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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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3 hours ago, RedRob72 said:

She has nowhere to turn, each and every single compromise (and compromise is what is required irrespective of being a supporter of Brexit or not) has been roundly rejected.
The same tired ‘solutions’ and counter arguments are trotted out repeatedly.
Stay in the Single Market/Customs Union = It’s goes against the result of the vote
Offer a 2nd vote ‘People’s Vote’ = It goes against the democratic vote and will of the people
Have an open border in Northern Ireland = It separates NI from the rest of the U.K.
Break with No Deal = A suicidal option
Just simply postpone Article 50 and stay in the EU for the time being = Again it doesn’t deliver upon what people voted for, ‘Leave Means Leave’
etc..etc.. it goes on and on.

At some point a negotiated compromise has to emerge however unpalatable certain elements may be to those on all sides of the debate. The only real certainty to come of this whole mess was the complexity of the terms of exit. It is impossible to please everyone.

May didn’t want this, and she’s clearly struggled and stumbled throughout.
At least she’s stuck it out though and not simply thrown in the towel to join the shameless band of opportunists who have left the scene previously without any responsibility or consideration as to the consequences of their selfish actions.

She doesn’t have a strong hand at the table but It’s the only one she can play.
With only a few months left to work with, and a huge amount of detail still to resolve, if we accept that we ARE leaving the EU, Parliament should endorse this proposal. The remaining time left before our departure should be spent in fine tuning the agreement to the best possible acceptance of both sides. Leaving the EU was never going to be easy, but it serves neither party to arrive in March still undecided, splintered and fragmented as a Union.
And until someone decides otherwise, (whether in Edinburgh, Belfast or elsewhere) for the time being it is a Union we are.

She's a fucking chancing arsehole. She had a poor hand and made it a lot worse. She called an election and fucked it up.  She called for a red, white and blue Brexit. She produced a manifesto for no customs union. At no point did she attempt to deal with any of the shite being flung now.  

By contrast, people like you are actually asking the likes of Sturgeon not only to produce sensible plans but cast iron guarantees across a range of areas that can only be dealt with after a vote. Well,  May has had since the point Cameron weaselled off in which to set out some sensible plans and negotiations and she has fucked every one of the opportunities available. 

Scotland is looking for a sensible, inclusive transition to independence. It's the polar opposite of that fiasco down south. The difference couldn't be more marked but the flute fraternity would rather see Scotland down the pan than progressive.  

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8 minutes ago, HTG said:

She's a fucking chancing arsehole. She had a poor hand and made it a lot worse. She called an election and fucked it up.  She called for a red, white and blue Brexit. She produced a manifesto for no customs union. At no point did she attempt to deal with any of the shite being flung now.  

By contrast, people like you are actually asking the likes of Sturgeon not only to produce sensible plans but cast iron guarantees across a range of areas that can only be dealt with after a vote. Well,  May has had since the point Cameron weaselled off in which to set out some sensible plans and negotiations and she has fucked every one of the opportunities available. 

Scotland is looking for a sensible, inclusive transition to independence. It's the polar opposite of that fiasco down south. The difference couldn't be more marked but the flute fraternity would rather see Scotland down the pan than progressive.  

I genuinely feel sorry for her. She's not "chancing" anything but just hoping something sticks because she has no other option.

She is against the Brexit Referendum (although her own shit stirring anti-immigration pish led to it so she can own that) and against Brexit and pretty much has to stand for leader of the party to stop one of the basket case right wing xenophobes getting in and, once she is in, she has to try and deliver the impossible Brexit. One that keeps the UKIP loonies happy, less they call it all undemocratic and start a race war or something, one that keeps businesses happy, which isn't really possible with Brexit, and also not completely alienating the majority of her party and half the population who think Brexit is  a fucking nonsense.

Her plans and proposals might all be absolutely shite but we'd never know because her own fucking cabinet, never mind party, shoot down any attempt at compromise and this is even before the EU have had a chance to rip it apart.

She's gonna down as a terrible PM and she knows that (maybe always knew that) while some absolute w****r like Johnson will ride in and use her as the excuse for their own failings and get away with it all.

My sympathies don't last long because she's a Tory arse, of course, but she's a Tory arse being hung out to dry by her party

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14 minutes ago, DigOutYourSoul said:

Would love May to give a "screw this, I'm going home and all the people who've resigned today can deal with it" press conference at 5pm. 

Second option is: She plays "it's my ball and I'm going home" and just quits and takes Brexit with her. That would work, wouldn't it?

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1 minute ago, williemillersmoustache said:

She's responsible for the hostile environment, the decimation of the England and Wales police and judiciary, spent millions fighting the EU to deport someone on the basis of evidence obtained by torture and she knowingly deported hundreds of her own citizens because they were black.

I'm delighted she's about to get eaten alive by her own. Hope it hurts and she looks back on her life with shame.

Agreed but bit harsh to blame Brexit on her.

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5 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

I genuinely feel sorry for her. She's not "chancing" anything but just hoping something sticks because she has no other option.

She is against the Brexit Referendum (although her own shit stirring anti-immigration pish led to it so she can own that) and against Brexit and pretty much has to stand for leader of the party to stop one of the basket case right wing xenophobes getting in and, once she is in, she has to try and deliver the impossible Brexit. One that keeps the UKIP loonies happy, less they call it all undemocratic and start a race war or something, one that keeps businesses happy, which isn't really possible with Brexit, and also not completely alienating the majority of her party and half the population who think Brexit is  a fucking nonsense.

Her plans and proposals might all be absolutely shite but we'd never know because her own fucking cabinet, never mind party, shoot down any attempt at compromise and this is even before the EU have had a chance to rip it apart.

She's gonna down as a terrible PM and she knows that (maybe always knew that) while some absolute w****r like Johnson will ride in and use her as the excuse for their own failings and get away with it all.

My sympathies don't last long because she's a Tory arse, of course, but she's a Tory arse being hung out to dry by her party

She chose that party. She rose up in that party. You might as well pity someone for getting bitten when they’ve actively decided to go diving in a shark tank, in the hopes that they could outbite the sharks. The old boot sold its soul for power despite it being clear that the devil would come to collect its due. Now it’s time to pay, and she deserves anything but sympathy.

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2 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Agreed but bit harsh to blame Brexit on her.

I'm not blaming brexit on her.  I'm saying her time at the Home Office contained so much evil that even producing a Brexit deal with actual unicorns couldn't have saved her soul as PM.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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5 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

She's responsible for the hostile environment, the decimation of the England and Wales police and judiciary, spent millions fighting the EU to deport someone on the basis of evidence obtained by torture and she knowingly deported hundreds of her own citizens because they were black.

I'm delighted she's about to get eaten alive by her own. Hope it hurts and she looks back on her life with shame.

This post certainly didn't miss the mark. :lol:


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1 minute ago, Antlion said:

She chose that party. She rose up in that party. You might as well pity someone for getting bitten when they’ve actively decided to go diving in a shark tank, in the hopes that they could outbite the sharks. The old boot sold its soul for power despite it being clear that the devil would come to collect its due. Now it’s time to pay, and she deserves anything but sympathy.

When that party fucked up entirely, gave us this fucking nonsense of Brexit after fanning the flames and blowing the dogwhistles that caused the jingoistic misplaced pride that led to the leave vote absolutely everyone else in the party shat it and ducked out of the way. Looking at the other options the Tories had at the time I'm glad we got this idiot Maybot trying to find some kind of middle ground.

It's a sad state of affairs that May is, probably, the best PM we could have hoped for from this current lot of Tories. Imagine the state of it if we had, literally, anyone else from their cabinet.

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2 minutes ago, DigOutYourSoul said:

Big Junker saying the EU is "prepared for a No-Brexit Scenario", as well as a "No-deal scenario".

Little jester. 

Juncker, Tusk, Barnier and the gang have come out with these quips on a number of occasions when May is under pressure.


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1 minute ago, LittleDragon said:

Am I right in saying ,the Brexit secretary has resigned to challenge the Government on the Brexit deal he was in charge of?:1eye

Successive Brexit sec’s have had very little to do with Brexit negotiations.

Its the 3rd choice goalkeeper position in the Cabinet.

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1 minute ago, LittleDragon said:

Am I right in saying ,the Brexit secretary has resigned to challenge the Government on the Brexit deal he was in charge of?:1eye



And it tells you all you need to know about these pathetic, fucking little englanders 

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