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The Official Former President Trump thread


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3 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

The crowds chanting "Lock her up" at his rallies might be a bit miffed.

tbh I suspect there's going to be a bit of a cult of personality thing going on with Trump, certainly in the first few months of his presidency, which is going to give him a *lot* of free reign:

Trump backs one of his pre-election campaign pledges now that he's in office: "Yes! That's what we elected him for!"

Trump distances himself from one of his pre-election campaign pledges now that he's in office: "Yes! He never really believed what he was saying with that anyway, and was only saying that to win over voters with the shock value - smart move by our canny God Emperor Trump!"

It makes sense considering some of the ridiculous hyperbole he came out with pre-election, but it's going to take a bit of time and more than even broken pledges (a curious by-product of post fact politics?) before we see whether his own voter base starts turning on him. If nothing else his appointments are pretty telling - he's going to be very firmly pro-Russia, for instance, in line with his commitments. I'm curious as to whether the wall is going to be more symbolic than anything else and whether he'll just chuck some money at the border agency and say that's him done.

Truth be told I suspect that Trump didn't believe half the shit he came out with and knew who he was playing to - coupled with corporate interests having an overwhelming influence in policy these days I'm not sure that Trump is going to be a complete disaster. One thing which could determine the legacy of his presidency would be a Sept 11 style terrorist attack - a response which results in even more instability across the world could easily lead to a huge scale war. Then again, I'd say the same thing of a Hillary presidency too...

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Trump is loyal. Based on the occasional things I heard from British politicians on Trump, they were wholly inappropriate things to say about a leading contender in an election fight in an allied democracy. Of course asking the British elite to act any other way than condescending and rude towards American politics would be asking to end a 300 year tradition. Farage said good things about Trump. I'd imagine Trump likes Britain, but doesn't have any more use for the British elites than he does for those in our country. It was a funny way to give a shout out to a guy who was decent to him and stick it to the snobs a bit as well. Fun and games.

It's funny this whole backtracking narrative that the media is running with. First it was that he said he'd keep the good parts of Obamacare, and specifically mentioned letting kids stay on their parents plan until 26 and banning insurers from discriminating based on preexisting conditions as potential parts to keep. The Republican Congress passed new health care laws all through the last 6 years of the Obama Presidency which he vetoed. Every one kept those two exact provisions, but were referred to in the media as repealing Obamacare 100% of the time. Now it's backtracking on repealing Obamacare. Lol. Now we have the alleged backtrack on the Paris climate accord. What he actually said was that he was going to keep an open mind, and then went on for about 5 minutes talking about the Climategate emails, his uncle who was a MIT scientist and global warming skeptic, etc. It really is amazing the spin reporters will put on everything.

Looked up this Richard Spencer guy. Lol. He's leading an army of a couple dozen Nazi hipsters. It's hard to imagine a less intimidating group. 5 hipsters gave a Nazi salute and it's leading international news. Amazing. The funniest thing is that Tila Tequila was apparently at the rally and was giving the Nazi salute. It's funny when old reality stars appear in random places.

4 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

Jerry Falwell Jr. interviewed for an education post.   Good (non existent) lord. 

Oh My God!!!!! Yes! Yes! Yes!

5 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

tbh I suspect there's going to be a bit of a cult of personality thing going on with Trump, certainly in the first few months of his presidency, which is going to give him a *lot* of free reign:


This is probably correct. He ran as a dealmaking business outsider and his base is outside the normal ideological wings of the Republican Party, whether orthodox capitalists, the Christian right, neoconservatives, Washington think tank/media conservatives, etc. My sense is that most people who voted for him are willing to give him wide latitude in the beginning to do what he does.

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^^^ "asking the British elite to behave any other way ..."

Were you sleeping through the years where Thatcher and Blair massaged one presidential ego after another?  No other nation on the planet has toadied up to the US like this country has in the last 35 years. Name of f**k man - if you're going to ramble shite, keep it short. 

People will belittle Trump because he's an arsehole and merits it. 

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6 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump appoints non-White woman as US Ambassador to UN.


Sorry, that should read 'Trump appoints rabid, right-wing, Christian convert, non-White woman as US Ambassador to UN.

If you care, Haley is largely considered a sell out who rode the tea party wave to power then became a completely mainstream Republican. I'd hate if she was put in any serious position, but UN ambassador is a worthless position in a worthless organization that I'm sure Trump will mostly ignore.

And the children of immigrants from non-Christian countries should be celebrated for converting to Christianity.

Edited by Deplorable
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8 minutes ago, Deplorable said:


And the children of immigrants from non-Christian countries should be celebrated for converting to Christianity.

^^^^ My sky fairy is better than your sky fairy.  What a fucking zoomer.

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4 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

^^^^ My sky fairy is better than your sky fairy.  What a fucking zoomer.

Don't particularly care what sky fairy you believe in, but it's nice if kids in my country generally get a somewhat similar cultural grounding at a young age. And basic church experience is included in that culture.

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And the children of immigrants from non-Christian countries should be celebrated for converting to Christianity.

You should adopt a different persona Swampy, this one's getting as boring and predictable as your last one.
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8 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

One thing which could determine the legacy of his presidency would be a Sept 11 style terrorist attack - a response which results in even more instability across the world could easily lead to a huge scale war.

He'll be drawing up the blueprints now from the previous draft...

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At his victory rally Trump gave the backstory to the deal which is keeping the Carrier jobs in Indiana.

After the election Trump was watching tv news. A worker at the Carrier plant was being interviewed about the plant moving to Mexico. The worker said that he wasn't worried because Trump had won the election and he had said the jobs wouldn't be moving. Trump exclaimed to himself that he didn't make that promise. Did I make that promise? I don't remember making that promise. He couldn't remember, but this guy thought he had made the promise. So he called up the CEO and got to work on keeping the jobs in Indiana.

Lol. What a goofball.

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