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The headline - Aleppo battle: UN says 82 civilians shot on the spot

The text - "Yesterday evening, we received further deeply disturbing reports that numerous bodies were lying on the streets," Mr Colville added, while admitting it was hard to verify the reports.

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57 minutes ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

The headline - Aleppo battle: UN says 82 civilians shot on the spot

The text - "Yesterday evening, we received further deeply disturbing reports that numerous bodies were lying on the streets," Mr Colville added, while admitting it was hard to verify the reports.

TBF the UN have also accused the Rebels/Jihadis of shooting civilians who tried to leave. There are no goodies in this war.

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9 hours ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

The headline - Aleppo battle: UN says 82 civilians shot on the spot

The text - "Yesterday evening, we received further deeply disturbing reports that numerous bodies were lying on the streets," Mr Colville added, while admitting it was hard to verify the reports.



"Friendly fire"

Iraqi Army Base Comes Under US Air Raid Again, 90 Soldiers Killed, Over 100 Woundedhttp://bit.ly/2hpAjdu 


Edited by THE KING
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Fantastic post the king,  someone really needs to point this stuff out.  The scariest bit is this



In February 2015, an Iraqi provincial official lashed out at the western countries and their regional allies for supporting Takfiri terrorists in Iraq, revealing that the US airplanes still continue to airdrop weapons and foodstuff for the ISIL terrorists.


"The US planes have dropped weapons for the ISIL terrorists in the areas under ISIL control and even in those areas that have been recently liberated from the ISIL control to encourage the terrorists to return to those places," Coordinator of Iraqi popular forces Jafar al-Jaberi told FNA.


He noted that eyewitnesses in Al-Havijeh of Kirkuk province had witnessed the US airplanes dropping several suspicious parcels for ISIL terrorists in the province.


"Two coalition planes were also seen above the town of Al-Khas in Diyala and they carried the Takfiri terrorists to the region that has recently been liberated from the ISIL control," Al-Jaberi said.


Meantime, Head of Iraqi Parliament's National Security and Defense Committee Hakem al-Zameli also disclosed that the anti-ISIL coalition's planes have dropped weapons and foodstuff for the ISIL in Salahuddin, Al-Anbar and Diyala provinces.


In January 2015, al-Zameli underlined that the coalition is the main cause of ISIL's survival in Iraq.


"There are proofs and evidence for the US-led coalition's military aid to ISIL terrorists through air(dropped cargoes)," he told FNA at the time.



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Not to mention illegal BRITTISH cluster bombs slaughtering civilians in Yemen this week, that cluster bombs we said we stopped selling 6 years ago.

and the US sending 200 special forces to assist the rebels take Raqqa...

from 'ISIS':rolleyes:, and thousands of ISIS leaving Mosul and rolling into Palmyra unchallenged

are we to be outraged again when we see Aleppo take 2 in Raqqa or Palmyra?

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2 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Why on earth is the USA and no doubt UK arming isil?   Can anyone answer that?   Why are journalists not screaming this question at our politicians every day?   Where are all the investigative reporters?   Why is this not being asked in parliament? 

It's business that why.

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36 minutes ago, THE KING said:

Not to mention illegal BRITTISH cluster bombs slaughtering civilians in Yemen this week, that cluster bombs we said we stopped selling 6 years ago.

and the US sending 200 special forces to assist the rebels take Raqqa...

from 'ISIS':rolleyes:, and thousands of ISIS leaving Mosul and rolling into Palmyra unchallenged

are we to be outraged again when we see Aleppo take 2 in Raqqa or Palmyra?

They were old cluster bombs we sold them ages ago. Past their sell by date now and probably quite dangerous.

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On 11/23/2016 at 21:10, Bairnardo said:

They were showing us videos of hostile reconaisance taken by would be terrorists. One of them was in a German xmas market. Genuinely thrilling to watch this c**t filming the people, layout, routes of access/egress etc with the intention of attacking it.


As his neighbours will likely say.. "he was such a quiet man, we never expected he'd do anything like this".

@Bairnardo has recently been promoting violent disorder in a festive crowd situation. He talked of my blood spilling on my shoes, presumably as he beheads me. He has been known to travel to mainland Europe. Only a month ago he was studying videos of murdering people in a German Christmas Market. Let's hand him over, pocket the reward and have a few million Euros in the kitty for a P&B night out. 


Edited by Shandon Par
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