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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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36 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

What I can't get my head around is how Boris, Rees Mogg, Davis, etc, seem to believe they can lay it on the line to the EU and somehow come up with something Barnier would accept. The Canada + plan certainly won't achieve that.

They don't - they rightly believe that there are enough simpleton fuckwits in England that will lap up their shite and when it fails blame the EU. Then they whip up said simpletons and make their money. The idea that more than about 10% of the "notable" right wing actually believes the utter fucking bollocks they slaver is ludicrous. It's all to line their own pockets, whether it's Rees-Mogg or that wee w**k that lives in his maw's basement papping out Youtube videos.

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There are ongoing reports on a number May’s cabinet “colleagues” holding meetings amongst themselves to decide if and when to resign.

How can she have any credibility in the eyes of other EU leaders when it is obvious that she has no control over her own government?



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1 hour ago, John Lambies Doos said:

No more meetings before Wednesdays summit, Macron on record saying he won't attend a November summit unless draft agreed this week. If politicians told the truth it's a no deal but of course there will no doubt be a fudge brewing

The problem is that both of the possible fudges will be blocked by the DUP and/or Tory rebels thanks to Corbyn not putting the national interest first with his ridiculous six tests as he cares more about getting a general election than anything else. If you are looking at it from the EU's standpoint it's now time to prepare for no deal because there appears to be noone at Westminster to negotiate with who can steer an acceptable deal through parliament.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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10 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

The problem is that both of the possible fudges will be blocked either by the DUP and/or Tory rebels thanks to Corbyn not putting the national interest first with his ridiculous six tests as he cares more about getting a general election than anything else. If you are looking at it from the EU's standpoint it's now time to prepare for no deal because there appears to be noone at Westminster to negotiate with who can steer an acceptable deal through parliament.

It’s a bit harsh to have a go at the leader of the opposition for not doing things in the national interest when the government and the party of government have abandoned the national interest in favour of political manoeuvring months ago.



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12 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

It’s a bit harsh to have a go at the leader of the opposition for not doing things in the national interest when the government and the party of government have abandoned the national interest in favour of political manoeuvring months ago.




He should be presenting some kind of an alternative strategy, Shirley.

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44 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


He should be presenting some kind of an alternative strategy, Shirley.

I’m not suggesting he’s blameless, as leader of the opposition he has responsibilities he’s not meeting.

However I don’t think it’s his job to pull the Tories out of the mess they are in.

Ironically if Corbyn was PM he would not be able to be as evasive as he has been.  I genuinely don’t think Labour could make a worse job of these negotiations than the Tories have done.


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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m not suggesting he’s blameless, as leader of the opposition he has responsibilities he’s not meeting.

However I don’t think it’s his job to pull the Tories out of the mess they are in.

Ironically if Corbyn was PM he would not be able to be as evasive as he has been.  I genuinely don’t think Labour could make a worse job of these negotiations than the Tories have done.



I still say he should be taking some kind of a stance on what is, arguably, the biggest issue that's cropped up in this country since WW2.

Just sitting on the fence muttering that if May's Brexit deal doesn't satisfy 6 tests then they (Labour) will vote against it.

 Hardly a demonstration of strong and inspiring leadership.

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Theresa May has did zilch to build any sort of goodwill or cooperation with Labour, the SNP or the Lib Dem’s. It’s not the responsibility of any of them to dig her out of this hole regardless of some vague notion of the national interest.

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Really can't understand how people are still trying to defend Corbyn on here. His silence during referendum campaign probably led to the brexit majority. An now not standing up with decisiveness in the face of this Tory clusterfuck is outrageous.

The sitting on the fence approach is really getting on my tits - at least have a realistic policy position and not one based on fucking fantasy.
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I don't understand Labours apparent plan to vote down anything and hold out for an election

Fixed Term Parliament Act puts the next GE at May '22 unless:

  • if a motion for an early general election is agreed either by at least two-thirds of the whole House or without division; or
  • if a motion of no confidence is passed and no alternative government is confirmed by the Commons within 14 days.

There would need to be 429 MP's voting for an election (2/3rds) which is absolutely everyone (including the DUP) plus a Third of Tories. So they are hoping for a no confidence vote, if everyone rallies behind someone like Davis in the short term while going "well we tried but the EU wouldn't do a deal". 

The time for either an election or another referendum is passed anyway, is it not? The final rubber stamped deal has to be on the table this week to give the EU27 time to go vote for it. 

I can't see how there's anything other than a no deal heading our way.

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16 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:


The sitting on the fence approach is really getting on my tits - at least have a realistic policy position and not one based on fucking fantasy.

Is their policy not "We want whatever it was the government said about the 6 (?) necessities, and we will vote down everything else"? In other words - no policy.

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What a brilliant speech Nicola's just delivered in London arguing that the only sensible option left in this sorry brexit mess is for the UK to remain in the single market and customs union.

The only UK politician I've seen in recent months talking any sense in this fiasco - sadly she'll just be dismissed my the media and Westminster MP's as mad Nicola who's only interest is in Scottish independence. 

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