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The Official Former President Trump thread


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The pro Trump trolls on here really need to raise their game.  They have no facts or logic to back up their support for the loony; they can't deny his misogyny, sexism racism and xenophobia; they are unable to support his economic, foreign or military policies and can only support his social and taxation policies by accepting that he lied about helping the ordinary American.


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50 minutes ago, Theo Snelders said:

Yeah, but the protest isn't just about women. It's about all marginalised people in society, like the disabled, people of colour, mentally ill, financially disadvantaged, non-christians  etc.

Have you even listened to any of Trump's speeches?

Meaningless protest? Folk might have lost the vote but democracy gives the right to protest. Unless you proscribe to the right wing mantra of " You lost, suck it up"

It's funny how (some) people on the right can't understand anyone being motivated by anything other than self-interest.

"It's not going to affect you personally, so what are you complaining about?" seems to be the argument. What a miserable f*cking existence they must have.

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6 minutes ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

It's funny how (some) people on the right can't understand anyone being motivated by anything other than self-interest.

"It's not going to affect you personally, so what are you complaining about?" seems to be the argument. What a miserable f*cking existence they must have.

The only misery going about is from the likes of you who sees every minority group as current or potential victims.

Plenty of minority groups thrive when they apply themselves properly.

For the genuinely disadvantaged, I can see the point.

But protesting on behalf of the likes of women, coloured people and non-Christians is more about you feeling better about yourself.

Which of us is really motivated by self-interest?


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Trump has apparently told the intelligence community that he's their best bud.  And all that criticism of them, including accusing Brennan of leaking fake news?  Well that was just a conspiracy made up by the media!!!  Yes Donald the media must have literally put words in your mouth.  It renders the phrase "you couldn't make it up" redundant.

His simpleton supporters may be fooled by this 984ish doublespeak, those working in the intelligence community will treat it with the contempt it deserves.


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I understand why people are out protesting. They're worried by an utter loon. But the hyper pc, identity politics and virtue signalling malarkey is one of the main reasons Trump was a success. The left needs a change of tact. What that is I dunno, but maybe a more centrist logical manner is the next step.

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13 minutes ago, McRuffian said:

The only misery going about is from the likes of you who sees every minority group as current or potential victims.

Plenty of minority groups thrive when they apply themselves properly.

For the genuinely disadvantaged, I can see the point.

But protesting on behalf of the likes of women, coloured people and non-Christians is more about you feeling better about yourself.

Which of us is really motivated by self-interest?


Good point. Who are the Trump supporters voting for? Certainly not themselves, rich people voted overwhelmingly for Clinton, and Trump's tax policies will increase taxes for the poor and reduce it massively for the rich. Confused? Trumpets certainly will be.

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7 minutes ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

You try to help educate people, and this is the thanks you get. :rolleyes:


The thanks you get for this type of "education" is Donald Trump sitting in the White House.  


Why do you insist on learning the hard way?

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I'm all for people exercising their First amendment rights and as much as Trump threatens woman's rights IN THE US lets not kid ourselves that the protesters are ethical, virtuous human beings.
They will go back to work on Monday and human rights violations in places like Aleppo will go back to being ignored.

Why do people in the UK care more about a woman's rights in the US than a woman's rights in India?

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No, a combination of a miserable alternative candidate, a crackpot electoral system and a huge number of stupid, credulous voters led to Trump in the White House.

A mixed race person, on a Scottish football forum, two months after the election, telling you that calling people coloured isn't cool these days is probably quite a way down the list.

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Ok, see for the avoidance of doubt, I don't care if it's cool or not.  I also don't care what race you are.  

Your attitude and this horrible fannying about with language has contributed to the increasing contempt many people now feel for the left.  You can deny that it has had any hand in getting Trump into the White House all you like.

I'm right.

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