No Brexit.

Extending A50 and re-opening talks is the party policy. Thornberry has been quite clear on that "We need to extend Article 50 and essentially turn up in Europe and say 'the grown-ups have turned up now'."



But it's not actually official policy? it's just something Emily Thornberry said, alongside a cacaphony of other senior members all contradicting each other?

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I don't think anyone is contradicting anyone.

McDonnell was clear that vote on Chequers this parliament would be on the deal. Starmer said a vote to remain isn't explicitly ruled out in the event of a Labour government but it's not their immediate policy.

What McDonnell is saying is just common sense as if there is another vote this Parliament then May will write the question.

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2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I don't think anyone is contradicting anyone.

McDonnell was clear that vote on Chequers this parliament would be on the deal. Starmer said a vote to remain isn't explicitly ruled out in the event of a Labour government but it's not their immediate policy.

What McDonnell is saying is just common sense as if there is another vote this Parliament then May will write the question.

So extending A50 is official policy, Corbyn has said so, it's written down on an official policy document somewhere?

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11 minutes ago, renton said:

So extending A50 is official policy, Corbyn has said so, it's written down on an official policy document somewhere?

The conference motion describes what they will do in opposition. If a GE is called then a manifesto will be published. Corbyn and Thornberry have repeatedly said a Labour government will extend and negotiate.

Extending A50 with the Tories in government is an entirely different question.

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2 hours ago, Detournement said:

Extending A50 and re-opening talks is the party policy. Thornberry has been quite clear on that "We need to extend Article 50 and essentially turn up in Europe and say 'the grown-ups have turned up now'."

I would have thought many people were now a bit more wary of promises based on assuming the EU will do what you imagine they could do for you just to be nice. 

Given the chaotic clusterfarce of current Labour policy on Europe, I am not sure how many pro EU voters will want to line up behind a life long Brexiter and has chums on the hope they have their ducks lined up behind the daily switches in policy. 


Edited by dorlomin
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The EU have red lines, however I could see them extending the Article 50 deadline if they thought there was any chance of a more acceptable outcome, eg the U.K. saying in the customs union.

The European Court is also about to rule on whether the U.K. needs the agreement of the 27 to withdraw Article 50.  If the ruling is that such agreement is not required I could see a legislative change pronto.


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They get a GE by parliament rejecting her deal and May calling an election. I don't think it will happen and i'm fairly certain Mogg and Boris will back her at the last minute as they won't risk No Brexit.
Extending A50 and re-opening talks is the party policy. Thornberry has been quite clear on that "We need to extend Article 50 and essentially turn up in Europe and say 'the grown-ups have turned up now'."
Labour have already had the chance to force a no confidence motion on TM's Govt,and force a GE. Blew it big time if i recall correctly.
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6 minutes ago, jakedee said:
3 hours ago, Detournement said:
They get a GE by parliament rejecting her deal and May calling an election. I don't think it will happen and i'm fairly certain Mogg and Boris will back her at the last minute as they won't risk No Brexit.
Extending A50 and re-opening talks is the party policy. Thornberry has been quite clear on that "We need to extend Article 50 and essentially turn up in Europe and say 'the grown-ups have turned up now'."

Labour have already had the chance to force a no confidence motion on TM's Govt,and force a GE. Blew it big time if i recall correctly.

What’s the details of that?


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5 hours ago, renton said:

How do they get a General Election, and also, is extending article 50 and re-opening negotiations party policy (and would the EU go for it)?

All 27 member states have to agree to an extension or the clock simply runs down to zero and there is a no deal Brexit. It's all just posturing from Labour. If a deal doesn't get done next month that can be voted through at Westminster with cross-party support this is heading straight over the cliff, so sadly it's all about the general election that is going to follow that at some point rather than averting the associated economic meltdown.

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