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Just now, Harambe Legion said:

That there is socially liberal indoctrination is obvious and well documented

Showing that peoples of differing cultures, religions and sexual orientations have equal worth as human beings to on normative group is going to be something people come across in liberal arts colleges. Its called an education.


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51 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

Democrats win the most highly educated and the least educated. Republicans do better with people in the middle.

Democrats win the highest IQ and the lowest IQ voters. Republicans do better with people in the middle.

It's a slippery slope when Democrats brag about winning people with PhDs. They also massively win people with near retarded IQs.

72% of white male voters without college education voted Trump. I'd imagine that includes a serious number of the extremely thick.

Edited by welshbairn
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8 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

That there is socially liberal indoctrination is obvious and well documented.

The more interesting thing is that it is working less and less.

I'm really not sure how social liberalism can be indoctrinated, could you help me with that?

Could you show me how the media, and other communicative structures, who are the main deliverers of any kind of ideaology/indoctrination, do this effectively......and why?

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5 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

"Equal worth as human beings"

2 Moms.jpg



Cynthia Osborne, who is on the UT-Austin faculty along with Regnerus, argued the study was unable to show "whether same-sex parenting causes the observed differences."[1] She also said that "Children of lesbian mothers might have lived in many different family structures, and it is impossible to isolate the effects of living with a lesbian mother from experiencing divorce, remarriage or living with a single parent."[1] Similarly, Gary Gates of the Williams Institute argued that the study's comparison of children of lesbian mothers was a less fair comparison than, for instance, comparing "children of heterosexual or same-sex couples who were raised in similar homes".[1]

Several writers criticized Regnerus' study for classifying children as being raised by gay parents merely if one of their parents ever had a same-sex relationship until the child turned 18.[9][10] Additionally, Regnerus himself acknowledged that other factors might explain the differences observed in his study, including "...a lack of social support for parents, stress exposure resulting from persistent stigma, and modest or absent legal security for their parental and romantic relationship statuses."[11] In the July 2015 issue of Social Science Research, Cheng and Powell reanalyzed the data from Regnerus' study and found numerous potential measurement errors, and concluded that Regnerus' conclusions were due to these errors "and other methodological choices".[12][13]

Allegations of scientific misconduct[edit]

Soon after the paper was published, blogger Scott Rose accused Regnerus of scientific misconduct for two reasons: deviating from ethical standards and possible falsification of his research. An inquiry was later conducted by the University of Texas-Austin which found that no investigation into these charges was warranted.[14] In 2014, the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas-Austin, Randy Diehl asked University of Texas sociologist and associate dean Marc Musick to review the controversy around the NFSS article as part of Regnerus' seventh-year post-tenure evaluation. Musick sympathetically summarized many of the prior criticisms, going on to allege that the survey itself was designed to ensure the conflation of family structure and the parents' same-sex orientation, practically guaranteeing negative results. Musick claimed that non-disclosure of this design flaw in the original article possibly violated University research ethics standards.[15] Regnerus claimed the opposite, that the observed instability was due to social realities, not study design.





Turns out the homophobe is quoting very dodgy research to back up his gay-hate

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17 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

How can't it?

Academia and the entertainment industry would be the main two.

See - http://heterodoxacademy.org/ - to see how politically biased humanities courses are at American universities.


Social liberalism seems like the default position to me, certainly so for those cultures that value familial and community values.  Empathy, if you like.  It's also been, for most of the western states that we discuss here, generally accepted and the outcomes of it, provision for welfare, childcare, education etc... have been provided for by policy by governments, whether right or left.  In the U.K. we certainly have many services which the abolition of would meet with severe social unrest.  Admittedly these are under increasing attack but the services, to this point, remain.

The only "indoctrination" required is to grow up within this society.

Individualism and neo-liberalism require relegation of these support structures to a secondary consideration.  None of us, or very few, grew up as an individual maximising all and everything for ourselves and having no, or little, consideration for the wants and needs of others.

It seems to me, at least, that Neo-liberalism requires a far higher and concerted effort to indoctrinate than a social conscience does.  That seems innate.

I haven't read your link, but I will if I have time.

Edited by Shades75
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Just now, Harambe Legion said:

It's not about listing it as a "positive/negative outcome" but demonstrating a clear correlation between growing up around homosexuals and ending up homosexual.

From what we know (twin studies etc.) homosexuality is mostly determined by environment.

I heard (twin sources etc,) you can catch gayness like a sort of bent-flu.  Fortunately it can be cured with bibles, a flag and lots and lots of Jesus-ing.

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1 hour ago, Harambe Legion said:

That there is socially liberal indoctrination is obvious and well documented.

The more interesting thing is that it is working less and less.


Right wingers seem extremely keen on words like "brainwashing" and "indoctrination". Is it not possible that some people in life are just going to have different opinions to you, rather than there being some sinister conspiracy at play?

17 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

And the civil rights page and every single mention of climate change.

Pretty wild that academic institutions didn't back the guy that doesn't believe basic science huh.

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16 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:
  • What are you talking about here? Social liberalism is an integral part of neo-liberalism. This is clear from the fact that we have become more socially liberal as we have become more neo-liberal. That's why the 8 richest people on the planet are social liberals and 2 own socially liberal newspapers. Why is it an integral part of neo-liberalism? Because they both have the same ideological commitments to individualism. Rich neo-liberals like social liberalism because a society that has religious values, traditional sexuality morality and cohesive communities are less consumerist.

I often feel quite persuaded when the first word of a reply is "nonsense" :-).

I don't agree that social liberalism is an integral part of neo-liberalism.  If some people have hijacked the term to justify some ideaology, well that's to be scrutinised and dissected.

Whilst labels are never, and increasingly so, absolutely clearly defined, neo-liberalism is a reaction to, and in most ways the opposite of, social liberalism.

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3 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

Wow. Controversial academic paper gets some criticism and dishonest wikipedia gives massive weight to the criticism beyond what is normal. 

Yeah mate, its all a conspiracy against the creationist fundamentalist Christians.



Many of these results have been replicated

Any from high impact peer reviewed journals. Or just bollox.

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