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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

There’s almost a satisfying irony in the DUP saying May might have to go.  I hope the stupid bint cries herself to sleep every night at the thought of the GE she called.


The stupid Tory freakshow thought it could out-evil a bunch of sectarian bigots and is probably unable to understand not being able to just throw more money at them to make them do its bidding. 

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11 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Ruth Davidson and Fluffy threatening to resign over TM brexit plans over fears it strengthens the indy argument.

Hard brexit all but inevitable, saw it coming personally.

Fluffy actually taking a stand on something :lol:


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6 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

With so many lining up to put the boot into Theresa May it's now hard to see anything other than No Deal as the most likely outcome.

If that happens there will never be a better incentive for Nicola to trigger Indy2.

Parliament allowing a NoDeal Brexit would be the biggest dereliction of duty in modern times and the most bizarre collective game of chicken played by a group of U.K. politicians.

I think if that scenario looked likely Brecow would determine that May’s statement to the HoC was substantive and accept amendments.


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With so many lining up to put the boot into Theresa May it's now hard to see anything other than No Deal as the most likely outcome.
If that happens there will never be a better incentive for Nicola to trigger Indy2.
In the light of this unfolding political madness I now expect the UK business community to take of the gloves big style, with powerful effect. I simply cannot believe that the boss of Nissan, for example, will tolerate a set of religious bigots whose calendar stopped in 1690, and a cabal of ultra right-wing nutters to seriously prejudice the economy.
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23 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Parliament allowing a NoDeal Brexit would be the biggest dereliction of duty in modern times and the most bizarre collective game of chicken played by a group of U.K. politicians.

I think if that scenario looked likely Brecow would determine that May’s statement to the HoC was substantive and accept amendments.



13 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
33 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:
With so many lining up to put the boot into Theresa May it's now hard to see anything other than No Deal as the most likely outcome.
If that happens there will never be a better incentive for Nicola to trigger Indy2.

In the light of this unfolding political madness I now expect the UK business community to take of the gloves big style, with powerful effect. I simply cannot believe that the boss of Nissan, for example, will tolerate a set of religious bigots whose calendar stopped in 1690, and a cabal of ultra right-wing nutters to seriously prejudice the economy.


Still find it hard to envisage any other outcome at this stage, although one would hope the calls for another referendum, or so called peoples vote, on a No Deal would be impossible to resist.



Edited by ICTJohnboy
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1 minute ago, ICTJohnboy said:



Still find it hard to envisage any other outcome at this stage, although one would hope the calls for another referendum, or so called peoples vote, on a No Deal would be impossible to resist.



Despite all the bravado the Tories will look after their self interest.  The electoral impact on them of a No Deal Brexit would reflect the catastrophic nature of us crashing out the EU.

The only way they could mitigate that would be to give the decision back to the people and beg an extension of Article 50 to allow the time for that to happen.  I reckon the EU would be sympathetic depending on the wording of the second vote and the inclusion of a Remain option in it.


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12 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Seriously second rate ‘journalism’ which is not surprising given the publication.  A political non-entity spouting what he “believes” without giving any tangible reasons for this “belief”.

10 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

I have faith in the PM, if we just remain strong and stable... oh wait.

As you say a no deal brexit would be disastrous as would allowing the trio of c***s into power.  A nation with Mogg, Bojo and Davis calling the shots .  Crikey.

The “strong and stable” quote should be thrown in her face by EVERY opposition politician at EVERY opportunity during Brexit discussion (and the Budget if it falls apart). 

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Despite all the bravado the Tories will look after their self interest.  The electoral impact on them of a No Deal Brexit would reflect the catastrophic nature of us crashing out the EU.
The only way they could mitigate that would be to give the decision back to the people and beg an extension of Article 50 to allow the time for that to happen.  I reckon the EU would be sympathetic depending on the wording of the second vote and the inclusion of a Remain option in it.
The problem is that although I think your right and it would make their electoral votes look bleak, the initial impact could be worse on some careers. The people who select Tory MPs represent a very very small part of the population and are more radical on these issues. It might be the case that a lot of them are in a situation where their political aspirations are killed by a compromise and defying 'dhh will of the peepel'.

I suppose as well that there's a route to fighting another election anyway. It's all hypothetical but Corbyn's stance on Brexit us perceived to be very similar to May's (which is of a fantasy deal) and I could see the thinking that they could pin an equal amount of shite on him. Corbyn outperformed expectations last time round and has some skillets but he's pretty much level in head to head opinion polls with May who is one of the least popular party leaders I can remember and who will be turfed out anyway.

Make a cluster f**k of it and then blaming it all in the EU could possibly be a successful strategy. That's terrifying but the average voter is thick as f**k.
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46 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Seriously second rate ‘journalism’ which is not surprising given the publication.  A political non-entity spouting what he “believes” without giving any tangible reasons for this “belief”.

An MEP for 34 years, so only a non-entity because the European parliament was ignored by the British media due to the outdated  imperial twilight attitudes that have got us into this mess. The bit about a convergence in the language used by Arlene F and Barnier is worth watching. Still think this is going over the edge of the cliff due to Corbyn's hard left agenda and Rees-Mogg and co's far right one, but good to see a glimmer of hope.

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1 minute ago, John Lambies Doos said:
9 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:
Some stupid bint on the Andrew Marr show, suggesting that all the government's brexit problems are being created by "men strutting around waving their dicks in the air"

I do that daily but no fucking way am I to blame for Brexit


Yes, and it hasn't gone unnoticed.

Can you put it away now please.

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